This is a wonderful group to be in, very supportive, sensitive and well-informed. To tell the truth the question I raised here has been dogging me for awhile. I’ve been following Rupert for quite a few years now and find his teaching most illuminating. I’ve noticed over the years his gradual leaning toward the Absolute as in absolute emptiness, absolute absence, absolute nothingness and absolute allness – the antipode of separation – all areas that have had my full attention for quite some time as well. Tony Parsons and Jim Newman go to great lengths to spell out that any concession to two-ness, as in teacher-student, existence-nonexistence, I-you-we-me-etc, time, space, matter, body, etc, is absolutely impossible. Thanks to you four respondents, I’ve found peace that harkens back to my former #1 interest: healing. The takeaway I’d like to share with you – coming from you – is when in doubt, start with the answer. Absolute anything is nothing short of 100%. Functioning in this world, however long, calls for temporary expedients. DrRobinStarbuck