The Kingdom is here!I think a lot of the confusion and difference of opinion about the Gospel lies in the fact that most teach a different Gospel than what Jesus and Paul taught! Paul spoke on this. Here is how I see it. Jesus came to restore what Adam caused to go wrong. He taught how to live on earth in His Kingdom, not to pass out tickets to Heaven to the select in crowd. His Gospel was to help and fix the problems here on earth. It only speaks of a Kingdom that is here now, not a future time when we go to Heaven. Heaven is a realm, or Dimension that exists alongside ours. When our body dies, as they always were meant to do, we immediately, in the twinkling of an eye, enter the Heavenly realm and forever remain with the Lord. He did not come to give us a way into Heaven; we always had that. He came to restore abundant life here on earth, and so many don’t want what He came for, but just want to escape earth. It’s like they are saying, thanks for nothing Jesus, just get me out of here; I don’t want what you are selling! That is why Paul always prayed for the Lord to open the eyes of their understanding so they could see the Gospel and the Kingdom! PS, The Kingdom is here now and there will never be an earthly physical Kingdom!
~ Tim Heart