Universal Oneness*

Extra-dimensionality answers earthbound problems
“Why do I concern myself so much with the origin and underpinnings of the UNI-VERSE?” you may rightfully ask. In fact, I care very deeply about the rift that has emerged – and is spreading – between different Christian factions. If all Christians would look up – way, way up – they’d dis-cover that eternal, immortal, omnipotent God has the absolutely perfect spiritual answer to every possible question, and infinitely more. God is, after all, entirely spiritual, perfect and eternal. Issues being debated, on the other hand, aren’t. As a matter of fact, anything less than eternal is as fleeting as a gossamer web. Redemption is one example of an attribute of the eternal: it cannot be messed with by our multifarious reinterpretations. Given freely to mankind by God, setting up a new covenant, redemption simply is. Salvation can be argued about til the cows come home, but nothing we might do or conclude can contribute one jot or one tittle in the infinite scheme of things. Jesus acted in a dimension beyond our meager comprehension when he calmed the storm, fed the multitudes, transported himself through locked doors and healed untold millions. Thank God he could and did! God’s love for us supercedes any victory that may be gleaned by quarreling over scriptures. We treat other ‘Christians’ like pariah because they’re following a different track (albeit temporarily) than ours. But God, in his multi-dimensional existence can smooth everything out in the blink of an eye. We just need to lift our sights high enough.