Category Archives: Self as God

Don’t let your body’s mind push you around

D O N ‘ T . L E T . Y O U R . B O D Y ‘ S . M I N D . P U S H . Y O U . A R O U N D !!

It wants what it wants when it wants it – even if ‘it’ is a plan for 10 years in the future. It is a master manipulator, hell-bent on destroying you, its sponsor!

Practice discipline. Be very, very skeptical of everything that little yapper tries to tell you. It’s always gonna try to get the best of you because – did you forget? – it’s the heavily hypnotized world mind! It’s the flesh mind in all its seductive glory!

Three words written or uttered with a small letter are suspect: mind, soul, self. Watch out for them in your mental atmosphere. They breed contempt, fear and discouragement.

But with a capital letter they signify God!

You could take all synonyms and attributes of Spirit, God, and give them that lower case (small letter) spin and the fleshly machinations will be disastrous! But keep them unsullied and pure as the driven snow and they will serve you perfectly.

So, how do we distinguish and dismiss the demands of the body’s mind (contrasted with the divine mind)? At first, suspect it every moment and stifle it. Listen extra hard for the still, small voice until it takes over. Keep after it till the last vestige has returned to its native nothingness and you’re free, thrilled and soaring!


‘Inside’ Omnipresent Me

A M A Z I N G . ‘A H A’ . M O M E N T

One of my greatest ‘Aha’ moments was when I realized that I had been inadvertently imagining that ‘within me’ meant within my form (body) as if I had a spiritual version of a material body which was capable of containing ‘a great deal’.

I ‘have’ no such thing. I AM the only Body that there is, called Allness, Oneness, Spirit, God, Infinity, Omnipresence.

I’m still trying to break the habit of mentally or physically gesturing toward my form (body) to indicate that which holds Infinity inside it.

It was a most lovely ‘Aha’ moment in which I experienced myself (my real Self) absolutely everywhere at once. The entire material universe began to dissipate.


Think as God

the Spirit told me.
Not a problem,
delighted to do so
Quoth I
Until one day I see
a chance to support
one who’s half right
or another one who’s
the other half right.
Not my place to
Thot I.
Think as God
Rightness will out.
Spirit takes over
Me steps aside
Thy will is done
Concluded I.

Help me => We are ONE

Sure, “I” can help “you”
If that’s what you need.
You be “you” and I’ll be “I”
And I’ll talk to you and
You’ll heed My voice.

But soon’s you’re ready
Let’s get Us back to pure
Undiminished reality
Where there are no longer
Two of us talking and
Listening and heeding
Ofttimes missing the mark.

We’ll try another mindset:
What exactly is God?
All-presence, All-power,
Everywhere at once. All.
Spirit, Substance, Mind,
Principle, Soul, Love, Life.

When You truly put Me first
That frightening possibility
You might go off again and
Imagine your worldly whims
Will be nourished, satiated,
Collapse, spent and lost …

No longer looms large
On the horizon of your hope.
Who then were you listening
To and why are you scattered?
The “I” that you wanted to pray
To is the “I” of you and all Life.

So, instead of “help me”, we
Must assume the royal “We”
And know that we know – until
We know … that We are One.

Don’t “go in” the stillness or silence

Spinning my wheels a few precious minutes this morning
Found that unacceptable!
Like a naughty child ‘me’ wailed
“I just can’t get in (-to the Stillness). I can’t concentrate.
Nothing is coming!”

My sincere desire to ‘get in’ (in where, i dunno)
Was enough to afford me this help:
“Teach it to an imagined inquirer.”
“Immediately I heard myself silently say
“Start with any good, solid Truth.

“Here, let’s use your protest “I can’t get in (concentrate).
“Stand it on its head. You CAN get in coz you already ARE in.
“‘In’ implies ‘awareness of God’s allness and everywhereness.
“‘In’ indicates your center – the very center of your being.
“How could you not be there?
“Are you aware of your right hand? Of course. You didn’t have to do anything…
“You didn’t even have to keep your right hand uppermost in thought in order to stay aware of it and maintain its existence.
“The same is true of your spiritual awareness.”

I don’t think I’ll be protesting lack of concentration again anytime soon!


When you say ‘I” … ?

Are you thinking yet from the standpoint of Spirit?
That when you say or think “I” of course you’re referring to yourself
But you’re simultaneously referring to God?
Unlike duality it’s the death of same!
I-Spirit is ’bout as ONEness as can be!

I need I want I gotta I hope I wish I I I I
GONE forever in I AM.
I am all that God is: Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Omniscience, Life, Truth, Love . . .
Wait a minute now! When you say “I”, are you talking about God or yourself?
Answer: yes.

I tried to argue with God

Woe was me!
Robin: I want to be completely aware, all in, no holds….
God: If you really, really wanted it, you’d see you’re already there.***
Robin: But I want to enter the Silence.
God: What is the Silence?
Robin: Christ mind, Mind of God, my Mind, I.
God: So your “me” wants to enter your “I”?
Robin: Uhh … yes.
God: That’s not only who you really are but what and where you really are.
Robin: Then why….
God: ***If you really, really wanted it, you’d see you’re already there.

Whole new way of thinking


Have you been pretty good for quite awhile? Got your mind stayed on God longer than you’ve done in a long time? Wonderful thoughts flooded your consciousness and you were soaring with the angels? What now?
Think about what it means to live forever in the Fourth Dimension. To have not a care in the world coz the world doesn’t exist in the Fourth Dimension. To observe all your former petty concerns slipping away and all those unresolved issues melting into their native nothingness. To look with such tender love and affection (not looking down upon) on every single person who comes to mind. To be filled with God’s loving-kindness and joy!
Think about the fact that everything God is you are! Wow! I mean WOW !! Let that be your full-time occupation. Take a synonym for God, like Omnipresence: you are as omnipresent as God!!! That alone could keep you busy for years. You’re Omniscience too. There’s nothing you don’t know, but you’ve been sleeping. Wakey-wakey! Oh, and Omnipotence too! Now don’t go crazy with that one and think this is your chance to punch So-and-so in the eye! That thought — while very funny — was also your crashing descent out of the Fourth Dimension and smack dab in the middle of the (Ugh!) Third!
It’s not that God doesn’t have a sense of humor, it’s that you were perfectly willing to let humor sabotage your VERY FRAGILE COMMITMENT to Fourth Dimensional living. We gotta be careful. We need to backtrack now.
Imagine You everywhere at the same time! Omigoodness gracious! That’s what God is. Imagine You infinitely powerful, infinitely aware, conscious of all that has any claim to reality. And all this is happening right here and now where those around you see … you.

After the hissyfit

I’ll tell ya the truth
If I were to find out
That I don’t know God
First I’d have a hissyfit
Then when I got over
My little tantrum I’d
Come to realize it’s
Cause for gratitude.
It means that whereas
I thought I knew God
And this life is kinda “it”
Now I’ve found out I was
Wrong on both counts!
I can start right now to
Really get down to business
And discover Spirit, God,
In my Soul right where
He always was!

Self is All, wave is ocean -Papaji

All is Self.
The only difference between “you” and “me”
are the words and concepts of “you” and “me.”
Self in you is the Self in all Beings.
The Source of everything is the same and this is Self,
this is love and compassion.
From Self try to go anywhere.

“I am the ocean and all forms seen
are my waves dancing on me,” this is knowledge.
When waves rise the ocean loses nothing.
and when waves fall the ocean gains nothing.
As waves play so the ocean plays.
I am ocean, I am water, I am wave;
separation between water and ocean and wave cannot exist!
There are no differences, no disturbances, no one to be disturbed.
Giving rise to ‘I’, or any other thought, is giving rise to wave.
Water remains water so allow everything to be, for it is your Self.
As a river discharges into ocean, discharge into what you are:
Happiness, Bliss, Being, Cosmos.
Here is only Awareness,
Here only Self is.
~ Papaji