RJS: Okay, I’ve been listening to Rupert for hours and everything he said resonated with me big time. Then a barrage of unwanted thoughts came rushing in.
SilentVoice: And you’ve been trying to apply what you’ve heard and get them out and make them stop coming?
RJS: Well … yeah … kinda ….
I don’t like to acknowledge it but yeah.
SilentVoice: Something within is telling you that there’s something terribly wrong with your application especially with regard to your motive. You know you’ve got everything bas-ackwards all over again.
RJS: Yes, I certainly do, but there are these feelings….
SilentVoice: And you want to weed them out as well?
RJS: Sounds ludicrous?
SilentVoice: You betcha! But that’s good news. You forgot which dimension you reside in. Heck, you’ve completely forgotten who and what you are!
RJS: I’m the one doing the seeing, looking from a position of Absolute Immensity. I don’t even have a human mind in all its fragility, desperately trying to get it right – fully and finally. I-Spirit am INSTEAD of all the hypnotism of the world that would try to tell me … anything! I am at once everywhere as pure Spirit. This is what I am dammit. You wanna know what? I DON’T CARE !! I’m done with this stupid flip-flopping around between my realization of Eternal life and the hypnotism that is the world. I’m done with all the hideous presentations of all the multifarious and variegated forms of nothingness. I’ve had it and I’m done.
SilentVoice: How do you feel?
RJS: Home again! I feel like the sky upon which everything real happens – billions of years ago and hence! I don’t feel – I Am!
SilentVoice: And you related all this to Me, your Self.