There is that part of us which has never sinned, never been sick, was never born, and will never die, and the activity of God is to reveal that man. To our sense, that may remove sin, disease, or lack, but that is only to our limited sense. It does not really do it any more than light removes darkness. What light does is to reveal the absence of darkness, the nonentity of darkness, the nonexistence of darkness.
So it is that what we call a human being, “the natural man,” has an existence only in the universal mind which is separate and apart from God. The whole of the human experience is an imaginary experience, a dream-experience, taking place in the universal mind which does not have its seat in God.
The proof of that is that in the moment that you can still that mind and open the door for the Spirit of God to come in, that man is not there any more. That man of sin, disease, and death is just as absent as is the darkness when light touches it.
We say that the “old man” has “died” and the “new man” has been “reborn,” but where did the “old man” go?
He did not go any place: he was not there to begin with!
Joel Solomon Goldsmith
Beyond Words & Thoughts:
Toward the Experience