(and absolutely everyone)
A Cube in a Globe – yin yang RJS
The knowing itself has no limits.
I’m full puts an end to lack.
Separate self activities . . .
I am awareness = a discovery.
It’s so obvious.
How to live this understanding?
Live all realms of our life with expression of this understanding.
Get used to letting your mind slowly sink back into your heart (with no focus).
Separate objects – tea, person, thought – Knowing never divides into separate objects. See through appearances to God’s infinite being.
When you you turn your attention back on yourself, it ceases to be attention. We are too close to ourself. The sun can shine on everything except itself, nor does it need to. Just by being itself it knows itself. When you’re abiding as yourself (BE-ing yourself) you’d never ask the question of how do I get there. When you notice yourself thinking, and you bring it back to I, that’s all you need to do. But don’t discipline your thoughts: don’t make thoughts a problem. Be loving with them. Whenever you’re thinking you’re moving away from your Self. Where are you going and why? Encourage thoughts. They’ll come to a natural end, not a discipline. That thought can’t give us lasting happiness. If thought turns its attention back on itself it ceases to be thought and is revealed as pure consciousness. This open, empty dimensionless awareness that we essentially are is not limited to any of the thoughts, feelings, sensations in it just like the space in this room is not limited by anything in it, not even the walls. The awareness that we essentially are only seems to share the limits of the body-mind but it doesn’t. It was present prior to the body-mind and is present during the appearance of the body-mind and will remain present after its disappearance. We don’t discover it when we die, we can discover it before. We experience the disappearance of the body-mind world but we never experience the disappearance of ourselves.
This is the great discovery to be made about ourselves and if the source of true peace and happiness. What I essentially am does not share the limits or destiny of the body. Until we have made this discovery about ourselves we can never really know what anything is because everything appears in conformity to our belief about ourselves. The only way we can know what we truly are is to give ourselves the attention and turn our attention away from the things we seem to know and shine the light of knowing back upon ourself. In this abidance the memory of our true nature gradually in most cases, suddenly in some cases dawns on us. That is the royal road to peace and happiness – THE DIRECT PATH TO PEACE AND HAPPINESS.
[What is neo-advaita?…]rjs