A Treatment of true Self

A treatment
There is a higher level of consciousness that I can attain if I really, really want to. It’s not about my doing the right thing no matter how good the right thing is that I’m doing. I know there is a place where I am completely free of mortal selfhood and in full recognition of Spirit as my true Self. I accept no other right now. I had been harboring some less-than-loving thoughts about people in my past but the buck has STOPPED !! . I AM is absolutely everywhere and that includes me. And them. And you. THERE IS JUST SIMPLY NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT IN LIFE than Life itself, which is God. I’m willing to pay the price and dump all my long-cherished so-called memories by seeing everybody and everything as my Christ-mind sees them. It is pure undiluted wonder, love, happiness WITHOUT PENALTY – PAST, PRESENT OR FUTURE !! . Being able to read the Bible from God’s point of view has me nearly in tears of gratitude! Understanding apocalyptic language and receiving God’s personal message – TO ME – is beyond description! I know that there’s no God “out there” or “up there” to appeal to, so I say welcome to the realm of I AM.