Category Archives: Stream-of-consciousness Treatments

Number 1 Stream of consciousness healing

Knowing that Spirit, God, is all, I look around and realize that’s not true and that’s not real and this is not any part of reality and then I start to see what really is going on and it’s so unbelievably beautiful and perfect that I can hardly keep my eyes open but Hey that’s OK ’cause I don’t have a human body with human eyes anyway. I am fully Spirit and everything I see is Spirit as well. If you were to ask me whether I can see beyond this room that I’m in I would say What room?? Is it well with my body? What body? And how about my friends’ and families’ bodies and rooms? What friends and families? Jesus walked right through the midst of the angry crowds time and time again, knowing full well that there really wasn’t any angry crowd or any crowd at all! He saw spiritual reality right there wherever he was and right wherever anyone at any distance was!
It’s time for you and me to Wake Up And Stay Awake!!! Don’t talk about pain and sorrow and suffering and bring all of that into a state that seems like it’s real when if you just see the spiritual reality you, your friends, your family, your everything will be healed of those false beliefs that bedevil you all the time!!! Don’t go back! There is no place to go back to! Perfection is here now and you don’t need to suffer and suffer and suffer and bring everybody down around you! Pull everybody up and stay up! What about a major catastrophic threat? Will you focus on spiritual reality then? Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing to be proactive and be the observer of the glory that is right here and right there instead of the screaming mortal mind ? Right now you get to choose but you can certainly imagine a situation where it may just seem to be a little bit too late to choose… I’m just saying choose aright and rejoice right now. Tell the truth that you are perfect! Let your body go – you have none ! Be free right now! Not for a moment or a few hours or a few days – be absolutely free right now because that is exactly what you are and it’s only world mind hypnotism that is convincing you otherwise . To say all you have to do is wake up sounds a little counter-intuitive if people are so hell-bent on going right smack back into the dream again! Why do you listen to anything that is unlike Spirit, God, reality?? Don’t listen to it, don’t take it in!!! Don’t ask the same questions all the time: “what about this pain? what about that threat? what about what so-and-so said or what so-and-so is doing? Get the hell out of the 3rd dimension and stay in Spirit where you belong! This diatribe is being dictated to my recorder with the hope of benefiting every single person who takes the time to plow through it and everyone around them, in their mental purview whom their thoughts fall upon. They can all receive such a spiritual impulse when they finally say I am fed up with all the nonsense! No I am not looking around to see how the body is doing or how another person’s body is doing I am seeing perfection right here right now permanently!!!

Stream of Consciousness Healing

Number 2 Stream of consciousness healing

Words cannot express just how freeing it is to have no agenda whatsoever! I’m not working for any goal in the human realm whatsoever and there’s no such thing as a goal in Spirit!! Spirit is all that there is and that certainly includes myself and everyone that may want to benefit from what I’m seeing! You can’t hurt a person who has no attachments … that’s right no attachments whatsoever! They don’t want this or that from you or me! All they can do is give give give and the more they give the more they have. Popularity??? Give me a break! I am not a slave to that stupid stupid stupid slave driver! Money? To take me away from Spirit, God, perfection, Christ, awakening, a permanent knowing that doesn’t come and go, come and go? Do I need to be first in line all the time? Do I need to have the most love buttons and other forms of proof that I’m number one? No let my every-brother be your number 1. Is there anyone that you see that you really don’t see at all because you see garbage and nonsense and world mind created poppycock?
Take this direct path with me and refuse to be bombarded by your own or anybody else’s bodily complaints and mental anxieties that just go on and on and on, ad nauseum!!! Do you really think that that junk will ever just leave of its own accord especially after you give it so much attention? If you were a pile of junk would you leave the very person that’s coddling you??!! Either Spirit, God, is true or is not! You don’t need to use the word God or the word Spirit or the word potato you simply need to understand that in the 4th dimension where there is no matter there are no material developments to go into and into and into. Yes they’re titillating at first! O my goodness they are so scintillating and captivating and impressive and the next thing you know you’re once again hopelessly lost!!! 🥵 Finally all you can hope for is that you reincarnate into something mildly tolerable, you have no choice, not with mortal mind in complete control! Get the hell out of it! Stay the hell out of it! You’re not here to do the bidding of the world mind hypnotism that has the world in its grasp seemingly yes seemingly… I said seemingly. But believe me that seemingly sure as hell seems to be very very real and very very threatening! Well guess what? it’s very very nothing! But that doesn’t do you any good at all if you don’t make enough of an effort to understand what it means and stop saying that you don’t understand. Once you know it’s true you hang on to your truth and let that truth which some call Spirit, some call God, some call Christ, some call atman, some call any other name… don’t worry about that, just be so thankful that God is all and everywhere and guess what God is all in every country in every culture and nobody needs to say a certain number of memorized sayings in order to fit in… fit in to what? All that there is In the universe is God , good, perfection, righteousness right now. Do not go back!!! Do not go back!!! Do not go back!!! And for goodness sake Don’t tell the lies of the carnal, the mortal mind to other people and pull them down!!! Why would you want to do that!!! Tell them the truth even if you’re not seeing it and feeling it as you think you would like to. If you’re thinking and you’re wanting to like to, you’re in the wrong realm. Get the hell out!!! You don’t belong in that LIE anymore.

Stream of Consciousness meditation

The world mind had its little fun with me for a spell pulling me away from regular meditation but wow when I got back it was in spades!!! I do meditation in two parts. First I speak to whatever comes to mind I speak truth. All of this is in preparation to go deep into Spirit. I just saw so much. I saw that everything that God is, every single thing, I am. I saw that no one but no one was ever born. I could see that. It was so exciting. I saw everyone especially the problematic ones as Christ, nothing less. I knew that I couldn’t afford to see anyone as less than the Son of the Living God. Having removed all of the worldly, fleshly, dastardly junk from these people, I could see clearly spiritually. In my meditation everything got lifted one by one by one to pure spirituality which is the tangible and real and only. Toward the end of the meditation I wondered why I would even want to end it and then the answer came. To share it with everyone else, especially those who really need it. There is nothing in the whole wide world quite like successful meditation. When you get to the point in the meditation where you’re seeing way way way beyond anything the world could possibly show you and you really don’t want to stop that’s a sign that you are really on the King’s Highway and all the lights are green!!!

State and restate and restate and restate the truth.

If you could only leave your thoughts unattended for 10 min. before the stuff of this world rushes in and pulls you down, would you be willing to stand guard and replace them with their spiritual counter-arguments that often?

This world and all its lies and betrayals is not real. Right in its place is exactly what Jesus saw with absolute consistency: spiritual reality everywhere! Jesus was totally unimpressed with the world’s snivelings, diseases, wars, famine, pestilence, death. Jesus saw with the eyes of Christ, and so should we.

The Spirit of God is also my true being and I do believe it. Better yet, I know it. My mind is the mind of Christ, the living Son of God. This is true and what the world is out-picturing is NOT true. Ten minutes from now, no matter where my thoughts may have drifted to, only the above is true.

Let’s keep our focus very, very positive. We’ll find we don’t even need to deny the wrong stuff if we state and restate and restate and restate the truth.

Tell them all this, Robin

Robin, I want you to tell them again how easy it is to listen to Me and just let Me take over their prayer time. Remind them that they can jump-start a conversation with Me or rather a listening session from Me by jump-starting it like you would a car that doesn’t start in the morning and needs to connect two engines by jumper cables! Now you don’t need to walk in a halting manner because there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your body at all. There’s nothing wrong with Me so there’s nothing wrong with you. Your breathing, your vision, your hearing, your digesting: perfect perfect perfect perfect – just like Me. After all, I’m the very stuff from whence you came!! They loved it when you told them yesterday:
…..”God isn’t perfect: He is Perfection.
God isn’t spiritual: He is Spirit.
God isn’t loving: He is Love.
We have emerged from God.” …..
That’s where you’re all from – from Me!!!! Not even molded – sometimes imperfectly – by Me: oh no! You ARE Me … as a drop of water is fully Water!!! But we don’t start with a human ego-laden mind and try to see what we in the flesh want. We see as God, Mind, Soul, Spirit.
Tell them I want to talk to them too – very personally, very intimately. I just want them to see what’s really going on right where jealousy, hatred, conniving, back-stabbing seem to be I AM there INSTEAD. And Robin tell them I love them as My very own Life!

Don’t stop short!

Stream-of-consciousness Treatment

“This morning I broke through a great deal of distractions and finally made it to giving myself a full-fledged treatment. this is what I’d like to recommend for you as well. once I had decided that I was going to do this treatment a distracting thought occurred to me so I said “number one” and then another distracting thought and I said “number two” number three I got up Way Beyond number 10 and finally I broke through. in the past I would have called the distracting thoughts the act of the devil but I’ve come to know that the best way to deal with even the slightest thought of the devil is to deny him existence but that’s not what this is all about. I got to that place where I could give my treatment and in this particular case I literally put my left hand tightly over my eyes and determined not to release it until I had finished, so great were the distractions prior to that!
although I know perfectly well that God Lives within me and lives as me and through me, in order to get a smooth communication I elected to regard my listening session as him speaking to me.
“You are on track now Robin and you’re hearing me clearly. yes I am speaking from within you and as you but for communications sake I am telling you that when you look for perfection in order to see me well that’s a very good thing but you’ve kind of got it backwards. You see I AM Perfection and as you see Me you simply see Perfection everywhere. I am love and as you see Me you see love everywhere I am life and you can see true life everywhere and most importantly I am you. you are me. We Are One. what I am and what I have is yours , yay more it is you. everything about you is spiritual and perfect because you remember that’s what I am. when you think of that person that’s been so hard to forgive, think about a whole new spin on that so-called history. It was absolutely necessary in order for you to open your eyes to ME. now they’re wide open, no thanks to all those distractions earlier!!! But we made it. no you want to be able to dismiss that seemingly Unforgivable issue well let’s do it with utmost Authority right now. just see as Jesus sees. see knowing that I’m within you seeing as you. remember trying to locate yourself within your body and you couldn’t find it? the best you could do is to say that you reside behind your own eyes? think of that location & person as I AM because that’s exactly what I AM. think with the mind of Christ because that’s the only mind that you have. do you see now how it is that you don’t need approval from anyone? when people seek approval from you, you can honestly say that they’re on the right track because they are seeing I AM in you [but of course you’ll tell them the Truth.]
Remember, Robin, when you had a hard time with the concept of I Am? it always seemed like an incomplete sentence. it’s God. it doesn’t need to be completed by anything else. it’s you. you don’t need to be completed by anything else.”