I often ask myself what I would do if I were in Joel’s Osteen’s shoes. I don’t know how in the world he manages to take care of all the differing interests of his congregation.
If people would just open their eyes, they would see that his role should be and is that of “presenter” – presenting the gospel to the world; but he takes his role one step further, arranging smaller classes and groups to learn more, ask questions and raise issues with people trained in their topics of interest. After all, if Joel were to teach deeply on some special interest, most of the people wouldn’t be able to follow.
Week after week Joel Osteen reaches out to people all over the world. But I especially admire him for occasionally turning over the entire spotlight to his wife, Victoria, (who brilliantly represents the interests of over 50% of the congregation).
The bottom line, I believe, of the reason behind all the criticism and abuse leveled against this remarkable pastor can be summed up in one word: jealousy. Jealousy is a killer and will take down anyone in its tracks. Let’s deprive this impersonal enemy of even a pretense of credibility.