Category Archives: Nisargadatta Maharaj

Nothing exists without your being there to experience its existence -NM

Your direct insight tells you
that yourself you know first, for
nothing exists without your being
there to experience its existence.
Whatever can be described
cannot be your self, and
what you are cannot
be described.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

Your direct insight tells you
that yourself you know first, for
nothing exists without your being
there to experience its existence.
Whatever can be described
cannot be your self, and
what you are cannot
be described.
Nisargadatta Maharaj

What is watching pain is yourself -NM

N.MAHARAJ: Visitor: Thoughts grab us and take us away.
Maharaj:” Thoughts have so much power because of the identification with the body.”
Visitor: It is very difficult just to watch pain. I become afraid.
Maharaj:” What is watching pain is yourself. With Consciousness, you have to hold Consciousness. Give attention to this ‘I’ taste. Don’t give attention to fear, give attention to what you are. Once you know what you are you become fearless. Remove the concept of death from your mind. There is no death as such. I am sure you are not going to die. That is only a concept or idea.
Your identification with the body has continued since childhood, so in order to get rid of it also takes time.
For the Beingness to sustain itself there is occupation. Whatever you gain has no value. You will come to understand the hollowness of this game. Only in your ignorant phase, you take everything as so important. We give undue importance to things that come and go.
I am talking from the standpoint where I do not know of myself, that ‘I Am.’ I don’t belong to the realm of waking and sleep states. How can I presume that I am like this or that? You presume that I am something or somebody.”


No effort can take you there, only the clarity of understanding. Trace your misunderstandings and abandon them, that is all.
There is nothing to seek and find, for there is nothing lost. Relax and watch the ‘I am’. Reality is just behind it. Keep quiet, keep silent , It will emerge, or, rather, it will take you in.

~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Suffering <= clinging or resisting,unwillingness to move on, flow w life -NM

Q: The universe does not seem a happy place to live in. Why is there so much suffering?

M: Pain is physical; suffering is mental. Beyond the mind there is no suffering.
Pain is merely a signal that the body is in danger and requires attention.
Similarly, suffering warns us that the structure of memories and habits, which we call the person (vyakti), is threatened by loss or change.

Pain is essential for the survival of the body, but none compels you to suffer. Suffering is due entirely to clinging or resisting; it is a sign of our unwillingness to move on, to flow with life.

As a sane life is free of pain, so is a saintly life free from suffering.

Q: Nobody has suffered more than saints.

M: Did they tell you, or do you say so on your own?
The essence of saintliness is total acceptance of the present moment,
harmony with things as they happen. A saint does not want things to be different from what they are; he knows that, considering all factors, they are unavoidable. He is friendly with the inevitable and, therefore, does not suffer.
Pain he may know, but it does not shatter him. If he can, he does the needful to restore the lost balance — or he lets things take their course.

Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
✅ Beyond the mind there is no suffering

Taking appearance for reality is grievous sin -NM

Nisargadatta Maharaj

Q: All I want to know is how to deal with the world’s sorrows.

M: You have created them out of your own desires and fears, you deal with them. All is due to your having forgotten your own being. Having given reality to the picture on the screen, you love its people and suffer for them and seek to save them. It is just not so. You must begin with yourself. There is no other way. Work, of course. There is no harm in working.

M: To take appearance for reality is a grievous sin and the cause of all calamities. You are the all-pervading, eternal and infinitely creative awareness — consciousness. All else is local and temporary. Don’t forget what you are. In the meantime work to your heart’s content. Work and knowledge should go hand in hand.

Nobody is dying, because nobody was born -NM

“Please understand that there is only one thing to be understood, and that is that you are the formless, timeless unborn. It is because of your identification with the body as an entity that your consciousness, which is universal consciousness, thinks that it is dying.

Nobody is dying, because nobody was born. The millions of forms are the manifestation of consciousness. It is the millions of forms which get created and destroyed, but universal consciousness itself is unborn and undying.”

~ Nisargadatta (20th century Indian Advaita mystic)

See everything as dream & stay out -NM

“You are the Self, that perfect immutable Self. Nothing else exists. Nothing else ever existed. Nothing else will ever exist. There is only one Self and you are That. Rejoice!”

~ Robert Adams


“In the waking state, the world emerges due to ignorance, and takes one into a waking-dream state.

Both sleep and waking are misnomers. We are only dreaming.

True Waking and True Sleeping, only the Jnani [Sage] knows; We dream that we are awake, we dream that we are asleep. The three states are only varieties of the dream state.

Treating everything as a dream liberates. As long as you give Reality to dreams, you are their slave.

By imagining that you are born as so-and-so, you become a slave to the so-and-so.

The essence of slavery is to imagine yourself to be a process; to have past and future, to have history.

In fact, we have no history, we are not a process, we do not develop, nor decay.

So see all as a dream,
And stay out of it!

~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj ~