Either this correctly and adequately points to the Self as GOD, leaving no room for ambiguity, or the listener is not hearing.
Rupert resolved a major issue: God is not relative, but Absolute.
Rupert solved a huge concern on my mind with his lens of consistency. I’ve been watching a ton of Swami Sarvapriyananda’s videos with great delight. One single thing troubled me: his definition of God being on a lower level than Brahman. I’m now prepared to continue insisting that that concept of God, shared by religionistas (lol) all over the world, is simply wrong. The correct designation is Absolute, completely Absolute, just like Brahman. Once we get that straight, we should never regard it flippantly again.
Religions are pretty much united in lowering the meaning of God. But that doesn’t make it so. Religion has no right to dictate and use God for their own agenda.
Actually it’s not a problem if Papaji or any other highly respected person uses the religious Christian definition of God. The all-important issue is that there are different concepts of God, but once the Absolute is chosen as the definition of God, that’s Brahman.
That’s what Rupert reiterated before concluding that if you don’t know God as absolutely 100% All, you don’t know God.
I also find it amazing and wonderful that he quoted Mohammed with such reverence and admiration.