Category Archives: Oneness

You are sat-chit-ananda, ultimate ONENESS -RAdams

Good afternoon. I welcome you with all my heart. I see a couple of new
faces here. If you’ve come to hear a speech or a lecture forget it. I do not give lectures nor
do I make speeches. I speak nonsense, no sense. It has nothing to do with your senses so
it’s nonsense.
For instance: I say to you your true nature is absolute reality. You are pure awareness.
You are sat-chit-ananda. You are ultimate oneness.
Does that make sense to some of you? It’s nonsense because you identify with the
body-mind phenomena and you believe you are your experiences. You live your experiences,
your thoughts about the body, the world, the mind. And you are always thinking,
thinking, thinking that you’ve been hurt, you’ve been slandered, something is wrong. You
watch the news on the TV, you hear the radio and you identify with all the wrongs of the
world and then you feel out of sorts. That’s nonsense, none of that exists. Only absolute
reality exists and you are that.
So to put ourselves in the mood, take out your song sheet. And we shall sing “Joy
to God.”
Again, I welcome with all my heart, good afternoon. And let me reiterate during
the course of the talk you’ll hear me speaking nonsense.
I don’t make any sense to a sense bound person. Most people are bound by their
senses. They can only understand what they read in the paper, what they watch on TV.
When I try to express the truth, that you are not the body and you are not the mind, you
look at me as if I’m crazy. Of course I am crazy so you can look at me any way you like.
But my experience has been that there is no body, there is no mind, there is no
universe, there is no God, there is no person, there is no experience, there is only consciousness
and you are that. Not the you that thinks that they’re the ego, but the real you.
The real you is divine, absolute reality, nirvana, total emptiness. This is the real you. When
you get a glimpse of what you really are you have unalloyed happiness, total joy, bliss.
And then you begin to see your fellow man, the world the universe as yourself.

Excerpt Transcript 59
How to Develop Compassion
and Humility
5th May, 1991
Robert Adams

All ONE -rjs 2016

Oneness as destination and present reality 2016

Dear God,
You know that I know that You and I are One, but I write in this manner to indicate to others that as they strive to become more and more aware of their Oneness with you, they can share their progress and be encouraged by that of their friends.
We are ONE – You and I – and, as unspeakably wonderful as that is, it’s sometimes hard to wrap my mind around. It’s not only the awesome aspect of being at One with You that’s so hard to process but also how to relate to You as One with me. I wish I could speak coherently to everyone who really wants to hear about this literal earth-shattering reality. Who is the “I” that is nearly overwhelmed by Your all-consuming fire, and who is the “You” that is bigger than the universe itself and how are we now chatting like bff’s (best friends forever), mostly to show our friends that they’re not alone in this magnificent maze?
You’ve told me clearly that I don’t need to settle for calling things that I’ve yet to sort out a mere “mystery”; so I want to be exposed, stripped, vulnerable right here now and ask that You draw me in further and reveal to me – in this fleeting medium called human language – just how I might stay … with You … as One. I feel You’re wanting to reveal to me that we are infinitely better than two unequals meshing together – but always two unequals. Just as You include me, I include you. Remember, I’m asking for language – simple, unpuffed up language. Make our Marriage Complete by letting me no longer wonder how to take Our Self to the world. Let me no longer be impressed one iota with ANYTHING that is unlike You … … … I mean Us. That’s it!!! We are One. The royal “We” includes no inner division.
Whenever I feel eerily estranged from our Oneness, I’ll assert that We cannot be estranged from Ourself, We know all we ever need to know, We see into the realms Jesus trod, We see Your/Our kingdom as it is … now! Now we know the only “We”, “I”, “Us”, “One”, “You&me” = God, me.
(DrRobinStarbuck 2016)


I’m just now embracing and trying to wrap my head around this after being called a heretic (more or less) back in ’03 when I first had this epiphany. I thought I was wrong because those in ministry had taught me I had to beg a distant God for every little thing. I appreciate this post more than you know! RJM

Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence -rjs

He, She, It is present
There’s not that particular time
Or place where He is/was not.
He’s within you and
He’s everywhere you go.

Healing happens
As we recognize
God is the only power there is
Right in the face of illusion:
No other power can threaten
Us in any way.

He, She, It knows all there is/was
To know:
I AM =
To the exclusion of all else.

Dr. Robin Starbuck, 2017

Elevator joy!

One day 5-6 yrs ago I spent the entire morning clearing my thought.
I was deep in connection, head lowered in an elevator when two young women walked in. One said to the other “Wow! there are great vibes in here!” I glanced up and they were both looking and smiling at me!
Like I said it was 5-6 years ago but the joy of remembering it hasn’t abated in the least!

Treatment of Oneness vs duality

The DEATH of Jesus exposed and ABSORBED the lie of all religious teaching such as: God AND man, Christ AND us, Light AND darkness, Strength AND weakness, Health AND sickness, Wealth AND poverty, Life AND death, Saint AND sinner, Righteous AND unrighteous, Holy AND unholy, Pure AND impure, Saved AND lost, Redeemed AND un-redeemed, Inheritance AND lack, Spiritual universe AND material/physical universe, Perfection AND imperfection, Immortal AND mortal, Incorruptible AND corruptible, Present AND future, Eternity AND time, Here AND there, Truth AND lie, Cause AND effect, Spirit AND body, Saved AND unsaved, Them AND us etc…

The RESURRECTION of Jesus REVEALED the truth such as: God AS man (as He is so are we, in this world), Christ AS us, Darkness is merely the absence of the awareness of light, Our Father IS the strength of our life, He IS the health of our body, He IS the wealth of all people, There is only One life, and He IS the life of all, He IS the sanctification of all, He IS the righteousness of all, He IS the holiness of all, All are pure by virtue of Oneness, All were saved from the foundation of the world, All possess eternal redemption, All were blessed with all that pertains to life and Godliness, Heaven AS earth, He IS our perfection and completeness, He IS the immortality and incorruptibility of all men, He IS the now-ness of our now, He IS the eternality of our life, He IS the ‘here’ of our existence, He IS the truth of our ‘I AM’, He IS the cause as the effect (us), He IS Spirit slowed down as our visibility, He IS our salvation from before time began, and there is only them AS us and us AS them-Only ONE!

True spiritual vision sees no mortal, corruptible, time, distance, birth, death, sin, sickness, poverty or death etc… but it realizes only the all-ness and oneness of truth. Spiritual consciousness (living from the inside, out) acknowledges that which is merely an ‘appearance’ or a negative looking ‘existence’ as nothing, even less than nothing (Isaiah 40:17), and as merely an ‘arm of flesh’ (II Chronicles 32:8). To truly walk by ‘faith’ and ‘knowing’ is to look away from that which appears to exist, seeing through the single eye, only wholeness, completeness and Oneness. It is to realize that our Father ‘declared the end from the beginning’; and what He has done nothing can be ‘taken away’ or ‘added unto’ it (Ecclesiastes 3:14). Let us raise our spiritual sight to the eternal reality, rather than focusing on that which the Spirit of the Word declares as a ‘no-thing’. It will then unveil the experience of that which has always been our truth of being, and we will truly bear fruit that remains.

God is all. More modern way = God is One

I believe that God is All. The more modern way to say that is God is One. He is at once within us and in another realm. We can experience healings in our lives by becoming more and more aware of Him, His Son, His kingdom, His love, His omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience. People so often just don’t go far enough or for long enough.


I have clung to the concept of Oneness since very early childhood and it’s so much a part of me that I’m at a loss to describe it.
Even though I grew up desperately needing and receiving an awareness of God’s (and therefore my) oneness, I have also enjoyed periods of further enlightenment. A case in point is the realization that God’s own Self-description, I AM, taken in conjunction with the understanding that He is all leads the astute student to unravel the fact that “I Am.” is a complete sentence, needing no complement. Everywhere we look – within and without – we see God, unqualified and perfect.
When we say “God is Love” we limit God. When we say “God is all” we limit God. When we say “I AM.”, we’ve said it all because we’re referring to the infinitude of ONE.

Oneness is amazing*


Getting all mixed up?
Some say do your level best.
Others say do nothing, just rest.
Some say Jesus is coming soon.
Others say he’s already here.
Some say press on, press on.
Others say that engenders fear.
And then the devil needs rebuking.
Or was it 2000 years ago.

You’ve got a bucket full of problems.
Feeling guilty for self-indulgence.
Mind is racing, answers not.
There’s no need for any mix up.
When you know God’s in you.
Living through you, AS you.
Every single issue fades away.
With You loving, You living.
You telling everyone in your mind.
Just how unspeakably amazing.
God’s ONENESS really is.