I thought I was quite well aware of the widespread hypnotic state of the world when one night I had an episode that revealed to me that it was much greater than I first thought. It started with a nightmare which suggested to me that I hadn’t gotten rid of some past hurts. Upon awakening *I determined that *I would apply *my freshly sharpened knowledge to *my problem. Then *I began to suffer symptoms that *I thought *I’d beaten before. Finally 5.5 hours later *I WOKE UP to all the *”me” and *”I (not Spirit)” and found the culprit. “Me” had slipped into believing that the onus was upon itself to be God! There just simply wasn’t enough heart-rending surrender and willingness to let Spirit TAKE OVER !!! I’m only sorry that it took such a harrowing ordeal to teach me but in that particular area I had been shut down.