Psychologically speaking, man’s tragic flaw is deciding what he must have – without which he’s a borderline basket case! Gotta have this much money, this position, this woman, this degree, this level of I don’t know what, before he can be happy. He always comes up short. And he’s always waiting for a future event, if he’s even lucky enough to have a modicum of hope!
But God (love those two words: “But God…!) never intended it to be that way. He gave us – as His image and likeness – the fullness of Himself, as far as we’re capable and willing to open our minds to. He lives on the inside of us and takes over all our shortcomings if we’ll only let Him.
In the fleshly realm – which most people believe to be the only, or the most relevant – realm, it’s extremely difficult to comprehend the magnitude of God [in Whom we live and move and have our being] but looking beyond the physical realm, we can learn to see that proofs of His ever-presence and omnipotence abound everywhere – exhibited in the most amazing miracles imaginable.
Questions about what happens after death ought to be answered spiritually, but are usually treated as material questions! In the fleeting physical realm, it’s anybody’s guess; but, stepping into the spiritual realm – where God resides – everything becomes crystal clear. It is the realm of God in which healings and miracles preponderate while the entire so-called material universe loses its fixity.
Alas for the Truth-seeker, however, who finds it astronomically difficult to trust that it is the spiritual realm – not the material – that palpitates with verve and solidity: dynamic, impermeable and free!