Death – by Capree Greene


This could cause some controversy, but that’s ok. I always post to encourage people to think, NOT force anyone to side with or believe me.

I believe death is one of the biggest lies (enemy) that we have believed. Perhaps that’s why Jesus said it’s the last enemy to be destroyed. If you think about it, we already died once IN JESUS and ARROSE with Him. Why do we want to die again? It’s actually really dumb if you think about it. The only reason the body ages and starts decaying is because of mistaken identity. That’s where sickness comes from as well. Trying to understand part of “self” with the wrong wisdom. A friend once said, “decay is a specific seed that says, “I’m not like God”.

Some also say death is the transformation in form. I guess I could partly agree with that as the death of self, but that causes us to awaken and behold who we truly are! But some also talk about reincarnation, which to me is also a trap in the mind due to LACK. It never experiences the fullness of life, hence the need for reincarnating to try different formulations to see what works better. I think it’s a realm of its own, trapped in works and disembodiment. Like going around and around the mountain in different “sub realities”.

In fact, I’m starting to see the so called realm of earth, and so called realm of heaven (spirit) as actually one single reality. They are not two different places. We’ve only separated them in our minds. Same goes with body, soul, and spirit. They are actually “one”. Our so called physically bodies are “spirit” and are “life” So when we think of letting go or giving up our physical bodies so to speak, we are actually causing disembodiment. There is so much more depth here than what I’m actually typing out, but seeing extreme importance of our “physical” bodies that are “one” with our spirit and should not be disregarded.

I actually don’t see any transformation process at all. We’ve already been transformed. Perhaps we are just vibrating at lower frequencies that keep us from “seeing” what we actually look like and what we actually are! Makes me think of Enoch being “no more” Perhaps he didn’t go anywhere! Perhaps he just vibrated at such a high frequency that he became “invisible” to the physical eye. Same with Jesus. He didn’t go anywhere, but vibrated back in to the Fathers realm! Body and all! (Remember, body soul and spirit as one whole “being”)!!

We have truly entered in to the biggest shift of humanity! We are letting go of believing and expecting to enter in KNOWING AND BEHOLDING that which we are! 😍
Capree Greene