Are you a form (body)?

A R E . Y O U . A . F O R M .(B O D Y) ?

Or, are you pure Spirit? Quantum physics says you’re pure Spirit, and God agrees! Your grasp on the answer to the above question opens the door (or shuts it) to enjoying complete rest in the stillness of Spirit, God.

When all your strivings cease and you’re finally ready to throw in the towel on matter-based thinking, feeling and living, then and only then can you really achieve the silence you crave.

You’re gonna have to catch yourself again and again and again going back to the vomit that is mortal mind and its insidious ramifications. Gotta let it go – every last bit of it!

When a kind of sweetness permeates every fiber of your be-ing, you’ll know you’ve arrived at last. Savor it! Bask in it! Let it consume you. Coz after all, that’s what it is. You!
