Spiritual consciousness lifts us above every human form of limitation and permits us to enter a larger sense of life, health, and freedom. Where there is spiritual consciousness, there is no bondage to person, place, or thing, and there are no limitations to our accomplishments.
Meditation is the door to the realm of the Soul, and inspiration is the way. As we learn to take five or ten minutes each morning, noon, and night to sit quietly with a “listening” ear, as we turn within ourselves and learn to wait for the “still small voice,” we acquire the habit of meditation and develop skill in its technique until inspiration possesses us and leads us to the haven of our Soul. This is the beginning of our new birth, and here we learn the new tongue of Spirit. Life begins to have a new meaning.
Rightly speaking, there is not God and you, but God is ever manifest as you, and this is the oneness which assures you of infinite good. God is the life, mind, body, and substance of individual being; therefore, nothing can be added to any individual, and true prayer is the constant recognition of this truth.
~Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way