if you have bought my book –
please go to PART FIVE (Chapter 16) “You Can Heal Yourself Now”. On Kindle it’s at the 54% position. (Pg 157 Paperback.) This comprises the whole rest of the book. I think you’ll find it chock full of timely insights for about 120 pages (longer than most entire books). During my last 6 months of writing, Papa (Abba, Father) said we need to move this section to the end as everything else leads up to it – which is what a newbie or beginner needs. YOU ARE NOT SUCH A BEGINNER !! . After reading PART FIVE , feel free to skim, scan, or read in depth, the beginning sections. Okay guys?
Quantum Dimensions of Healing – eBook (Kindle) and Paperback (Print) $3.99 Kindle, $10.45 Print. Just type Amazon.com in your address line and then search for Robin Starbuck. Or, search for Quantum Dimensions of Healing.
by Dr. Robin Starbuck, Ph.D.
● Convincing the reader that healing is alive and well (Section 5).
● The fulfillment of the ‘coming’ of the Kingdom of God is all about healing (Sections 1 and 5).
● We’ve got to unload our religion- laden notions of what healing entails (Section 1).
● It is well proven that language serves as more of an enemy than a friend until we get a glimpse of how to make it work for us (Section 2).
● What we really need is to cultivate the ability to imagine much, much bigger and QUANTUM PHYSICS lends a willing assist in this regard (Sections 3 and 4).
● THE WHOLE BOOK really starts here (Section 5: “You Can Heal Yourself Now”) as everything previous is really leading up to it!
To R E I T E R A T E :
1st Part sets aside organized religion, leaving us free to learn about and follow Jesus freely; 2nd Part deals with the role of language from Jesus’ time to present and how it often confounds us. 3rd & 4th Parts delve into Quantum Physics, showing that God created it all and Jesus’ miracles are proven divinely natural. 5th Part = Final 1/2 of book is all about healing – how Jesus healed everyone effortlessly and how God has equipped us to do likewise.
This book can be summarized in one word: MORE. Every spiritual breakthrough that you have, every illumination, every glorious revelation has so much MORE to show you, to pull you into and overtake you with – if you’ll only go the distance. Renouncing organized religion, becoming increasingly aware of communication glitches, looking to quantum physics for insights into supernatural happenings – as well as the courage to expand our consciousness – gives us a whole new view on healing a body, a nation and a world.
As people grow in their awareness of God’s allness, they’ll develop their own personal mechanism that will inform them on a moment-by-moment basis what they should take in and what to summarily dismiss. They’ll wonder if they can still even speak from their own vantage point anymore and have their friends comprehend. Some will, some won’t: such is the gift of God.
Quantum Dimensions of Healing – eBook (Kindle) and Paperback (Print) $3.99 Kindle, $10.45 Print. Just type Amazon.com in your address line and then search for Robin Starbuck. Or, search for Quantum Dimensions of Healing. DIRECT LINK: Amzn.to/2rJBoS6 .
QUANTUM DIMENSIONS OF HEALING: You can heal yourself now (by Dr. Robin Starbuck, Ph.D.) focuses on
● Convincing the reader that healing is alive and well (Section 5).
● The fulfillment of the ‘coming’ of the Kingdom of God is all about healing (Sections 1 and 5).
● We’ve got to unload our religion- laden notions of what healing entails (Section 1).
● It is well proven that language serves as more of an enemy than a friend until we get a glimpse of how to make it work for us (Section 2).
● What we really need is to cultivate the ability to imagine much, much bigger and QUANTUM PHYSICS lends a willing assist in this regard (Sections 3 and 4).
● THE WHOLE BOOK really starts here (Section 5: “You Can Heal Yourself Now”) as everything previous is really leading up to it!
To R E I T E R A T E :
1st Part sets aside organized religion, leaving us free to learn about and follow Jesus freely; 2nd Part deals with the role of language from Jesus’ time to present and how it often confounds us. 3rd & 4th Parts delve into Quantum Physics, showing that God created it all and Jesus’ miracles are proven divinely natural. 5th Part = Final 1/2 of book is all about healing – how Jesus healed everyone effortlessly and how God has equipped us to do likewise.
This book can be summarized in one word: MORE. Every spiritual breakthrough that you have, every illumination, every glorious revelation has so much MORE to show you, to pull you into and overtake you with – if you’ll only go the distance. Renouncing organized religion, becoming increasingly aware of communication glitches, looking to quantum physics for insights into supernatural happenings – as well as the courage to expand our consciousness – gives us a whole new view on healing a body, a nation and a world.