Category Archives: Matter unreal

No Me (h-m)

No me,you,s/he/it

Haiku for the poor in spirit.

Even the Absolute is the dream.
The worded is the futile.
Meaning is dreamt.
‘Your life’ doesn’t exist.
What apparently lives is nullity.
Nothing realizes nothing.
This is breathtaking.
Seeing this is unbearable for the sense of self.
Nothing matters.
Understanding deludes.
There is no last resort.
No refuge.
Nirvana is a joke.
The Buddha lost his mind in an attempt to go beyond himself.
The Bodhi Tree farted.
Brain bursts into laughter.
The belly shakes.
The grass grows by itself.
The spring is coming…..

Wouter van Oord.

Matter truly is unreal – various

“If you got a hold of a giant electronic microscope and you put your body under the microscope, you would see tremendous amount of space. You would see atoms separated by a vast amount of space. And if you obtain an ultra-electronic microscope, which hasn’t been invented yet, you would see your body as pure space. There would be no atoms. For the ultra-electronic microscope would see through the atom and you would see space, total space. That space is Consciousness. This is not only true of your body. It is true of the chair, the building, a tree, a flower, an animal. Everything is space. Everything is Consciousness.”
~ Robert Adams

“The belief in a world made of matter is just a belief, it is a conditioning. Nobody has ever found it. It’s like thinking the earth is flat. It is an interpretation, not a fact. If we stay very close to the facts of our experience, we never find a stuff outside Consciousness, called matter. The reason we all experience the same world is not that there is a world made of matter appearing outside Consciousness. It is because each of our finite minds is precipitated within the same infinite Consciousness. It is because our minds share Consciousness that we feel we share the world. We do share the same world, but the world we share is made of Consciousness, not matter, and we are that very Consciousness.”
~ Rupert Spira

“As water by cooling and condensation becomes ice, so thought by condensation assumes physical form. Everything in the universe is thought in material form. The spirit could not create matter as anything different from itself, for it had only itself as the tissue or material with which to build the cosmos.
There is essentially nothing in the universe but Consciousness. Everything is spirit – in essence, though hidden in manifestation. If you had the perception, you would see God in everything.”
~ Paramahansa Yogananda

“Physicists have discovered that the apparent solidity of matter is an illusion created by our senses. This includes the physical body, which we perceive and think of as form, but 99.99 % of which is actually empty space. This is how vast the space is between the atoms compared to their size, and there is as much space again within each atom. The physical body is no more than a misperception of who you are. Buddhists have known that for over 2,500 years. “Form is emptiness, emptiness is form”, states the Heart Sutra, one of the best known ancient Buddhist texts. The essence of all things is emptiness.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

“’Emptiness’ means empty of a separate self. It is full of everything, full of life. The word ’emptiness’ should not scare us. It is a wonderful word. To be empty does not mean non-existent. Emptiness is the ground of everything. Thanks to emptiness, everything is possible.“
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

“The physical is only a small aspect of existence. In this cosmos, not even 1% is physical – the rest is non-physical. What you see as cosmos is a living mind – intelligent space.”
~ Sadhguru

“There is no matter as such – mind is the matrix of all matter.”
~ Max Planck

“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Matter is spirit reduced to point of visibility. There is no matter.”
~ Albert Einstein

Physicists & Scientists re Matter

From Daniel Wilde:

here are some more quotes from physicists and scientists take on this

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness.

Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

– Max Planck, German theoretical physicist

“There is no kind of framework within which we can find consciousness in the plural; this is simply something we construct because of the temporal plurality of individuals, but it is a false construction…

The only solution to this conflict insofar as any is available to us at all lies in the ancient wisdom of the Upanishad… Vedanta teaches that consciousness is singular,

all happenings are played out in one universal consciousness and there is no multiplicity of selves.”

  • Erwin Schrodinger, Austrian physicist

“The entire universe must, on a very accurate level, be regarded as a single indivisible unit in which separate parts appear as idealisations permissible only on a classical level of accuracy of description.

This means that the view of the world being analogous to a huge machine, the predominant view from the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries, is now shown to be only approximately correct. The underlying structure of matter, however, is not mechanical.

This means that the term “quantum mechanics” is very much a misnomer. It should, perhaps, be called “quantum nonmechanics”

. – David Bohm (theoretical physicist), Quantum Theory

“Consciousness is much more of the implicate order than is matter . . . Yet at a deeper level [matter and consciousness] are actually inseparable and interwoven ,

just as in the computer game the player and the screen are united by participation.”

  • David Bohm, American theoretical physicist

“According to Bohm, the ground of the cosmos is not elementary particles but pure process, a flowing movement of the whole.

Within this implicate order, Bohm believed, one could resolve the Cartesian split between mind and matter, or between brain and consciousness.”

  • F. David Peat, researcher

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much:

There is no matter as such!

All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together

… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind.

This Mind is the matrix of all matter.” – Max Planck, German theoretical physicist

“The stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine.

Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter… we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter”

– Sir James Jean, English physicist

“It was not possible to formulate the laws (of quantum theory) in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness”

– Eugene Wigner, Hungarian-American theoretical physicist

“It will remain remarkable, in whatever way our future concepts may develop, that the very study of the external world led to the scientific conclusion that the content of the consciousness is the ultimate universal reality”

– Eugene Wigner

“The common division of the world into subject and object, inner world and outer world, body and soul is no longer adequate.” – Werner Heisenberg, German theoretical physicist

“The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment.”

  • Bernard d’Espagnat, French theoretical physicist

“Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms.

For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else.”

  • Erwin Schroedinger

“What quantum mechanics tells us, I believe, is surprising to say the least. It tells us that the basic components of objects – the particles, electrons, quarks etc.

– cannot be thought of as “self-existent”. The reality that they, and hence all objects, are components of is merely “empirical reality”.

This reality is something that, while not a purely mind-made construct as radical idealism would have it, can be but the picture our mind forces us to form of … Of what ?

The only answer I am able to provide is that underlying this empirical reality is a mysterious, non-conceptualisable “ultimate reality”, not embedded in space and (presumably) not in time either.”

  • Bernard d’Espagnat

“…the contemporary understanding of material is very different now from the way it used to be. If we consider what matter really is, we now understand it as much more of a mathematical thing…

But I think that matter itself is now much more of a mental substance…”

  • Roger Penrose, English physicist

“[Is mind] primary or an accidental consequence of something else?

The prevailing view among biologists seems to be that the mind arose accidentally out of molecules of DNA or something. I find that very unlikely. It seems more reasonable to think that mind was a primary part of nature from the beginning and we are simply manifestations of it at the present stage of history.

It’s not so much that mind has a life of its own but that mind is inherent in the way the universe is built.”

  • Freeman Dyson, American theoretical physicist

“The notion of a separate organism (a body) is clearly an abstraction, as is also its boundary. Underlying all this is unbroken wholeness even though our civilization has developed in such a way as to strongly emphasize the separation into parts.”

David Bohm, The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory

No vibrations

N O . V I B R A T I O N S !!

“All motion, all time, all space, all material consciousness is the relationship of one set of vibrations to another set and that is not the world that Christ Jesus walked in. He discovered another world where there is no vibration. My Kingdom is not a world of vibration.”
Herb Fitch

Atomic man can dabble and poke, waft and wane, or simply awaken to the realm of Spirit, God, i.e., One eternal non-vibrating miracle.


Stepping out of matter

S T E P P I N G . O U T . O F . M A T T E R

Do you struggle a bit to stay on track? I think I may have a little help in that area. For starters I believe it’s imperative that we do stay on track, let’s be clear about that! When we go off, we give a lot of credence to that which has no reality and no right taking over our consciousness. But what to do about it? We do some things that seem to bring us to conscious awareness but the moment we go away from what we were doing the cares of the world come rushing in!

We need permanent markers that we can grab to stay where we need to be. When I become aware of confusion and fear – if I don’t confront it immediately, it festers and grows. Then in my turmoil I often remember a rather silly single step I can take – almost physically – that makes me so happy that I feel giddy. It’s actually a partial or attempted step.

I see myself stepping OUT OF the material realm and INTO my Soul. It’s so funny because as I’m “stepping” I see nothing to step into – nothing at all. It’s most disconcerting! Why nothing?

Try it, you’ll see … there’s nothing of matter to hang onto at all. It’s your Soul taking over for you, showing you exactly what perfection looks like and how it is your actual life in the here and now! It always was: right where you saw matter, it being entirely spiritual was your real identity all along.

Now aware of your Soul, you are free to discover your spiritual body, your limitless omnipresence, your being as Spirit itself and your being as Christ itself.

I just don’t know where I’d be without the amazing recordings of Herb Fitch. I listen to them all the time and urge people who are fairly advanced in their spiritual search to do likewise.


Death – by Capree Greene


This could cause some controversy, but that’s ok. I always post to encourage people to think, NOT force anyone to side with or believe me.

I believe death is one of the biggest lies (enemy) that we have believed. Perhaps that’s why Jesus said it’s the last enemy to be destroyed. If you think about it, we already died once IN JESUS and ARROSE with Him. Why do we want to die again? It’s actually really dumb if you think about it. The only reason the body ages and starts decaying is because of mistaken identity. That’s where sickness comes from as well. Trying to understand part of “self” with the wrong wisdom. A friend once said, “decay is a specific seed that says, “I’m not like God”.

Some also say death is the transformation in form. I guess I could partly agree with that as the death of self, but that causes us to awaken and behold who we truly are! But some also talk about reincarnation, which to me is also a trap in the mind due to LACK. It never experiences the fullness of life, hence the need for reincarnating to try different formulations to see what works better. I think it’s a realm of its own, trapped in works and disembodiment. Like going around and around the mountain in different “sub realities”.

In fact, I’m starting to see the so called realm of earth, and so called realm of heaven (spirit) as actually one single reality. They are not two different places. We’ve only separated them in our minds. Same goes with body, soul, and spirit. They are actually “one”. Our so called physically bodies are “spirit” and are “life” So when we think of letting go or giving up our physical bodies so to speak, we are actually causing disembodiment. There is so much more depth here than what I’m actually typing out, but seeing extreme importance of our “physical” bodies that are “one” with our spirit and should not be disregarded.

I actually don’t see any transformation process at all. We’ve already been transformed. Perhaps we are just vibrating at lower frequencies that keep us from “seeing” what we actually look like and what we actually are! Makes me think of Enoch being “no more” Perhaps he didn’t go anywhere! Perhaps he just vibrated at such a high frequency that he became “invisible” to the physical eye. Same with Jesus. He didn’t go anywhere, but vibrated back in to the Fathers realm! Body and all! (Remember, body soul and spirit as one whole “being”)!!

We have truly entered in to the biggest shift of humanity! We are letting go of believing and expecting to enter in KNOWING AND BEHOLDING that which we are! 😍
Capree Greene

Matter does not exist!

If I were compelled to state as succinctly as possible just what it is that I’m trying to get the whole world to see, it would be that matter as such does not exist.
Discovering the staggering ramifications of this fundamental scientific truth is for each individual to grapple with. But aware or not they do have this one singular fact forever before their eyes: There Is No Matter.

The is no matter as such: Max Planck

As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. . . . We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.
Max Planck
The New Science

“Matter as such does not exist”

The amazing miracles that Jesus performed have no easy explanation … not in this realm where matter reigns. But quantum physics and especially Einstein have demonstrated time and again that “matter as such does not exist.” Once free from the throes of matter, Jesus’ miracles start making sense. He was literally in another dimension or another universe right where everyone saw him in our third dimension. In Spirit, all good is possible.