Q & A : Massacre in Orlando

God never has, and never will use a bullet to solve a problem. He does not call upon the psychotic to dispense his wrath, or punish sin. If he did, any outrage we felt at the actions of such individuals would be a form of rebellion. But all images of the divine who do such things I’ll gladly join a rebellion against.
Jeff Turner

It took me a couple of times reading this to understand what you’re saying. I think I agree, provided that the problem to be solved is dispensing wrath or punishing sin. Aren’t there other problems that can be solved with a bullet? For example, taking out the psychotic who imagine themselves as called to dispense wrath or punish sin before they get very far along in actually doing it?
Robert Ingle

Not sure how helpful this may or may not be, but I’ll take a stab at it. Man, with limited knowledge of the divine nature, reluctantly uses temporary expedients, knowing full well that they are abhorrent to God. Of course the quickest and best way to realize the perfection of Christ in us is to turn our full attention to Him and keep it there. In a specific instance, shooting a killer while he’s reloading is far preferable to … well, you get the picture. But what I think we’re here for is to come away with the conviction that turning wholeheartedly to God within ushers us instantaneously to His perfect kingdom.