Don’t go to God -rjs

D O N’ T G O T O G O D = D O N’ T D I S C O N N E C T

The Omnipresence of God precludes the necessity of going anywhere physically, mentally or spiritually in order to know perfection. We get to call the shots by virtue of the fact that Spirit, Absolute Perfection, simply is. Joel Goldsmith firmly admonishes us:
“Do not go to God for anything, for that would be an indication that you wanted it in the future. Even if you expected it now, the fact that you are declaring that it was not there a moment ago is taking away from the instantaneity and the omnipresence of God. Instead of going to God, remember that God’s kingdom is intact: now are you the son of God, and God’s kingdom is not of this world. Then refuse to take this world to God. Refuse to take the pains of the flesh; refuse to take the lacks of the pocketbook; refuse to take the inharmonies of human relationships to God.
“In doing this, you do not have to wait to sit down and close the eyes; you do not have to wait for a time of prayer. You can “pray without ceasing.” If you happen to be busy with cooking or housekeeping or if you are a businessman out about your business, you do not have to stop for one second, not even to close your eyes or to say a prayer. You can do whatever you are called upon to do and still think, “God’s kingdom is not of this world, and I am not taking this world into God’s kingdom. Therefore, let the tares and the wheat grow together.”
“This can be done twenty times a day, thirty or forty times. No time element enters into this, and no waiting. You will not wait until next Sunday to thank God. You will thank God where you are—in the tub, in the shower, in the bus, or at business, wherever you may be—and bring instantaneity into your experience, so that your life becomes a dedication to gratitude, for gratitude is that form of love which best expresses the qualities of love. And what do you have to be grateful for, if not the truth that God is, that God is now, that God is where you are, and that all of this exists in this glorious minute when now are we the sons of God!
“As you let gratitude flow out from you for this joyous experience of realization, you then find how it is that love is a healer, that love is a way of life, that love is the Source of all life, and that this love best manifests itself through your gratitude. Your gratitude must not be because someone gave you something or because of some external condition: your gratitude must be that there is an infinite, invisible, spiritual kingdom which is intact. Once you separate this world from My kingdom, then this world starves and destroys itself. It becomes a nothingness because of its own nature.”
Joel S. GoldsmithLiving By The Word: Chapter Ten Let the Tares and the Wheat Grow TogetherA New Way to Pray Without Ceasing Kindle 182-183
When we say (notice I said “when” and not “if”) we’ll meditate or pray about something, we’ve inadvertently put it off. Joel’s term “instantaneity” comes to mind. The precise moment we think something’s awry, we must unthink it!
That split second might as well be an eternity if we’re putting off recognizing our absolute perfection Now. It signifies lack of Realization; but we only need to shut “it” down, BE who we are and never look back.