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Imagine a worst case scenario – the one person you’ve been stuffing deep inside, not able to forgive, but just to stuff, has done it again. The audacity. You can’t even put a price on the damage, the humiliation, the pain, the hours and hours wasted over it so far with no end in sight, and now these painful memories rear their ugly head again. Can you say once and for all, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”? Here’s a much more cheerful thing to ponder: Imagine how incredibly much your whole life would permanently change if you could finally put a lid on that one! I tell you what….you and me ….let’s do it together starting right now. Let’s start with our #1 offender and see him/her as God created him and as Jesus sees him. Can you see him that way right now? Keep trying. I’m trying too. See right through the false picture. They have absolutely no power over you to steal your joy for one more minute. See your offender as separate from those ugly thoughts you’ve been harboring. Don’t imagine any kind of human solution: leave it with God. YOU are the one who gets the real freedom. If you are ‘almost’ feeling glad to have had this long-term, most-disturbing challenge, you are ALREADY HOME FREE. Please, please, please don’t be afraid to CLAIM THIS COMPLETE HEALING PERMANENTLY. DON’T EVER GO BACK. I’M DOING THE SAME THING RIGHT NOW WITH YOU. Amen.

You can heal yourself now!
You can heal yourself now!