Category Archives: Robin Starbuck



Do you often find yourself caught in the middle of two opposing worlds? If so don’t be hell-bent on mitigating the severity of each by trying to harmonize them: they don’t exist! Start with – and stay with – the answer: the worlds don’t exist and neither do you! 

Imagine that! You don’t exist and you never have! What happens to all your issues now, given the fact that neither you nor any other human being has ever trod this imaginary globe? All that background … all those years of abuse … gone! 

Gone because they never existed – ever! That little boy/girl who ruled the world until awakening to the dastardly plight of humanhood was never a swimmer in the first place! 

Stay with the sheer simplicity of it: back to sleep or be it. It is bereft of all mortality, all humanity, good or bad – the entire colossal illusion etherealized. 

The critical point of this writing is that it cannot be scoped with the mind for there is no mind. 

IT is absolute emptiness without the slightest trace of ‘thing-ness’ at all, nothingness in pristine purity. 

One time awash in concepts and conceptualizations, now free of every last whit! What to do? And how to stay with it? 

As the archer, aim for  IT 🎯  and stay.

– Robin Starbuck 

Too late! You don’t exist! -rjs

Too late! You don’t exist! 

Every Thing is fleeting —

Oops there goes another one! 

Can’t trust ’em, cannot kill 

the already dead. 

Alive again to take you down

Too late! You don’t exist! 

Oh well I’ll just visit Me then …

We’ll marry & extinguish. 

Free as always, never not. 

Wishing and longing unknown. 

What is wanted is what is

Dancing to the tango!



Do you often find yourself caught in the middle of two opposing worlds? If so don’t be hell-bent on mitigating the severity of each by trying to harmonize them: they don’t exist! Start with – and stay with – the answer: the worlds don’t exist and neither do you!

Imagine that! You don’t exist and you never have! What happens to all your issues now, given the fact that neither you nor any other human being has ever trod this imaginary globe? All that background … all those years of abuse … gone!

Gone because they never existed – ever! That little boy/girl who ruled the world until awakening to the dastardly plight of humanhood was never a swimmer in the first place!

Stay with the sheer simplicity of it: back to sleep or be it. It is bereft of all mortality, all humanity, good or bad – the entire colossal illusion etherealized.

The critical point of this writing is that it cannot be scoped with the mind for there is no mind.

IT is absolute emptiness without the slightest trace of ‘thing-ness’ at all, nothingness in pristine purity.

One time awash in concepts and conceptualizations, now free of every last whit! What to do? And how to stay with it?

As the archer, aim for IT 🎯 and stay.

-Robin Starbuck

What if? Continue walking -rjs

What if?
You were walking down the street
When it suddenly hit you
Absolutely nothing exists –
Nothing whatsoever!

Not you. Not me.
Not the lamppost.

A void, emptiness – total
And complete.
Unfathomable nothingness.

No Past, no future
No present space
Nor time.

And total elation set in!
“You” couldn’t contain it all!
Ineffable joy, unspeakable love

What in the world could you do?
Continue walking down the street.

~Robin Starbuck

Nothing to say -rjs

I really have nothing to say.
Nothing at all.
But was driven to open fb
Okay here goes nothing!

When all the opposition
Within you gives up
And you feel spent
Waiting for the next affront
And see there’s none,

Take IT in – IT’s all there is
And IT’s better than yours:
IT’s you!
Oh how glorious! Amazing!
Never knew IT’d be so free!

Did you?
Yet here IT is!!!
Oh for goodness’ sake!
IT’s so unspeakably simple

Unentangled, wholly perfect,
Egotism, popularity, acquisition,
Accomplishment’s rewards

No path, no journey, no work
At all – just unspeakable
Unutterable undeniable
Peace, Life,

Robin Starbuck

End of seeking -rjs

“Seeking” has become an unglorious word –
And I get it.
Why keep seeking and seeking and seeking
For that which is right smack
In front of you?
But alas for those who can’t yet
Look at a chair, a smudge somewhere,
A smiling little face, a highway robbery
And feel overwhelmed with sadness and joy
To the point of tears,
Nearly out of control laughter,
Simultaneity, unicity, sublimity –
For those dear “me”s:
It’s right here.

Want/need a miracle? -rjs

I can’t stress this enough
coz it keeps happening to me:
Want/need a miracle?
Look completely away from
the need, and be so absorbed
in the larger demonstration
that you l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y don’t care
at all anymore about the physical
manifestation since a-l-l of your
attention has been permanently
refocused. Your new attitude:
“I don’t even remember the issue
that brought me to my spiritual knees.
They can take it, and so can I. Let this
enable me to hear You (my true Self)
better and I’m already a happy camper!”
Miracles happen! 😀 Timing’s amazing!

Light is flirtatious by nature -rjs

Light is flirtatious by nature – now here, now there, but never pinpoint-able: sometimes a point and sometimes a wave. We tried and tried: first a wiggly wave, then a tenacious dot! Such was the nature of our elusive beam of light, but now we’ve got it! Or, have we? A photo may be worth a thousand words but we need several million words to interpret the still inexplicable.