Category Archives: Q & A

No me,you,s/he/it

Haiku for the poor in spirit.

Even the Absolute is the dream.
The worded is the futile.
Meaning is dreamt.
‘Your life’ doesn’t exist.
What apparently lives is nullity.
Nothing realizes nothing.
This is breathtaking.
Seeing this is unbearable for the sense of self.
Nothing matters.
Understanding deludes.
There is no last resort.
No refuge.
Nirvana is a joke.
The Buddha lost his mind in an attempt to go beyond himself.
The Bodhi Tree farted.
Brain bursts into laughter.
The belly shakes.
The grass grows by itself.
The spring is coming…..

Wouter van Oord.

God is All

Every error, every disease, every loss of harmony, is some gross misinterpretation of some truth, some actuality mis-seen, some spiritual idea misconceived. Although it never alters Truth, it sees Truth through the distorted lens of mortal thinking. But bear this firmly in mind, that it is nevertheless looking right at Truth and telling us a lie about it, telling us Truth is something else. Provided we are clear about this and we fully realize what we are doing, we can always look right at error, no matter what it seems to be, and say to ourselves, “Actually, that is God, for there is only God to see.” If we do this with clear understanding, we will be looking right through error and seeing God, seeing Truth that is actually there – seeing actual Truth that we are being told lies about. There is healing in this thought, but we must be careful that we realize that we are not calling error, God. We live in the mental atmosphere of the divine Mind; but misinterpreted, this atmosphere becomes an environment of mental suggestions which we translate into what appears to us to be material situations and objects.

God is All by Ronald Klette

Quantum for Pandiculation JSM


There are questions that many are afraid to ask, but which most of us have eventually discovered are an integral part of stretching ourselves. For contained within every question, especially those which may seem the most difficult to ask, there is a doorway to depths that are yet unexplored.

Somewhere around the 12th century the development of an idea was proceeded by what Great Teachers called the questio (Latin: “to seek”) from which we derive our modern word “quest” and by extension the word “quest-ion”.

While most religions begin in this “seeking” stage of development, history has demonstrated that eventually they become dogmatic, unyielding and more concerned with preserving and defending a favored stance of being right (orthodox – “right opinion”) instead of exemplifying the core precepts of the belief system they purport to uphold. (i.e. “Love your neighbor AS yourself”).

This has become the earmark of all fundamentalist religion; It inherently grows stagnant through a failure to continue asking the (hard) questions. Questions which would allow it to evolve, expand and grow beyond its current state by exposing many of the archaic, magic and mythic beliefs it still clings to. Teachings, ideas and concepts which have been handed down through traditions (many that may have served it at one time) but which have ultimately made the “word of God of NO effect.” The truths underlying these traditions are Timeless, but the doctrines themselves have become static in both their understanding of, and application to, present realities.

Why? …..Because, just like Hebrews trying to stockpile “manna in the wilderness,” it is no longer fresh but has begun to breed worms. This happens whenever what is “known” is no longer an “ever-proceeding word from the mouth of God.” The “Present Truth” is subsequently substituted for a “belief system” when the “rivers of living water” cease to flow from your Innermost Being. Truth cannot be defined by some rigid doctrine or teaching, just as an Infinite God can never be reduced to a mere formula.

“Fundamentalism suffers from the same false seeing. It is basically a love affair with words and ideas about God instead of God himself or herself. But you cannot really love words; you can only think them. You cannot really love reality with the judgmental mind, because you’ll always try to control it, fix it, or understand it before you give yourself to it……The fact that some form of loving must precede true knowing helps us appreciate why the prophets used the intimate word for carnal knowledge or sexual intimacy when they spoke of “knowing” God…….So many of the Mystics had to make use of sexual images to describe the relationship of the soul with God. From inside experience, you know God’s Love is a tender dance of give-and-take, rescue and holding. We see what we are ready to see, expect to see , and even desire to see. There is some kind of mutual influence between subject and object, says the Heisenberg Principle….” – Richard Rohr from The Naked Now: Learning to See As the Mystics See

●●●In quantum mechanics, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle asserts that there is a limit to the exactness or precision with which anyone can know the complementary variables (i.e. position, momentum) of the physical properties related to atomic particles simultaneously. Heisenberg later proposed that the “observer effect” at the quantum level could explain the uncertainty related to those variables.■

When we apply the ●●●”uncertainty principle” to our subjective experience of God, it becomes apparent that no matter how precise our definition of the Divine, we can never simultaneously explain it while also maintaining a complete Awareness of Its Reality.■ Hence the profound revelation of Lao Tzu in the Tao, “He that says does not Know, and he that Knows does not say.”

We must realize that what is REAL in our Experience can never be threatened by the beliefs of another. We must become Masters of Pandiculation (“the art of stretching oneself”). It is time that we learn from the past mistakes of religion and truly begin to practice the non-judgment of the Mystics who in essence taught us that it is better to be kind and loving than it is to be right. For the only way we can truly and honestly ask the questions that challenge our beliefs (and allow us to grow) is if we are willing to let go of our preconceived ideas and judgments in order to acknowledge that, no matter how refined our mental understanding of Truth may be, it will never be The Truth; Just as the highest ideas, thoughts and notions we have ABOUT God are NOT God.

Those who truly “Know” have learned to be comfortable living with the Paradox of “not knowing”, in the sense that, they recognize that the Mystery of Divinity is not something “to be grasped” (i.e. apprehended by a mental understanding), BUT that Truth IS a Living Reality which is fresh, flowing and perpetually new in each Present Moment of Awareness.

May Love Be the Truth of Our Journey and the Essence of Our Quest!

Joe Murawski

Mortal man’s questions

Mortal man poses so many questions
Every ‘answer’ begetting a multiplicity of new questions.
Never satisfied, never free.
Never touching the hem of immortality.

Wanting God vindicated for
Egoic human compréhensibilités!
All the while answers, eager to pluck from the Tree of Life need only to lift
Question and questioner far above.

Universe upon universe, world without End CANNOT divulge their secrets
To the dullard wanting package deals.
Take your time O lofty mortal man
And due your diligence this night.

Questions about Spirit

WHEN WE ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT SPIRIT, we need to be aware that it’s a whole ‘nother realm. We run into so much trouble trying to blend the two realms, like mixing oil and water or comparing apples with oranges.

The Spiritual realm is not one millimeter or one nanosecond away: it’s right here! But here’s the kicker – it’s here INSTEAD. That is unbelievably wonderful news and here’s why: it is the HEALING of all the woes of the flesh – every last one of them! How’s that?

What is true in the Spirit oftentimes isn’t true in the flesh, and vice versa. Jesus lived in the flesh – or so it seemed – but saw right through the flesh all the time. When we “see” a body healed and whole the body obeys. When we see a world healed and whole it obeys. You really can’t prove me wrong coz you’d first have to “see” the healing.

So try it, I dare you! It gets easier and easier with practice.

Who am I, you ask. R.Blok

Stolen moments

Who am I you ask
Yet the question always remains.
For who I am changes
from day to day
nay from moment to glorious moment I’d say
Yet all you who I meet have changed who I am
But am I not more than the sum of all that I have experienced also of all of who I’ve met
is there not some basic me
A version untouched, unblemished a version of my most perfect self
Yet I ponder this and still I am not who I once was…

Peace and love
Robert Blok

Sometimes something isn’t meant for you.

COULDN’T WE HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING? If something I write doesn’t resonate with you it’s because it wasn’t intended for you. I have 5000 + 2000 + 2300 + 11000 + unlimited number of people I’m reaching out to. When something is presented with just the right nuance, the right sensitivity, the right humor or the right background, it reaches someone in need and glorious blessings ensue. So, again, if it doesn’t ring your chimes IT WASN’T INTENDED FOR YOU !!

‘Cooling my heels’

GOD DOES NOT CAUSE SUFFERING nor does he revel in seeing his beloved in pain. Having said that, I’ve been at this spirituality thing a long, long time and I know it develops with practice. I also know unfortunately (!) that a very large percent of my spiritual growth has been owing to my often being forced to ‘cool my heels’ by facing one seemingly insurmountable issue or another.

Do some good, for goodness’ sake!!!

You are a creator.
You need to be creating.
Stop sitting, neutral.
Quit hesitating!
When your mind is idle
You are prone to stray
Into murky waters
Where “your serpents” play
You are at your very best
When you are who you’re made to be
Letting your divine persuasions
Flow in creativity!
Fixing broken things and people
Making better, broken hearts
Reconstructing and restoring
Finding other’s missing parts
Building, painting, holding, molding
Dancing, singing, writing treasures
Satisfying inner longings
Fills your days with perfect pleasure!
Rest between creative sessions
Never take too long a break!
You are made to make and re-make
Do some good, for goodness’ sake!!!
~Robert Rutherford