Recommended Reading:

Hey Robin I’ve just read quantum glory for the 4th time through. Could you give me a few more of your recommended reads that fall into that same category ?
Lance Dodd
Recommended Reading:
Well, Lance, first I’d have to recommend ●Quantum Dimensions of Healing by Dr. Robin Starbuck
●Beyond the Cosmos, Dr. Hugh Ross
●The Divine Matrix, Gregg Braden
●Entanglement, Gregg Braden
●The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Gary Zukav
●Quantum Dimension, Lawrence Dawson
●The Self-Aware Universe, Amit Goswami
●The Elegant Universe, Brian Greene
●God Created the Integers, Stephen Hawking
●Physics and Beyond, Wenger Heisenberg
●The Creator and the Cosmos, Hugh Ross
●The Study of Mathematics, Bertrand Russell
●My View of the World, Erwin Schrödinger