Some hard points -rjs

This mystical path is just simply not what people construe it to be at all. If you really want it, you will do anything for it. Nothing will be too much to ask and nothing will be too much for you to expect. There are very, very few people that I know of who have attained it. It doesn’t really matter because in Spirit all is perfection. It’s already done. The problem is people just simply don’t realize it. Like everybody else they’re sound asleep in their hypnotism. The hardest thing to break through is to convince them that they are hypnotized when they think that they’re not! How do I know all this? I’ll tell you how. Because I’ve been dealing with my own hypnotism and every time I think it’s gone I wake up to the fact that there’s more!

Both situations are cause for much celebration. The first is having dealt with it so much that I feel like it’s finally gone. The second is realizing that there is so much more on a higher level. Why is this cause for celebration? Because obviously there’s much more to be gleaned from staying on the same track. So on this track I ask myself “How am I hypnotized now?” And that takes me right back to basics. The fact is that infinite God, Spirit, is absolutely all there is and is perfection and omnipotence. If I can remember that right now I mean really, really remember it I can celebrate all over again just how unspeakably glorious it is. What was that little cough in my throat? What throat? Am I believing that I have a body again? Am I believing that I am something less than Spirit, God, again? Or maybe I never even left it. As I dictate I see that this book will probably be suitable for fewer and fewer persons than I originally had hoped. I don’t know if I have said this out loud before but I have a sneaking suspicion that this book will be much more useful well after my so-called death. I of course will never die but I’m certainly not going to live in this body forever.

I know I shouldn’t be disheartened when people who I thought were tracking with me ask a question that shows that after all this time they still haven’t gotten a clue. It’s not a burden for a human being named Robin to be concerned about whatsoever. I am not such a person, such a human being. I see now why it is that “I” is so important: I am God. I am Soul. I am Spirit. I am Christ. Now you astute reader if you’re tracking with me you’re smart enough now to recognize that “I am” is yourself. Am I right? Of course I am!

I Robin need to remember that people will come into the truth at their own pace and the fact that many will require a few hundred or a few thousand years is not a tragedy on my heart: I don’t have a human heart any more than I have a human body. If God can’t have a human heart, how can I?

I got thrown off base a bit by a few people’s approbations of my Quantum Dimensions of Healing. They made much of the quantum part and proportionately very little of the healing part and I bought into it thinking I had to vindicate quantum science when in fact my shining contribution LOL is the healing aspect. Healing can be found on every level of apprehension, of education, of acceptance and of understanding. Need I say to you at this juncture that if you don’t use the term healing in the way that it’s meant to be here then you won’t find healing here and you’ll find a disconnect where there isn’t any.

Yes, yes, yes, of course it’s true that nothing needs to be healed in Perfection. The understanding and grasp on perfection is that which heals: it IS the application, the treatment, which by the way is not rendered null and void simply because one is appealing to the mystical realm.