Let I, the very Spirit of God, govern my body. Your body responds to influences until you get hold of the nature of I.
I is the Christ, your true identity. The son of God.
Joel greatly disliked the concept of death, burial or cremation until one day when he had a haircut and manicure and discovered he wasn’t in the hair or fingernails that were trimmed off: nor was he in the rest of the body.
That was his first emancipation from the body. While in the Practice, Joel realized that all the synonyms for God [Spirit, Soul, Mind, Life, Love] put God outside himself, the thinker, but God as “I” cleared up all that.
THE ONLY WORD THAT DOESN’T MAKE GOD OBJECTIVE TO THE THINKER IS “I”. THERE YOU HAVE THE SECRET OF LIFE. THE I THAT I AM IS MY SUPPLY, MY OPPORTUNITY, MY TALENTS. IN THE I THAT I AM IS THE GRACE OF GOD, THE LAW OF GOD. In the I that I am is the embodiment or the fullness of the Godhead bodily. THE GODHEAD BODILY IS EMBRACED IN THE I THAT I AM. You need nothing from anyone or anything out here. I am self sufficient I am self contained. I am my father are 1. All that my father has is mine. All the supply the companionship the love the everything that I could possibly want or need is mine and all that I need to do is to release you. You owe me nothing.
Why? Because I am not dependent on man whose breath is in his nostrils. I am not dependent on the good will of any one because all that my father has all of that is mine. It is your good pleasure to share it doesn’t matter if they deserve it or not.
EVERYTHING IS EMBODIED IN CONSCIOUSNESS WHERE I IS GOD. Anything that is in are of God is likewise in you. Everything is and bodied in you because everything is in the father and I and the father are one so don’t be looking for good to come to you at all. Just open out a way for the hidden splendor to escape. It’s all in you as consciousness which is all that you are. RJS. The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. Even Joel wondered what that meant until he finally got it that no accidents could happen in the divine mind which is God and therefore could not happen to him or the man down the street.
DON’T EVER THINK YOU’RE IN AN AIRPLANE: AIRPLANES ARE IN YOU !!! You are never in an automobile, an automobile is in you. You are divine consciousness. There is only one Self, the divine Self. We are all the Godhead. That is illustrated with the concept of morality. Either we are 100% moral or we are immoral.
THIS IS NOT ME (Joel): IT IS ONLY A FORM OF ME. The minute that you think that pounds or dollars our supply you cut yourself off from a ternal supply. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. We are the Godhead bodily.
“LET US TURN WITHIN” IS ONE OF JOEL’S OWN PERSONAL SECRETS. “NEVER, NEVER, NEVER DO I MAKE A HUMAN MOVE WITHOUT TURNING WITHIN.” Before Before retiring at night and upon awaking in the morning the 1st thing to do is to turn within and certainly 30, 40, 50 times a day. I of myself am nothing, know nothing, have nothing but by virtue of God. And so it is that I must turn within and that is not within my body. When the next need arises I am ready for it. Since we know the nature of the I that I am and we know though oneness of the I that I am NOW I MUST GIVE RECOGNITION TO THAT WITHOUT EVER DOING ANYTHING WITHOUT TURNING TO THE I WITHIN. It can It can happen very quickly and often does but sometimes you have to wait for a little while until you feel of release and then you go! NEVER BE EGOTISTICAL ENOUGH – EVEN IF YOU’RE JUST GOING INTO THE KITCHEN – TO DO ANYTHING WITHOUT FIRST TURNING WITHIN. Not my Not my will but thine be done. O those are only words not if you turn within and turn within over and over and over again until you finally do it naturally. They only The only way we can know the father’s will is to shut out material sense and listen. Speak Lord for thy servant heareth.
REMEMBER THAT WE KNOW SOMETHING NOW THAT WE HAVE HERETOFORE NOT UNDERSTOOD: WE KNOW THE SECRET OF THE RESURRECTION. We know that the imprisoned Christ which seems to be locked up and this tomb which is the human body shows us that the spiritual illumination hasn’t yet come. I never was there but was always risen.