Category Archives: Memes


Wherever God is I am.

Jesus stepped out of the world of atoms & saw “I and Father are ONE”
How about we emulate Him?
Holy diet: no atoms for me, please!

I am not in form.
This is the Christ teaching.
It’s about beholding a new heaven & new earth right here & … as soon as we awaken

Reading a lot? Listening too? Thinking you ought to apply more?
Do it!
Take your next thought & ask what Jesus would have thought.

Before quarks, gen’l relativity, space-time, unified fields and strings vibrating musically, there was #CONSCIOUSNESS

Wherever I am God is & wherever God is I am.
God is never in time so in reality neither are we.
We’re eternal not affected by time

D’ya have a few annoying glitches in your otherwise perfect bod?
Just a few tweaks, God, & I’ll be on my way…
‘Nuf said?

False consciousness of world is all around you.
Don’t be afraid of this FALSE CONSCIOUSNESS:
unmask it and see what’s really there

The counterfeit mind will always see lack, fear, sickness, death
But I = Father within you
I = Spirit

Don’t bother resisting evil: it’s no part of the real universe of Spirit.
I-Spirit doesn’t see, feel, know that which isn’t there!

Jesus walked right through the midst of his mortal enemies!!!
He saw only what was really there.

Transformation isn’t for the future:
It’s your very consciousness instead of cosmic world of duality and illusion.
Know God aright

Is love bursting forth in your consciousness so forcefully that you can no longer settle for the limitations of yesterday? #AWAKEN

Cosmic shadow:
belief that we are trapped in a physical form.
As we drop such false beliefs, we’ll EXPERIENCE
the risen Christ.

We need not look with human eyes anymore.
Can you recognize the divinity of everyone?

“I, in the midst of you”
I Am … You.
I = Self that is God. Resurrection is the return to reality! We’ve dropped our toys!!

“Oh, dear God, please do this or that”
sounds like we’re missing the mark.
God’s work is done.
GOD -I-S- ALL (includes us).

Spiritually speaking, when we judge someone, guess what?
They’re not even there!
We’re judging our own distorted concept of them!

So, you got yourself deeply committed to doing God’s will, right?
Got really busy?
You’ll soon see River of Life carries you along

In Spirit all of mortal history

In the absence of ‘you’ (not the presence), Jesus could do his wonderful works.
‘You’ => mortal selfhood.
I-Spirit = Omnipresence.

The absence of you = presence of your Christ-self.
The absence of your physical being = absence of your physical sense of world.

The infinite invisible universe that’s all around us
is here

The kingdom of God is eternal life.
As a fleshly human being, you cannot know (the kingdom of) God.
Thankfully, we have God within

The kingdom of God is life without end.
Renounce all beliefs that would deny immortality.
While appearing in flesh, I am I-Spirit.

The child of God knows that matter is not God’s creation
“My Father is the only Being, Substance, Spirit, Immortality, Perfection”

You can have your life in your living soul
or you can live in your fleshly dream.
But :p
You can’t have both!

Human mind is only adversary I ever had
When it speaks my consciousness rises in opposition.
I’m in my soul so it dissolves itself

What are you forgiving the other fellow for?
Really? Or, did he offend ur false sense of self?
Hmmm… #NoDualism

This mind that gets offended easily, whose back goes up when people do things it wishes they wouldn’t
isn’t a mind at all.

We look out upon our sense impressions & call them ‘form’ ‘matter’ ‘object’.
They’re none of these.
Inside there’s I-Spirit, God.

Please don’t get me wrong on this
I’ve been at it looong time & yet my greatest spiritual breakthroughs came after major struggles

Flesh is flesh.
Spirit is Spirit.
They can’t mingle.
If you believe in one, you can’t believe in the other. #DEHYPNOTIZE

There’s no human me here at all.
I’m neither a physical form, mind nor body.
I am a spiritual soul,
no part of the cosmic dream!

When emergencies strike, suddenly people will cease dilly-dally, claim their spiritual exemption & start feeling mighty grateful.

We’re so unbelievably unaware of the will of God.
We can only know this through contemplative meditation.

I am not afraid of storms for I know how to sail my ship.
-Louisa May Alcott
Prudence Mukosha Manda

Living only in Father entails
● Giving up world.
● Giving up false consciousness.
● Accepting no place in universe outside Father.

That which is looking at a false image has created the false image and is now judging its creation!!!

Forgive the whole sense delusion world and watch illness disappear, supply delivered, joy abounding and yourself free!

I wonder what would happen if we were to dispense with all religious titles…

You cannot preserve your material body, and yet Jesus says that whoever loses his (matter-based) life shall find it (eternal life)

A God too big to question is a God too small to worship.
~Jeff Turner

Over the years I’ve heard so much really good stuff about forgiveness
Really really good!
Only problem is it doesn’t work.

When you still have that gnawing in the stomach after many many years of trying to forgive it’s time to quit.
God has a better way

Memes – 8

Trying to repair a shadow?

Truth is within ourselves.
We must open out a way
For the imprLoisoned splendor to escape.

Only mortal man believes he is “better” than every other creature on the planet.
(Would that this were not the case!)

We must rise above contentment with human form.
We are invisible Self.
We have an opportunity to commune with infinite in everyone

God is All. Yes?
God is good, so all is good.
Spiritually speaking, is reincarnation real?
In Spirit incarnation is but a dream…

Is anyone else out there praying for Mark Zuckerberg and for Facebook?
Both are beloved of God, Spirit, Light.

Have you ever experienced complete non-yearning?
Non-waiting for anything?
Just total absolute composure?
That’s God!

So-and-so thinks whaaat?
Spreading half-baked truisms & unfounded beliefs?
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Wasn’t it just yesterday you also did?

When you declare Truths of God & Allness,
listen to the other side of the argument.

●●● This is so important. My eyes get weepy when I think of all the precious time I wasted, bending an ear to the world mind’s “side of the story”! There is no other side!

All that we see
Or seem
Is a dream within
A dream. (Edgar Allen Poe) #DEHYPNOTIZE

Know no one after the flesh.
See as Christ does without ceasing.
Stop denying the omnipresence of God.
This is #TheTruthThatHeals

Lean not unto your own understanding but surrender ALL of the natural inclinations that you feel.
God really, really is… ALL !!

The world thinks it believes in God.
It just doesn’t believe in what God is saying!
The world is the antipode of all that God is!

• G • O • D •
• I • S •
• A • L • L •

We have every possible opportunity to enter the Kingdom, to become ONEd with God, Spirit.
It’s right here, right now, in our heart

No matter what’s in the so-called news God is All, and matter isn’t.
Right where confusion seems to be, I-Spirit, God, is instead.

Don’t ever think the Spirit-realm admits of demons and nonsensical spirits.
. #ThisChangesEverything

to those opening your hearts to new revelation, making it easier for everyone to access the Spirit realm.

All pleasure and joy in human achievement comes to an end as we transcend material belief & no longer look to matter for anything.

God becomes a present living total God to whom we consecrate our life.
I am not seeking earthly experiences, not fooled by matter

I’m not seeking effect, but cause, in God. The voice of personal self is dwindling & love of Father is burning in my heart.

The moment that you
K – N – O – W
that God is total, the belief of good and evil disappears.

All I need do is
Everything I could seek in the form is already mine. 🙂
My new name is the life of God.

Whatever you know that God doesn’t know about isn’t real.
You know about sickness, right? Well, God doesn’t!
So it isn’t real.

God the Father is God the Son.
I-Spirit is all-in-all. #NoDualism #AWAKEN #RADICAL #DEHYPNOTIZE

Are you able to distinguish between that which makes you happy (1) Coming from form
(2) Coming from Spirit?

The strangest thing people seeking spiritual answers tend to do =
or any other concoction of matter & Spirit

The happiness that comes from within is …
Well, let’s put it this way:
There’s nothing quite like it!
For it attests to God.

Imagine a day when little children will say “W-a-a-a-a-h, I don’t wanna go out and play, I just want to stay here with Jesus!”


At one time I occasionally felt Jesus beside me. I would stretch up my arms to the heavens! But now I know that He is within!!

Sometimes I look in the mirror to remind myself what Jesus looks like.
🙂 Tim Heart 🙂

you allow yourself to live in a divided consciousness you are turning away from the undivided universe of the Father

None of us has less of a spiritual body than Jesus, nor less of a divine Mind for we are the same firstborn

Jesus said there was so much more he could have told his disciples (us, by mystical-spiritual-extension) but we cannot bear it now

Are you still preaching same sermons you did years ago?
Of course who doesn’t know Truth never changes but new revelations appear.

Are there
TOXIC TOPICS you’ve learned to avoid ‘like the plague’?Good
Don’t go back into muck & mire of material sense

As we ascend in our apprehension of the spiritual we see our former steps with great appreciation & are glad for further progress.

I and the Father are one.
We must be that One in everything we think, say and do.
The inner and the outer are one in Spirit.

I and the Father are one.
We must be that One in everything we think, say and do.
The inner and the outer are one in Spirit.

The three-dimensional world will benefit exponentially from your unwavering acceptance of spiritual identity & fourth dimension.

In reality there are no states & stages & levels of spiritual understanding.
But, alas, we need to wake up to this profound Truth.

Been trying to repair a shadow?
All pain, suffering, injustice, hardship is shadow in thought
The spiritual universe alone is real


When God is living in you … and through you … and as you … well, Life just can’t get much sweeter than that!

Have you ever
In your whole life
Been able to focus completely on Christ
And seen error at the same moment? It can’t happen!!! :p

It’s done! … You’re here! … You’ve found your way … At last! … You are set free! …Free to be all …You ever dreamed of!

That’s all – a question:
What if you, like Paul, had a thorn in your side

on negative posts.
Pray from a position of power. WHAT GOOD ARE YOU if they pull you down

There is no place where I leave off and Father begins: “I (and) Father are One.
We are two ends of one activity.

God is the very life of my being.
One moment it seems that all is in chaos, next moment God fills #Consciousness and all is well.

Healing From Your Spiritual Body: Herb Fitch recounts a healing of AIDS.
You must be in ur invisible spiritual body to be of help.

Close your eyes tightly and you’ll see that’s where you always were.

Refuse to be the least bit impressed by anything good or bad the material body or human mind has to say.

Think about Spirit. Now become aware of who/what is doing the thinking.
Let’s call that being ‘I’.
So, you are ‘I’ and so is God.

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ G O D … I S . ‘
‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

“Much education consists in the instilling of unfounded dogmas in place of a spirit of inquiry.”
(Bertrand Russell)

PUNCTUATION BLUNDERS ruin the flow of meaning in sentences.
A semicolon [ ; ] like a period = a full Stop.
A comma [ , ] Cuts too

Try this: Every issue is not a material but a spiritual issue.

To resist evil is a natural human instinct but we must rise above natural instincts and be consciously aware of the allness of God

God is the only creator, so who brought pain of any kind?
Pain is evidence of ignorance of Truth.
Problems cause us to awaken.

I’m letting the Father paint my life.
Only God’s love is the present power of the universe.
I need no other power
Rest in infinity

Are you interested in God?
Or God-power?
The latter cannot be had without the former! :p

R u dealing w issues fm a bottom-up approach (as if they & world were all powerful) or top-down w no bottom coz God is all?

<\\\>< THE MATERIAL UNIVERSE IS 100% AN IMITATION OF THE SPIRITUAL UNIVERSE OF GOD . <"///>< Come face to face with the fact that our own mind is a liar about God. Our own mind is an accomplice to the false creation #AWAKEN REST IN WHO YOU ARE AND WHO GOD IS . WHY? BECAUSE THEY ARE ONE !! OUR OWN MIND IS THE ILLEGITIMATE FATHER OF EVERY BURDEN WE CARRY !! THERE IS ONLY ONE MIND, GOD !! #DEHYPNOTIZE The child was caught up unto the throne = once you come into awareness you are under Divine Law alone True of Christ in all of us Once you have accepted Christ identity, the world no longer has power over you. Your embryonic Christ identity in you is expanding R e l i g i o n is what happens when . the . Spirit has left the building Here's a great 10-Second exercise you can do many many times throughout the day: Know emphatically "SPIRIT IS EVERYWHERE !!" ●●● "Spirit, God, good, Perfection, Love, Life, All-power, All-knowing, Truth, Immortality is absolutely everywhere INSTEAD of the seeming. Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick = Ten Seconds again and again throughout the day. You won't recognize yourself after awhile!!! :p Because Spirit is everywhere, spiritual Power Is everywhere! For Ten Seconds again & again throughout the day! I can relax & trust In the perfect kingdom of God nothing is ever missing or wrong, nothing is ever tentative. This perfect kingdom is here right now! The longer ur consciousness is buried in material universe the longer you'll flounder :'( But when u reclaim ur consciousness :D Teach that mind (of yours) God and His kingdom are all that are here now. Ur invisible consciousness of Truth is ur miracle-worker How many things are you concerned about that God knows nothing about? If God can't know it, neither can we (in spiritual reality). D O M I N I O N is possible as we allow the Mind of Christ to take over and literally replace our human mind. #NoDualism I N I T I A T I O N is taking you to the mountaintop by teaching you to come into ur real mind. Discords pressure u as with Moses. God's been talking to 'me' big time today: "Nope! Nope! Nope! Impending miracles CANNOT be outlined: they're ALWAYS a surprise!" A more advanced spiritual truth: if God can't cause a problem THERE IS NO REASON FOR IT and no validity in it #ThisCanHealYou Be very gentle with hurting people. Be very, very gentle. When you think you understand a little, BE EVEN MORE GENTLE !! The kingdom of God is within us now. #AWAKEN to this glorious ever-present Truth. Jesus, His kingdom, before Abraham was, is here. You don't express divine qualities: God, divinity, expresses you! There's absolutely no difference between you & What You Express. SPIRITUAL REST You have come so very far in your spiritual awareness. Don't let a human sense of 'rest' slip in: you need no human 'rest', but spiritual vigilance, keen awareness, which surpasses the sublimest so-called rest that the body ever knew!


One thing Joel drove home for me big time yesterday is to turn my consciousness directly to God for

Instead of praying to some CONCEPT of God (Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Mohamedan, Buddhist, etc)
open our awareness of ONEness

The sun naturally sends out its warmth & light asking for no reward.
The rain as well, no thanks required.
God functions similarly

Stop everything. Don’t make another move.
Everything wants to go.
Release your hold.
Robert Lindsey

” OPEN OUT A WAY . . .
(Robert Browning)

As a child I enjoyed juxtaposing synonyms of God and pondering:
God = Life, Life=Love, Love=Truth, Truth=Spirit, Spirit=Soul,

We err terribly when we “go to God for healing”!
Where do we go TO? From where did we COME?
God simply IS All there is

The kingdom of God is Spirit.
The kingdom of God is the Christ.
The kingdom of God is God.
All within you now!

Prayer is about getting very, very quiet within and hearing God in our Soul minister to us about what is really going on instead.

At times it may seem difficult to contact God owing to investment in worldly thinking.
But persistence will establish prayer mode.

When Christ dawns in individual consciousness the personal sense of self diminishes.
This Christ becomes our real being.

Gaining an awareness of God does not produce harmony.
God’s presence is the harmony.

(experiencing) eternal life?
“This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God.”

Hey guys! You still asking Him for advice, guidance, etc?
Hint: it’s YOUR real LIFE !!

That is NOT okay with God.
The awakening comes when you discover spiritual living!

God is not in realm or reach of mind or thoughts.
You must transcend mind & thought in order to reach God.

Every action of the organs & every function of the body are the activity of the Soul appearing as bodily action

Faith in an “unknown God” brings only the harmony of blind belief.
God must be known and understood through the Soul.

There are no laws of matter.
There are only beliefs.
You cannot be affected by a belief unless you believe it!

Time must come
When the seeker of healing, wealth, security, happiness discovers that their
is 1st step

Take no thought for human gains you might receive
& choose God instead

Can you want God
you want material benefit you think is coming as a reward?
Rise above selfish desires to realm of God.

How closed-minded are you?
Have you finally challenged EVERYTHING you ever learned in church?
Or any other “teacher”?

Didn’t Jesus say something like “I know I don’t need ask You (pray) for Lazarus or anyone else but I’ll say few words 4 the ppl”?

Why, oh why, aren’t my prayers being answered??
Coz ur praying to your chosen
of God which is non-existent. #AWAKEN

Coming to God for healing?
You have my sympathy coz you have everything sooo backwards.
Seek ye first Kingdom of God – PERIOD !!!

Have you ever tried listening to what others are
saying? It usually is the antithesis of what you’re hearing!

Water by definition is wet.
Fire by definition is hot.
Love by definition is uncondtional.
~Ashish Thomas

My kingdom is not of this world.
This world doesn’t have a clue what & where My kingdom is.
It is within u.
U r not of this world

“God is a jealous God.”
What a strange scripture…
Until you see that in God there’s nothing else you could possibly want or need

Still petitioning an anthropomorphic god for things u deem apropos for your or anyone else’s life?
How’s it working?

Don’t you just
L <3 V E . it when you put God first & then your 'personal issues' get resolved instantaneously & "miraculously"? When you rise above personal desires & realize that all you really want is - drum roll please - God, miracles start happening 😀 I do version of tongues that hardly resembles the original: done in private & with melody, it also serves to free up meditation 😉 CAN YOU POSSIBLY IMAGINE: GOD IS THE ONLY POWER !! No thoughtlessness, germs, infections, wars, earthquakes, death #AWAKEN KEEP LISTENING !! LISTEN WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART . GOD IS . THAT'S IT !! DO NOT JUDGE, BUT CULTIVATE SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT . Here is a very powerful word to ponder deeply: " I S " . There's no longer a need to judge, resist or fear. GOD IS . #DEHYPNOTIZE I keep falling in love with everybody! The difference now - spiritually - is that I never fall back out of L <3 V E !!! 😛 Power doesn't exist out here in the realm of effect: power only exists in the invisible realm of inner impulse of God #NoDualism . I and the Father are One. The Father is expressed through me. God's law is inviolable. I am subject to divine Grace, God's kingdom Wanted a major BREAKTHROUGH in meditation and found it: Treatment & prayer can be summoned during meditation to break blockages. When you meditate and thoughts come racing in, don't be distressed: just disregard them. You'll soon be free of intruding thoughts Close your eyes and think of a scripture or other enlightened thought. Good. Now another. & another. They came from your awareness When u finish meditating do u feel world calling you back? This question is only about ur thinking.. Do u give up all inspiration? This morning I had stupidest block re meditation. It occurred 2 seconds after really good session. Went right back & extended it! This is for people who are suffering: Find that place in your vision/mind that is free & clear. That's Spirit, God. Go deeper-stay


Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.
The disturbance is in you – a concept that you entertain

Years ago I wondered:
Why didn’t/doesn’t JESUS fix everything supernaturally?
He did, he showed mortal life to be unreal.

“Ye must be born again” said JESUS, but not way religion teaches.
Clear from your thinking everything denies ur already spiritual.

The Light shines in the darkness but the darkness comprehends it not.
We cannot afford to be in darkness any longer.

JESUS said “I have overcome the world (belief of life in flesh)”
Spiritual awareness establishes us as residents of kingdom of God

To realize your immortality you must give up all
mortality – good and bad!
All that God has is yours. #DEHYPNOTIZE

Ya gotta know the truth and know the truth & know the truth until mortality gives up!
The end of false life is not death but Life.

God NEVER sends us evil – absolutely not!
But would you want a challenge removed before attaining your spiritual breakthrough?

God’s will is that you BE what you are – Spirit.
Sl-o-o-o-w-ly we become aware we have been, and for most part are, still asleep.

● You are the Light of the world.
● Let your Light shine.
God can educate you exactly how to #AWAKEN
#TheTruthThatHeals #NoDualism

Christ in all of us never dies.
Mortality appears real but we experience Spirit of God - omnipresent Christ.

Christ in you
- I S -
the kingdom of God.
Human lifespan vs. ETERNAL LIFE !!! (Not in the physical world.) #ThisCanHealYou

Christ within has been taking care of everything perfectly - right up to point where you interfered!
Let Christ decide everything.

When the Spirit gets inside your thought it is because you have "opened out a way for the hidden splendor to escape [Browning]"

If you wish to entertain a negative train of thought, the kingdom of God is not 4u
Such thought couldn't enter or survive

We are One Being.
Formless = incorporeal.
When we attain this level, how can we think we're sick, dying mortals?

Every miracle of Christ Jesus happened because he was in a spiritual body.
You have that same spiritual body.

You are the light of the world.
No disease can withstand this amazing Light.
Whatever you want to do ... is done.

I just realized that the problem of staying in Spirit is exactly this question:
Answer: YES !!

Some challenges in life REQUIRE more stick-to-it-iveness than other issues. Sometimes we need get downright fanatical.

What does #radical trust look like - to the unwary?
"If your right eye causes you to stumble gouge it out & throw it away."

The Christ is the living Spirit of God.
For most people it takes l-o-o-o-ng time to awaken to the fact that they are the Christ.

We -f-e-e-l- the presence of the Presence!

In spiritual universe there is no time.
Anything you want is at your fingertips.
Your thinking is lucid, your decisions glorious!

I just figured out what you need (coz it's just what I need)
Much, much deeper and far more often
I-Spirit = my opener

If you were to discover you had been hypnotized a long time ago & ur environment has fed into it all these years, what would u do?

How many children does God have?
A gazillion-trillion?
Nah! - only one,
And we're it! #SpiritualUniverse

All too often people tune in to voice of Spirit, receive perfect counsel & instruction & then heed dictates of their own self-will

Can you feel the infinite structure of your being?
It's a whole different you.
Not localized.
Unspeakable freedom !!!

You've got to see the Spirit in everyone you associate with.
You must always be in the Spirit of God.

In Spirit you cannot - CANNOT - look at anyone with human judgement.
Rise to your spiritual integrity & become true to who you are

Love not the world nor the things of the world or else love of the Father is not in you.
They are unreal!

How can you possibly love everyone, bar none?
Love God, Spirit, in them coz that immortality is who they are

When you are able to clear your mind of all human thinking - all of it - you're then ready to hear the

There's nothing we can "do" to get Spirit to speak to us.
But, don't despair...
Just shut out all yammering of human mind & listen

When you find your secret place of the Most High,
treasure it.
It will weed out everything you don't need & add whatever u do need

It is impossible to adequately describe how important it is to turn off our human mind.
Okay okay I confess this message is to me!

No longer 'in time':
No more seasons, no money, no competition, no pain, fear, death.

When I have a problem, I know it's the residue of my own material thinking. I then need to do whatever it takes to get my self out

The type of living that we're wanting to do needs to be pruned and tweaked constantly!


When you really, really want to clear your mind of all unnecessary junk, what can you do?
Want it badly enough and focus on God.

One thing Joel drove home for me big time yesterday is to turn my consciousness directly to God for


Try to imagine an invisible incorporeal self: corporeality cannot harm you coz it can’t find u! Lol
Now realize that is the real u

God’s grace, love, power, abundance, substance and intelligence are
I N F I N I T E.
Why don’t we believe God?

How do u get to know God better?The human mind can never know God.
We must use our Christ-mind to understand God’s ONEness with us

Ever been healed of a gnawing addiction?
Life is suddenly sweeter & full of promise?
Pray for others by ‘seeing’ them free as well

I have zero personal power: my only function is a clear channel for grace of God, the only substance in kingdom of God everywhere.

That insatiable human ego keeps us out of the very kingdom we seek.
Personal Identity
= E G O
and is infinitely worse than vanity.

Are you relatively content, sometimes happy, occasionally ecstatic with your human life?
Even with pain fear & death?

“Before Abraham was, I am.”
Birth is the beginning of the mortal dream.
Anyone can wake up to the immortality Jesus came to teach.

When you mediate, don’t pussyfoot around.
Go directly to the kingdom of God which BTW is within you!
Renew your immortal strength

The purpose of Jesus Christ is to break the mortal dream.
The purpose of world mind is to maintain the mortal dream.

to Christ in you is what will break the world dream of mortality, including sickness, pain, fear, death

Living in separation from God?
Got lotsa conflict and distress?
Wondering what’s it all about?
You’re ready for full awakening 😀

I T’S T I M E !!!
to put all your eggs in one basket.
That basket is

I must be immortal coz I can’t be human and divine.
Can you say with me
Your before-birth self is present.

Knocking at the door
Want to get inside
Knock knock knock
The door opens to show me – I’m already inside.~Rumi (Mooji paraphrased)

Who did hinder you?
The answer is always some form of hypnosis.
Let’s free ourselves – & mankind in turn – of world mind.

“Take no thought” vs. “Remember this & that”:
(1) QUICKLY remember relevant truths.
(2) APPLY them & dismiss the lie

Become detached to belief in anything outside of God, & ‘seeming’ outer world will find a way to conform to your growing awareness

In order to heal u must see Christ in the other person.
Always perfect & immortal.
Don’t be fooled by appearances.

When someone needs your help they’re really saying “On the inside I know I’m the Christ but on the outside my mind doesn’t see it”

Can you imagine having twice as much faith, or awareness, as u do now?
Imagine seeing thru every sickness, every disease?

Have you been looking, fearing, grieving through glass darkly (thru material sense)?
Did you know God never created that universe?

Now that you have accepted Christ mind, you can do things in the kingdom of God.
It’s ur secret life until ur very competent at it

When you have a problem turn to the Christ within you which is no stranger to you, and ask “Do You have this problem??”

” F – E – A – R ”
has basis in illusion.
Every illness is false belief of life in matter.
Get rid of false belief & illusion

You know that body we’re always talking about?
Well, guess what?
U were never IN that body!!

Christ comes to the world through our awareness.
We bring this healing influence to bear as we take no thought.

It’s amazing how CHRIST,
speaks to us bringing miracles into our lives with such impeccable timing

The past and the future don’t exist: they’re the parentheses in infinity.
The ‘form’ you think is you … isn’t! #ThisCanHealYou

Keep on with profound study
Keep transforming your life away from matter basis.
Accelerate ur spiritual progress by helping others

God never created anything that’s not entirely perfect

Jesus only appears on earth but Christ has no beginning.
Christ was the whole light which Jesus represented
Christ was/is infinite

Q: How can we follow Jesus, the Light, Christ?
A: We must be the Light.
Transformation only happens when we r ready for next level

All communication with God is in the split second of the
N – O – W

” N – O – W ”
is a wonderful glorious word: it’s God’s exclusively.
How hard is it to revel in this holy instant of God’s
N O W ?

<3 HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY EVER !! <3 ...To receive all my posts of ENCOURAGEMENT and ENLIGHTENMENT simply go to my profile (Robin Starbuck), click "friends", then click "see first". JESUS said "I have overcome the world." I = Spirit of God. The same I that is in you = the same I that IS you! #ThisCanHealYou The profundity of this statement escapes most people: The WAY to APPLY teachings of healing Truths is to claim "I DO see that..." To enter kingdom of heaven you've got to understand you're not a material corporeal body NOT in Time NOT in Space NOT in this body The Spirit of God never, never stops coming to Itself. You'll start knowing things before they happen. How's that for preparation? (1) Accept your identity as Christ. (2) Be true to your identity as Christ. #NoDualism #ChristInUsNow #TheTruthThatHeals Everything JESUS did in the Bible is there because you can do it - but you'll never be able to do it if you're in a corporeal body Nothing in God's universe is ever wrong. Have you been entertaining thoughts of a counterfeit universe? #JustaQuestion #TIMETOQUIT You're not in the presence of God if you're not aware of being in the presence of God. Ditto for the protection of God. I AM = God


In my earlier days I used to “turn my problem over to God”! Everyone thought it was wonderful!
I simply say


Jesus could have told thief on cross he was already in Paradise, but the thief wouldn’t have understood.
We too are there already.

To whomever overcomes mortality (Tree of Knowledge) will I (Christ, your real life)give immortality (Tree of Life)

I-Christ, in the midst of you, has already overcome the world.

What if all your thoughts, feelings and desires amounted to nothing, spiritually?
Hey! It’s just a question!

We are being spoon-fed the Kingdom by our soul.
Having divested ourself of all the trappings of the world, we enter the sanctuary.

Those who put forth the effort to live in spiritual universe & spiritual body as Christ identity find Divine Love within released.

Divine Love is where annoying neighbor, etc is: = spiritual being.
He that kno3weth not Love knoweth not God.

We must not (cannot) place ANYONE outside that One Body of Christ.

Did you know your spiritual body contains all that the Father has?
It is your ONLY body!
In accepting one, you renounce the other.

Your spiritual body is always fulfilling law of God that you be perfect in every way.
Refuse to accept the lie that says otherwise

again & again & again.
The world mind blinds mankind to its identity as Christ.
We can break it: Know The Truth!

It is possible consciously to walk in Kingdom of Heaven now – on earth – daily.
People who aren’t aware won’t see you living in it

Conscious living in the Kingdom brings forth the God-substance.
Needless to say such living bears fruit very quickly in many ways

already Am.
The infinite I is the I of all who seemingly walk in flesh.
That everywhere I is who I am and who my neighbor is.

God did not create mortal life. The mission of Christ is to teach this Immortal truth.
is the Christ message

All cosmic human thought is
to break the dream of matter.
There is only One Creator : GOD.

The universal hypnosis is shattered when incorporeal senses are developed & we transmit our infinite being into eternal expression

Spirit is omnipresent – with no division.
No boundaries of height, width, depth, minutes, hours, years, inches, feet, yards, miles

Spirit is ONE Infinite Life, always alive, always self-existent, always the only Life, the only power and the only intelligence.

ONE eternal perfect BE-ing is the spiritual flesh of Christ
The infinite intelligence of this omnipresent being is blood of Christ

●●●●● Accept & practice the presence and the omnipresence of Christ as the one IDENTITY
In mystical terms this is eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ.
This is the reality of ALL mankind.
Only then can the Kingdom of God within convert earth into heaven for you.

on the day of
demonstrated that man is immortal Christ and can never die.

The eternal I AM of man never dies.
That eternal I AM had the power to transform your life and the life of the world.

Instead of seeking Christ,
just BE Christ.
Only Christ has the power to fulfill the purpose of God.

Your success depends on the measure in which you live in your Christ identity. There is no other method, no shortcut no easier way

Christ never rose from the dead: I-Christ, God, never died.
God & Christ are one Spirit, one eternal Life.
Spirit is indivisible.

Christ has overcome the world. He accepted God as the only being in the universe.
This was key to His mission & ministry. #AWAKEN

Christ lives in the Kingdom of God under the perfect government of God.
Christ lives by the will of God – not by personal ambition

Divine Grace doesn’t “give” us anything.
Divine Grace
I S us, fulfilling our every need. #ThisChangesEverything

●●●●● To satisfy mankind’s need to have everything make sense in the realm of matter, yes, of course Jesus suffered, died, was buried, rose from the dead. But in OUR REAL REALM – THE REALM OF SPIRIT – THERE IS NO DEATH AT ALL.

Neither Jesus, the Christ, Self, nor us can be corporeal & incorporeal at same time!
One is true, the other is long-held illusion.

God is ready to speak to you directly.
Are you willing to listen?
Renew your awareness of Christ and transition to immortality.

Isn’t it time to end this spiritual drought?
You’re awake, right?
One with God is a majority!
Don’t underestimate ur contribution.

●●●●● Religion has committed spiritual suicide.
It has taught us to embrace its monstrous fabrications, the worst of which is “Thou shalt not listen to I-Spirit directly”.

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
[Religion puts this promise off in future.]

Got a problem?
Face it with your Christ-mind.
How? Be still and recognize that if God didn’t create it, it isn’t real.

Beginning to see perfection all around you?
You can bring into your own life’s manifestations through ur illuminated consciousness

Looking for other-worldly astro-projection gold fairy dust to get you grounded in realm of Spirit?

you could catch an unwanted thought going thru your mind & reel it in, tell it in no uncertain terms what’s what!

Let’s get out of human hangups, the mortal mode, the physical realm and opt for the spiritual life of perfect freedom, non-duality


Why don’t you (we) choose right now to live in our spiritual imperishable body, & never look back?
What’ve we got to lose?

Little did Pilate know the purple robe which they placed on Jesus’ shoulders signified he could never die.

Instead of wondering how we can perform our human duties while focusing on our spiritual body, we must trust our Father within.

Your spiritual body always was.
Never born & never dying, it’s outside time & yet it’s here!
You can choose to live in it now. 🙂

Sometimes – when person is not prepared to transcend material body – it’s actually cruel to speak absolute truths to them

“Leave mortality, follow immortality”
was Christ’s real message to the rich young man, and to the human race.

“Ultimate & deepest secret of life”-JSG

No need to look “Lo here! or Lo there”
for your spiritual body
BEHOLD your spiritual body is within you!

infinite spirituality, knowledge of ur god-given body of spirit & transformation cannot be realized

Restore the
of every single person who comes into your consciousness and you will be fulfilling will of God in u

Until we change the way we think,we will always live in the world that our thoughts and words have created !!!
Phil Sault

My formless Self and body of God are ONE.
I have never been separated from God & never can be.
Never born, One w Father.

To cling and attach to mortal presence of lack & scarcity disconnects one from spiritual presence. All is here with u
Jacobi Padua

“I am in the Father and the Father is in me.”
Christ is the identity of the entire human race.

See what it feels like to have no past.
Christ teaches it’s but a human dream.

Christ doesn’t belong in our past or future
He that seeth Me seeth Him sent Me!
Only IN Christ! #RADICAL

“Woe is me. I’m such a special, intelligent, accomplished, wonderful person. How can I give it all up for Christ?”

When your spirituality cannot be “labeled”..and you no longer have a need to label others..
You have something in common with God.
Kathleen DesVoigne

Lean not on thine own understanding!
The only error is hypnotism!
Leaning on God, hypnotism is broken. #AWAKEN

The Incorporeality of Jesus Christ was not known to the disciples
– nor most of us!
And yet we also have such an amazing body NOW.

🌿 Practice Your Incorporeality.
🕊 Stop Contributing To Human Delusions.
💚True for everyone! #ThisCanHealYou

Right where the corporeal Jesus seemed to be, incorporeal Christ was instead.
True also of yourself.
You can #AWAKEN

Spirit saith “You have paid the price. You have sought your own incorporeality & now ur own Incorporeality is ur key to paradise.”

Use your
K – E – Y
of incorporeality wisely. Never assume it can turn the lock by itself.
It needs ur active conscious cooperation

Jesus constantly took nourishment from ( = prayed to) his incorporeal Self – especially before performing a #miracle

am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me
John 14:6 #RADICAL

“Only when I die can I inherit my divinity”
“I am the Vine. You (your true incorporeal being) are the branches.”

Transformation is a product of what we experience,
not what we know intellectually
💥 just say’n
Cynthia Stebbins

for the gift of life –
YOUR Life –
(the only LIFE that there is) ! #CONSCIOUSNESS

Awakened from the dream of matter, Daniel could walk freely in the lion’s den.
In his Christ-mind, he realized there was only God.

When you overcome the belief in the tyranny of matter, you find yourself face-to-face with God, Spirit.

is as powerful as giving treatments:
I Am pure Spirit, incorporeal Life, invisible Self,etc

Are you letting world mind run the show for you?
In its mad but blind ambition it tells you when to be sick, happy, fearful, die.

Whereas the human mind sees temporary life-spans, Christ sees eternal life, united as ONE Self.
We can see this now.

May your Awakening not fade and become a nostalgic experience for you, but be established in your Heart for All Time. <3 Kathleen DesVoigne / Mooji The bottom line of the Bible I think is rebirth: rebirth from all that claims to be u but never really was #ChristInUsNow #RADICAL Prayed a lot AND had a medical healing? This is time to joyfully reassert every spiritual Truth you've ever uttered. #NODUALISM When God Puts Voices of Wisdom & Experience in your Life For the Love of God Pay Attention & Listen to Their Counsel! Michael Fram Are you seeing bad mortal life? Or, good mortal life? If and when you see NO MORTAL LIFE, all that's left to see IS GOD !!! People keep wondering what I'm so happy about... WASSUP WITH THAT ? Dunno what to tell 'em. :p "Oh not much ...just Jesus ...!!" Even JESUS never used POWER OF GOD for selfish human purposes. He fed the multitude to show God's omnipresence INSTEAD OF hunger We're not carnal mind form we thought we were. GRADUATION DAY has come. Dream dissolves. The infinite body of God is yours! \0/ No mortal being on earth will ever have consciousness of God. Keep ascending! You are One Self. Live in infinite newness of life. We must practice our immortality frequently. 100% of God is everywhere! In face of terrorism, be fully God-conscious. #DEHYPNOTIZE Don't wait for Paradise: live in it here and now consciously by living in #ChristInUsNow #AWAKEN


● We divvy up our cakes, our time, our belongings.
DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS gives ALL of itself & still has ALL of itself left!

● Little by little
we discover the images that float
by in our minds are becoming less and less real to us & our real immortal Self.

● You are the only begotten Son.
I, the individuality of the Father, have always been.
We are above world consciousness.

● We are the ones who
We step in & see yesterday & tomorrow.
Step out & it becomes eternity again.

● There is no dead past. No past at all.
There’s only a living NOW
We can reclaim our full being. Yesterday never died.

● S-T-R-E-T-C-H
your infinity in every conceivable direction!
See qualities in yourself you’d like to have: u can love more & better

● The more you
express infinity, the more it flows through u.
Instead of being pool of love be a river!
Slide behind ur thoughts…

● I always thought letting go of the past meant blotting out everything!
It means living your FULL eternity now!

At first you’ll feel awkward there. Then you’ll love it!
U can laugh at your own intruding thoughts!

● .
You certainly know by now that you live in eternity, RIGHT?
Now get in there & s-t-r-e-t-c-h it!
See perfection er’ry direction

● You must not let yourself rest in mortal stagnation.
You are the only Son of your immortal Father, God, I-SPIRIT.

The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion
– Einstein

● When flow of grace is not operating in your life, it simply 🌿 means
🕊 you’re
💚 not operating from the VINE.

● Man seeks God desperately to find easiest way to eliminate a problem, but God doesn’t work that way.
God is – instead of all else.

● Why, oh why, is it sooooo hard to see that the need is to know I-Spirit as one’s actual being
fixing the mortal dream?

● If I were hungering to know ONE, SELF, God, I, Spirit, Soul, I Am,
I wd do precious little else than read or listen 24/7.

● When your consciousness is completely united to ONE Consciousness u have been ONE-ed (Oned).
Can u live in Divine Consciousness?

● You are not a body.
You are not in a body.
#AWAKEN #ThisCanHealYou

● Come unto Me – I will give you rest. I will lead u out of a false mortal sense of life.
I will show u a Self that never knows pain

● While you’re seeing through the bad stuff in the world, know also that God never created seemingly good stuff of the world either.

● Love not this world. My kingdom is not of this world.
Live outside time invisibly.
At first it feels like u have 2 lives.

● Let your immortal Self have its way through you!
You need this permanent foundation … and it’s really cool!

● A silly question .. What if you’re being ‘forced’ to cool your heels – even for a long time – as you learn the real nature of God?

● The mortal sense of Self dies. You’re still here but u r reborn into your immortal Self.
Jesus came here to train us.

● When we make a transition, we’ll be ready for life outside time, having worked out the kinks along the way.

● The life of drowning boy .. is my life ..
The life of woman in pain is my life … & can feel no pain

● I, Robin, am not here.
I, the invisible life of God, am here and everywhere.
My eternal life lives in eternal NOW.

● Why did Jesus send the gold (or silver) coin to a fish? Why not a giraffe? :p Because a
<\\\>< represents ur full aware open mind ● Birth and death are the same thing in time, with a parenthesis in between them 🤔 But whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever ☺️ ● The BELIEF of sickness firmly planted in the mind is what needs to go, but THE HUMAN MIND HAS NO POWER TO HEAL AT ALL ● People are always trying to put God in a box. WASSUP WITH THAT??? God is the Box!!! :P #DEHYPNOTIZE :D ● THERE IS NOTHING in the fullness of the spiritual realm that is not intended for you to experience Or would you rather have flesh? ● You say "I'VE GOT A PROBLEM" Ur really saying "God is not alive!" How can God AND problem coexist? Believe one = cancel other ● Pilate, Storm, Leper, World mind ( =satan) you have no power over Me - I'm not operating from a physical body. #CHRISTINUSNOW ● Paul discovered he never had a physical body & neither do you. We have only a perfect, eternal spiritual body. #THETRUTHTHATHEALS ● "The body of God is the body of man" MEANS WHAT ?? The body of Spirit IS YOUR BODY !! #ThisCanHealYou ● You could spend the rest of your life trying to get your human body under Divine Law, but to no avail. :'( #DEHYPNOTIZE ● WHO IS INCOMPLETE ? The individual who is not living in their eternal spiritual body. #AWAKEN ● Mankind isn't prepared for transition from tyranny of matter-based consciousness to Spirit-based Consciousness of perfect BE-ing. ● ● Your identity is Spirit ● Spirit doesn't live in a human body ● Live in ur spiritual body by not rejecting ur spiritual identity ● THIS IS SO EXCITING I CAN HARDLY STAND IT !! I can step out of human body at will & see clearly that #ThisChangesEverything ● Man doesn't live in the spiritual body that God gave him :'( He prefers th flesh body of pain, fear, doubt, disease, death #AWAKEN