Category Archives: Separation unreal

Classical physics + The Field = no quantum – McTaggart

… [If] the fathers of quantum theory had used classical physics with the Zero Point Field, the scientific community would have been far more satisfied with the result than they were by the many unanswerables of quantum physics. There are those who believe quantum theory will one day be replaced by a modified classical theory which takes into account the Zero Point Field. The work of these scientists may take the word ‘quantum’ out of quantum physics and create a unified physics of the world, large and small.

~ P. W. Milonni, ‘Semi-classical and quantum electrodynamical approaches in nonrelativistic radiation theory’, Physics Reports, 1976; 25: 1 – 8.

Unity – The Field – McTaggart

The coming scientific revolution heralded the end of dualism in every sense. Far from destroying God, science for the first time was proving His existence – by demonstrating that a higher, collective consciousness was out there. There need no longer be two truths, the truth of science and the truth of religion. There could be one unified vision of the world. This revolution in scientific thinking also promised to give us back a sense of optimism, something that has been stripped out of our sense of ourselves with the arid vision of twentieth-century philosophy, largely derived from the views espoused by science. We were not isolated beings living our desperate lives on a lonely planet in an indifferent universe. We never were alone. We were always part of a larger whole. We were and always had been at the center of things. Things did not fall apart. The center did hold and it was we who were doing the holding. We had far more power than we realized, to heal ourselves, our loved ones, even our communities. Each of us had the ability – and together a great collective power – to improve our lot in life. Our life, in every sense, was in our hands. These were bold insights and discoveries but very few had heard them. For thirty years, these pioneers had presented their findings at small mathematical conferences or the annual meetings of tiny scientific bodies created to promote a dialogue on frontier science. They knew and admired each other’s work and were acknowledged at these small gatherings of their peers. Most of the scientists had been young men when they made their discoveries, and before they embarked on what turned out to be lifelong detours they had been highly respected, even revered. Now they were approaching retirement age, and among the wider scientific community most of their work still had never seen the light of day. They were all Christopher Columbus and nobody believed what they’d returned to tell. The bulk of the scientific community ignored them, continuing to grip tightly to the notion that the earth was flat.
Lynne McTaggart
The Field

Scientists – The Field – McTaggart

Every day in their laboratories, these scientists caught a tiny glimmer of the possibilities suggested by their discoveries. They’d found that we were something far more impressive than evolutionary happenstance or genetic survival machines. Their work suggested a decentralized but unified intelligence that was far grander and more exquisite than Darwin or Newton had imagined, a process that was not random or chaotic, but intelligent and purposeful. They’d discovered that in the dynamic flow of life, order triumphed. These are discoveries that may change the lives of future generations in many practical ways, in fuel-less travel and instant levitation; but in terms of understanding the furthest reaches of human potential, their work suggested something far more profound. In the past, individuals had accidentally evidenced some ability – a premonition, a ‘past life’, a clairvoyant image, a gift for healing – which quickly was dismissed as a freak of nature or a confidence trick. The work of these scientists suggested that this was a capacity neither abnormal nor rare, but present in every human being. Their work hinted at human abilities beyond what we’d ever dreamed possible. We were far more than we realized. If we could understand this potential scientifically, we might then learn how to systematically tap into it. This would vastly improve every area of our lives, from communication and self-knowledge to our interaction with our material world. Science would no longer reduce us to our lowest common denominator. It would help us take a final evolutionary step in our own history by at last understanding ourselves in all of our potential. These experiments had helped to validate alternative medicine, which has been shown to work empirically but has never been understood. If we could finally work out the science of medicine that treats human energy levels and the exact nature of the ‘energy’ that was being treated, the possibilities for improved health were unimaginable. These were also discoveries which scientifically verified the ancient wisdom and folklore of traditional cultures. Their theories offered scientific validation of many of the myths and religions humans have believed in since the beginning of time, but have hitherto only had faith to rely on. All they’d done was to provide a scientific framework for what the wisest among us already knew.
Lynne McTaggart
The Field

Time – The Field – McTaggart

Both in common experience and in physics, time has generally been considered to be a primary, independent and universally applicable order, perhaps the most fundamental one known to us. Now, we have been led to propose that it is secondary and that, like space, it is to be derived from a higher-dimensional ground, as a particular order. Indeed, one can further say that many such particular interrelated time orders can be derived for different sets of sequences of moments, corresponding to material systems that travel at different speeds. However, these are all dependent on a multidimensional reality that cannot be comprehended fully in terms of any time order, or set of such orders.
D. Bohm
Wholeness and the Implicate Order (London: Routledge, 1980): 211.

Separation isn’t – The Field – McTaggart

Ervin Laszlo has proposed one interesting physical explanation for time-displacement. He suggests that the Zero Point Field of electromagnetic waves has its own substructure. The secondary fields caused by the motion of subatomic particles interacting with The Field are called ‘scalar’ waves, which are not electromagnetic and which don’t have direction or spin. These waves can travel far faster than the speed of light – like Puthoff’s imagined tachyons. Laszlo proposes that it is scalar waves that encode the information of space and time into a timeless, spaceless quantum shorthand of interference patterns. In Laszlo’s model, this bottom-rung level of the Zero Point Field – the mother of all fields – provides the ultimate holographic blueprint of the world for all time, past and future. It is this that we tap into when we see into the past or future.21 To take time out of the equation, as Robert Jahn suggests, we need to take separateness out of it. Pure energy as it exists at the quantum level does not have time or space, but exists as a vast continuum of fluctuating charge. We, in a sense, are time and space. When we bring energy to conscious awareness through the act of perception, we create separate objects that exist in space through a measured continuum. By creating time and space, we create our own separateness. This suggests a model not unlike the implicate order of British physicist David Bohm, who theorized that everything in the world is enfolded in this ‘implicate’ state, until made explicit – a configuration, he imagined, of zero-point fluctuations.22 Bohm’s model viewed time as part of a larger reality, which could project many sequences or moments into consciousness, not necessarily in a linear order. He argued that as relativity theory says that space and time are relative and in effect a single entity (space-time) and if quantum theory stipulates that elements that are separated in space are connected and projections of a higher-dimensional reality, it follows that moments separated in time are also projections of this larger reality.
Lynne McTaggart

Feeling down because feeling separated – FJ

Yes. This feeling inside [of having the “blahs”] comes from our religious training. We haven’t yet realized our oneness in God, so we feel down, separate, almost alone. As long as we continue to identity with our body and mind as self, we will be victims of our own thoughts. Rather, we need to know that Christ is our very being, there is no duality in God.
~Frank Johnson

Why does self separate itself? – Magdi Badawi


Friend: How come I imagine myself to be other than what I am, other than the Self? How come I imagine myself to be so separate? You speak over and over that we are wholeness and yet, we all experience being separate. Can you explain and help me solve this conundrum?

Reply: It is your freedom and infinite potential to create and conceptualize. The I-seed of conceptualization is planted within you. It arises since the ground is fertile, you assume the I-thought and the I-dentity as a separate form, a dream form.
The multiplicity of forms arises from the initial I-seed-form.
You dream yourself as form, as a concept, but all along, you remain as you are. You feel and believe something has happened, something is happening while nothing is happening.
You forget your knowingness in order to perceive the multiplicity. Upon your lost interest in the forms and names, you return to your recollection and realize your innate wholeness.
The multiplicity of form is imagined. It is mentation and like a dream, it completely dissolves upon your awakening from the dream.
At the core of all mind impressions is the stillness, the void emptiness of all forms.
Thoughts take you on a long and far journey and at some point they return to their source and reveal their emptiness.
The Self never goes anywhere. Where would it go since it is beyond concept?
Friend: Thank you. I understand the teaching and yet I feel trapped as if my life is a routine, spinning the same thing over and over without being able to escape.

Reply: You dream this spin as soon as you leave yourself. You are perceiving through the concept and you have defined yourself as a form in order to experience the world body mind.
It is not your life that is a routine. Rather it is you that is a routine: ‘I am the body mind’ is the routine that spins you. It is this limited identification that is repetitive. It suffocates you and spins you around the same belief.
Upon awakening from the dream, the repetitive images cease and you find yourself awake as you have ever been.
Friend: I cannot wait to awaken!

Reply: Look behind the mirror. The images in the mirror lure you and distract you. Ask yourself: What am I truly? but do not address this question to your concept or your past. Ask it to the Self.
The real one who is asking and the real one who is being asked are one and the same. None of which has ever been anything else but the Self.

~Magdi Badawi