Category Archives: Methodology

Don’t pit different paths against each other

I just can’t see any reason under the sun to pit one’s spiritual path against another’s and vehemently teach it.

Infinity certainly has enough infinititude to graciously allow multifarious paths! Millions of people are and have been enjoying great discovery, revelation and – dare I say – enlightenment from a well-honed progressive path or a no-compromise direct path.

Why not choose your path, knowing it’s helped millions and allow in your heart the fact that “the other” path has also helped millions? In the ginormous Heart of Love there’s gotta be a place for those who prove with their very lives that Spirit is All – just like you do.

Is something wrong?


It’s a lot easier –
a major shortcut – to say
“No, absolutely not!”
I’m better than okay.

Nip it in the bud
Proactively speaking
And BE the realm of
Eternal, sublime perfection
From the very get-go.

Don’t leave a hair or fingernail

  • a nagging, sinking feeling –
    back where you never were!
    Stand on the Absolute,
    complete, total Allness, Oneness, Nowness of Spirit, God.

Find out all you possibly can
about perfect unattachment.
What do “I don’t care” and
“I’m not here” really mean?

Tell us if you can

  • if you really know –
    where it is that
    you really are.

You’re pure Spirit, right?
Why are you lying on that bed?
Answer: I’m not.
Why are you in that city,
village, country?
Answer: I’m not.
Why are you …? I’m not.

What are you then?
I am Allness, fullness,
Spirit, Life, Love –
everywhere at once!

I am bounded by nothing at all.
I am without time or space.
I’m not what you think you see –
looking out there! I’m free!

I’m in China, Egypt too!
England and Istanbul.
T h i s m o m e n t everywhere
in Allness – just like you.

Three seconds of procrastination


Let’s consider the term ‘procrastination’ and acknowledge that by definition of its nuances, it’s entirely negative. Let’s exercise our due diligence and root it out.

“I will meditate on this right now” is ALREADY TOO LATE ! “This” represents a lie. Three more seconds of this lie and you’ve got some major shoveling to do!

You’re an elephant. No, I’m not. You’re in Afghanistan. No, I’m not. You’re a scientist. No, I’m not. You’re sick. NO, I’M NOT !!

Misión acomplí! No “need” to meditate. BEing at one with Spirit is pure joy now. There’s nothing underhanded anymore: you’re not going to God to get something – you ARE everything real and spiritual.

Why pit paths against each other?

I was so reluctant to respond because I just can’t see any reason under the sun to pit one’s spiritual path against another’s and vehemently teach it.

Infinity certainly has enough infinititude to graciously allow multifarious paths! Millions of people are and have been enjoying great discovery, revelation and – dare I say – enlightenment from a well-honed progressive path or a no-compromise direct path.

Why not choose your path, knowing it’s helped millions and allow in your heart the fact that “the other” path has also helped millions? In the ginormous Heart of Love there’s gotta be a place for those who prove with their very lives that Spirit is All – just like you do.

Truly listening rjs

There COULD be a most amazing surge in peace, love, mutual growth and understanding if people would always stretch beyond their last level of spiritual apprehension and ferret out what another is truly alluding to. Beyond pat answers and beyond pat reactions. Way way beyond and into rarefied place of finally forever free.

Apology is good for the soul

I learned an important lesson about a week ago. I commented on a friend’s post, not realizing that my comment mitigated against his entire message to a very specific audience.

In my zeal to ‘correct’ him, I was sending out a message that was unloving, unimportant and most certainly, unnecessary.

Let me please be far less critical, and far less demanding, drawing merely from my own perspective, as truly helping another, means knowing when to lovingly back off.


S/He is you. rjs


Throughout the day
Check yourself out:
Close your eyes and
Look lovingly
Upon that poor, dear soul
That loves and suffers.

Give her your gentlest
Firmest knowingness
Explain to her that
s/he’s got it all wrong.
S/he is you, the only I AM.

There aren’t two,
Or two billion, isolated
Separated souls
Forever striving.
S/he is as You Are
Only One complete.


A good deal


Here’s a good deal for you:
You wish you could spiritually log in more hours of full on meditation, right? (If not, you should have. LOL)

Here’s the deal: count every minute that you’re NOT listening to the human mind as quality meditation!

I’m serious.


Value your proven methodology

I need to remember to keep valuing all that has unfolded for me and has been working for me so well. New illumination has come and that is so wonderful because I can understand better what was in play for all those years. I can grow further from the new revelation that I’m receiving now even regarding what I had been using back then. The main point in this diatribe is to say that it did work and it does work and there’s no need to judge the past methodology as if it were wrong when it’s the very thing that brought me to where I am.

For instance I would talk to God about my problems and he would listen with such tender affection and give me just the guidance that I needed. As a child and a young adult I needed all the guidance I could get from such a reliable source.