We have seen that there is a mathematical beauty that interpenetrates all of nature and this phenomenon deepens the mystery of intelligent self-ordering matter. Some readers may already be familiar with the “Golden Section” and the Fibonacci numbers which reveal a staggering mathematical harmony in nature’s geometry that is deeply embedded throughout the construction of all matter. For millennia some of the greatest mathematicians and philosophers have marveled at the mathematical patterns that permeate all of nature. How is it that atoms can mysteriously come together to build molecules and molecules can come together to build matter with these same mathematical patterns that exist all the way up from quarks to solar systems? Why is there a mysterious mathematical relationship between the sub-atomic “parts” and the “whole” of the human body? There is such an intrinsic aesthetic beauty in the ratios and proportions found in nature that the mathematical monk, Luca Pacioli, first used the term Divine Proportion in the 15th century to describe this phenomenon. He wrote a book under the same title that was beautifully illustrated by Leonardo Da Vinci, who is credited with the conception of the term Golden Section. The exact mathematical proportion of the Golden Section has a specific number and that is ϕ, pronounced “fye.” Mario Livio, the author of The Golden Ratio, considers ϕ to be the “world’s most astonishing number.” In his fascinating book he has a chapter titled, “Is God a Mathematician?” Livio is inclined toward the view that “God is indeed a Mathematician.”2 He is compelled toward this conclusion because there are certain mathematical miracles that have been discovered that clearly exist independently of the human mind. He writes, To claim that mathematics is purely a human invention…ignores some important facts in the nature of mathematics. First, while the mathematical rules (e.g., the axioms of geometry or of set theory) are indeed creations of the human mind, once those rules are specified, we lose our freedom. The definition of the Golden Ratio emerged originally from the axioms of Euclidean geometry; the definition of the Fibonacci sequence from the axioms of the theory of numbers. Yet the fact that the ratio of successive Fibonacci numbers converge to the Golden Ratio was imposed upon us – humans had no choice in the matter. Therefore, mathematical objects, albeit imaginary do have real properties.3 As we explore this divine pattern in nature it strengthens the conviction that God is the author of nature and that His mathematical signature can be found everywhere in His creation. Remember that nature itself is a revelation of God and that all of nature declares the glory of God. King Solomon was fascinated by the wisdom of God embedded in nature. He said, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” (Proverbs 25:2) “He composed some 3,000 proverbs and wrote 1,005 songs. He could speak with authority about all kinds of plants…He could also speak about animals, birds, reptiles, and fish.” (1 Kings 4:32-33 NLT) Solomon was intrigued by the revelation of God in nature! If he were alive today we might speculate that he would be fascinated by the divine proportion in nature. There are deep mysteries concealed in the heart of matter that only highly advanced technologies are capable of probing at the deepest level. We are living in an era when scientists are discovering nature’s secrets all the way down to the quarks and the leptons that make the sub-atomic particles within the atom and, amazingly, the same mathematical patterns are emerging within the quantum field!
Phil Mason
Quantum Glory
The Science of
Heaven Invading Earth
Category Archives: Quantum world
The Matrix
Of the many ways we could define the Divine Matrix, perhaps the simplest is to think of it as being three basic things: (1) the container for the universe to exist within; (2) the bridge between our inner and outer worlds; and (3) the mirror that reflects our everyday thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs.
Gregg Braden
Beyond the Cosmos
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God has the capacity, thus, to move and operate along an infinitely long time line, or along as many time lines, infinite or otherwise, as He chooses. He can operate, if He desires, on a time line parallel to our time line or on one intersecting our time line, but He is not compelled to do either. Thus, God has the capacity to cause effects for infinite time on innumerable time lines that never intersect or touch our time line. As such, we could point to no beginning and no end for Him. Since beginnings only make sense where time is linear in some way, God must be a beginning-less Being. He has always existed and will always remain. He never required a causation, or creation, event.
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
Beyond the Cosmos
John 1:3 KJV
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Colossians 1:16-17 KJV
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: [17] And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
Quantum dimension
Vacuous space can conduct radiation because Einsteins concept of force attached to vacuum (his “cosmological constant” which reemerges with the elimination of the expanding universe) is essentially correct. The cosmological constant is shown to be the quantum time force which sustains the spacial quantum. By pushing upon the quantum time force in a regular frequency, waves composed of expanding and contracting vacuous volume are sent through the universe at the speed of light. For space to be quantum, time must also be a quantum; composed of discrete time values separated by an extremely small variance. The time-quantum was also proved by the negative radiation study of cotton. Thanks to Heaviside, the quantum time-force may be given in amp-Newtons (Newtons per SI amp). The electromagnetic wave is established by the flux in electric permittivity across the magnetic permeability of free space. Permeability is a constant (Heaviside; ElectroMagnetic Theory, p. 21) and the electric field must reach a permittivity threshold (capacitance per meter) in order for space to conduct the flux. In the Heavisides formulation, the permeability constant times the permittivity threshold is equal to the inverse of the square of the speed of light. The inverse of the speed of light squared is also the formula for time-force as determined by quantum geometry. Heavisides magneticpermeability/ electric-permittivity exactly equals this time force and allows for a direct exchange between quantum space and the electromagnetic wave. The Heaviside formula gives the quantum time-force in amp-Newtons of time-variance squared: time-force of free space =1.11264 10-17 () amp- Newtons of second 2 meter 2 Finally, the the Bohr/Schrodinger model for the shell/subshell electron schematic must be abandoned and the periodic table of elements requires revision. The consensus shell/subshell schematic was produced by an ill-defined application of Niels Bohrs electron orbit model and the Schrodinger wave-function. The number of electrons contained by subshells were determined by the number of “lobed orbitals” which the Schrodinger equation produces as modified by the quantum angular momentum number “l: ” However, the Schrodinger equation and its lobed orbitals is shown to mimic a nonlinear squared wave function which describes the change in wave form which occurs when an electron collapses out of a three-dimensional orbital operating in four-dimensional space into a two-dimensional orbit operating in molar three-dimensional volume. The Schrodinger eigenfunction converts the collapsed wave into a three dimensional orbital which retains the collapsed two-dimensional lobed form. His lobed orbitals are chimera and cannot explain the orbital adjustments which subshells need in order to incorporate more electrons. An analysis of the sodium “D-lines” under “Zeeman effect” demonstrates this to be the case. The actual orbital is produced by the rotation of the electron bond at 90° to the proton bond when the electron reaches a boundary distance which must be maintained between a quantum and an Euclidean particle. This rotation is explained by the nature of particle charges as a projection onto a dimension not incorporated in a particles volume; the electron having a quantum leg of volume while the proton is completely Euclidean. The rotation is accompanied by the multiplication of the electrons charge by a “Piezoelectrical nuclear capacitance.” Rotation and multiplication produces a three dimensional orbital in fourdimensional space with the electron following a three-dimensional wave path and possessing a “1/2 spin” energy-constant as defined by the Bohr magneton and a wavephase time constant. Subshell capacities are explained by electron-voltage changes across wave phases as caused by 1/2 spin. This is confirmed by D-line and Zeeman data.
Lawrence Dawson
Healing via Quantum!
Healing via Quantum!
People spend way too much time analyzing various approaches to healing and conducting their lives superficially. They try this method and that method but they NEVER QUITE GO DEEPLY ENOUGH !
When one half-hearted attempt doesn’t bring instantaneous results, they believe they’ve disproven the method and they wander off. They never come anywhere near reaching their goal because they never reach for it strongly enough. They weep and wail and swoon and croon – but it never takes them far enough out of their hypnotic, sickly state. This can come to an end right now as we use the greatest mind-expanding ploy imaginable: plunging into the depths of Quantum physics. This is tantamount to magnifying reality itself exponentially! We can sail past our little lives to the extent that the cares and woes literally CEASE TO EXIST.
Many, many dimensions
Physicists have uncovered strong evidence that extra dimensions do indeed exist. Yet predating these physics discoveries by more than nineteen hundred years are the words of the prophets and apostles who penned the sixty-six books of the Bible. These ancient authors, under the inspiration of One who exists both in and beyond the universe and the universe’s ten space-time dimensions, described phenomena—such as the creation event, miracles, Jesus’ post-resurrection capacities, as well as paradoxical doctrines—that require the existence of extra dimensions, or the functional equivalent of extra dimensions. These writers assured their readers that God’s ways and thoughts are beyond our human limits, but that “eternity,” some unknown reality beyond this universe, is somehow inscribed within us. Now we have the opportunity and the privilege to see from a new perspective—and to integrate—what yesterday’s Bible authors and today’s physicists affirm about reality beyond the cosmos.
Beyond the Cosmos
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
I believe that everyone can have a personal measuring rod of his own personal discovery that will reveal whether he is a little bit “off” center or not.
We want to be in the center of God’s will, right? Being slightly off means there is some confusion, a tad bit of distress, neatly camouflaged as ‘normal’ and a proclivity toward a touch of mental laziness.
On target, or at the center, however, has me loving every person I can possibly think of with the sweetest, most compassionate understanding imaginable. This sweetness, this compassion, this understanding has precious little to do with human emotions and the like. It’s all about Jesus whose incredible works superceded the natural laws of this present dimension.
They’re very connected.
“Why does she concern herself so much with the origin and underpinnings of the UNI-VERSE?” you may rightfully ask.
In fact, I care very deeply about the rift that has emerged – and is spreading – between different Christian factions. If all Christians would look up – way, way up – they’d dis-cover that eternal, immortal, omnipotent God has the absolutely perfect spiritual answer to every possible question, and infinitely more.
God is, after all, entirely spiritual, perfect and eternal. Issues being debated, on the other hand, aren’t. As a matter of fact, anything less than eternal is as fleeting as a gossamer web.
Redemption is one example of an attribute of the eternal: it cannot be messed with by our multifarious reinterpretations. Given freely to mankind by God, setting up a new covenant, redemption simply is. Salvation can be argued about til the cows come home, but nothing we might do or conclude can contribute one jot or one tittle in the infinite scheme of things.
Jesus acted in a dimension beyond our meager comprehension when he calmed the storm, fed the multitudes, transported himself through locked doors and healed untold millions. Thank God he could and did!
God’s love for us supercedes any victory that may be gleaned by quarreling over scriptures. We treat other ‘Christians’ like pariah because they’re following a different track (albeit temporarily) than ours. But God, in his multi-dimensional existence can smooth everything out in the blink of an eye. We just need to lift our sights high enough.
A cosmic symphony! In exquisite harmony! With vibrations pulsating at a perfect frequency – and pitch! It’s pretty hard to wrap our brains around, isn’t it? And yet right where we see a blob of matter, the subatomic music plays on and on and on. This phenomenon is taking place right here with no help from our comprehension or participation! Dr. Ross describes it thus:
“Given what we know from the Scriptures, it is not farfetched to imagine that God continuously sustains each unique vibration of all the various strings that constitute the building blocks of matter. Perhaps there is a different set of “frequencies”that are continuously released from the invisible realm of heaven that sustain each individual note on every string simultaneously? As we have already established, these are not ordinary sound waves as we are accustomed to on earth, because sound waves do not travel outside of earth’s atmosphere. These are supernatural sounds that flow forth from the Spirit of God. Whilst it is purely speculative, it is possible that there indeed is a “cosmic symphony,”(to borrow Brian Greene’s terminology), of musical notes that continuously flow out of the throne of God in order to sustain the entire material universe. When this musical expression of the “song of the Lord”is ultimately withdrawn from creation the elementary particles will literally “melt with intense heat.”
Dr.Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
Beyond the Cosmos
To extend our speculation on the relationship between the Word of God and the sustaining power that it exercises over creation, we would be required to consider a higher level of complexity in the sounds and tones generated by the voice of God in order to vibrate the different strings of energy that constitute the material world. This idea transcends any notion that there is a single “tone” that is generated by the Spirit of God that vibrates all of the strings of energy simultaneously. Rather, it would necessitate a multiplicity of unique “tones” that correspond to the different elementary particles.
~ Phil Mason
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
Quantum Healing
Quantum Healing didn’t set out to cure cancer or Alzheimer’s or any other intractable disease. It set out to see the human body, and human existence in general, through wiser eyes. As a scientist I’m passionate about genes and the brain; as a person I’m totally fascinated by the origins of consciousness. Quantum Healing galvanized my intuition that these areas do not have to be separated. They belong together naturally, and once we feel secure that self-awareness is integral to the healthy workings of the body, it will be integral to existence itself. Beyond that, the possibilities are infinite.
—Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D., is director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit and vice chair of neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital. He also serves as the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School.
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by Deepak Chopra