Category Archives: Silence

In the silence -SB many

“You are never more essentially, more deeply, yourself than when you are still.
Stillness is the only thing in this world that has no form. But then, it is not really a thing, and it is not of this world.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

“Silence is truth. Silence is bliss. Silence is peace. And hence Silence is the Self.”
~ Ramana Maharshi

“Beyond the mind, there is infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.
In peace and silence, the skin of the ‘I’ dissolves and the inner and the outer become one.”
~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

“When you are willing to stop looking for something in thought, you find everything in silence.”
~ Gangaji

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.”
~ Rumi

“Silence is not the absence of sound. Silence is the absence of you.”
~ Wu Hsin

“The only way you will ever awaken is through silence, not through analyzation of facts.
Everything that you can ever imagine that you want to be, you already are. You are the imperishable Self, beyond birth, beyond death, beyond experiences, beyond doubts, beyond opinions, beyond whatever it is your body is going through. Whatever thoughts your mind thinks, you are beyond that. You are the silence, the silence of the heart.
When you sit in the silence, it will come to you. You will see how the body came to be, and how the body goes, and a new body comes to be, and a new body goes. But you are alive. The real You persists. Nothing can ever destroy it. Water cannot drown it. Fire cannot burn it. Whatever happens to the body in this world cannot eliminate the ‘I am’. It has nothing to do with your age, or whether you’re well or sick, or rich or poor. It is the Self. It has always been and it will always be. It is YOU.
It’s in the silence that your problems just dissolve. Try it. It really works.”
~ Robert Adams

“When you can bear your own silence, you are free.
There is a mystery within all beings bursting to reveal itself, in the ones who become quiet enough to discover it. In this discovery a benevolent force shines spontaneously from your presence towards all beings, and this light cannot help but illuminate the world.”
~ Mooji

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.
We’re fascinated by the words – but where we meet is in the silence behind them.”
~ Ram Dass

“Stop the noise in your mind in order for the wondrous sounds of life to be heard.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

“It was long before dawn when the sharp cry of a bird woke up the night for an instant and the light of that cry faded away. And the trees remained dark, motionless, melting into the air; it was a soft quiet night, endlessly alive; it was awake, there was movement; there was a deep stirring with utter silence. Even the village next door, with its many dogs, always barking, was quiet. It was a strange stillness, terribly potent, destructively alive. It was so alive and still that you were afraid to move; so your body froze into immobility and the brain, which had awakened with that sharp cry of the bird, had become still, with heightened sensitivity. It was a brilliant night with the stars in a cloudless sky; they seemed so close and the Southern Cross was just over the trees, sparkling in the warm air. Everything was very quiet.
What was necessary was a very sensitive, alert mind which had stopped entirely, willingly and easily, its chatter. It had become very quiet, seeing and listening without interpreting, without classifying; it was quiet and there was no entity or necessity to make it quiet. The mind was very still and very alive. That immensity filled the night and there was bliss.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

Silence Speaks – Eckhart Tolle

▪︎When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.

▪︎Your innermost sense of self, of who you are, is inseparable from stillness. This is the I Am that is deeper than name and form.

▪︎Stillness is your essential nature. What is stillness? The inner space or awareness in which the words on this page are being perceived and become thoughts. Without that awareness, there would be no perception, no thoughts, no world.

▪︎You are that awareness, disguised as a person.

▪︎The equivalent of external noise is the inner noise of thinking. The equivalent of external silence is inner stillness.

▪︎Whenever there is some silence around you — listen to it. That means just notice it. Pay attention to it. Listening to silence awakens the dimension of stillness within yourself, because it is only through stillness that you can be aware of silence.

~ Eckhart Tolle

In the Stillness

I N . T H E . S T I L L N E S S

About a year ago, I “went into the stillness” – or so I thought. Desired nothing, nothing at all but the empty vastness of infinity. Didn’t give thoughts a chance to formulate. At all. Wanted to go in more and more, deeper and deeper. Nothing happened. However, “thoughts” veered off before manifesting.

Suddenly I saw, I knew, I Am the vastness. I Am the emptiness … empty of all matter. I Am the stillness. I Am the Allness, the infinity, the invisibility that I sought.

Ecstatic joy welled up in me. I could hardly think a coherent so-called thought! Just ineffable joy. Oh how I wish this for everyone of you who read this! It’s what going into the stillness is all about…


Still wanting Silence?

S T I L L . W A N T I N G . S I L E N C E ?

When I want to be sure that I am functioning from my Soul and not my body, I get very, very quiet and realize that I truly am not a sentient human being but am Spirit itself. If I stay with this and continue to bring things that I know into my experience – and REALLY STAY WITH IT – sometimes there’s a little ‘pop’ where reminding myself is no longer necessary or desirable. Words themselves get clunky and fade away. Then I realize that a heavenly COMPLETE SILENCE has swept over me!
I don’t obsess over it anymore, but perhaps that’s coz it’s actually happening – – sometimes! 🥰


Can you be patient?

C A N . Y O U . B E . P A T I E N T ?

Are you willing to be super patient with “total silence”?
What if there were a kind of frosting-on-the-cake type of total breakthrough that required a year or two, or more? What if? Would you be willing to have 80-90% (an amazing degree) for a year or two – until something POPS!! and you’re total?


Are you a form (body)?

A R E . Y O U . A . F O R M .(B O D Y) ?

Or, are you pure Spirit? Quantum physics says you’re pure Spirit, and God agrees! Your grasp on the answer to the above question opens the door (or shuts it) to enjoying complete rest in the stillness of Spirit, God.

When all your strivings cease and you’re finally ready to throw in the towel on matter-based thinking, feeling and living, then and only then can you really achieve the silence you crave.

You’re gonna have to catch yourself again and again and again going back to the vomit that is mortal mind and its insidious ramifications. Gotta let it go – every last bit of it!

When a kind of sweetness permeates every fiber of your be-ing, you’ll know you’ve arrived at last. Savor it! Bask in it! Let it consume you. Coz after all, that’s what it is. You!


Your first total silence

Y O U R . F I R S T . T O T A L . S I L E N C E

✔️💯 The first time you actually break through to total silence and discover that vast enormity is you, you’ll never forget it and that wonderful memory will hold the door open for you all the time. Time itself – and space – will disappear. 💖
