Jesus stepped out of the world of atoms & saw “I and Father are ONE”
How about we emulate Him?
Holy diet: no atoms for me, please!
I am not in form.
This is the Christ teaching.
It’s about beholding a new heaven & new earth right here & … as soon as we awaken
Reading a lot? Listening too? Thinking you ought to apply more?
Do it!
Take your next thought & ask what Jesus would have thought.
Before quarks, gen’l relativity, space-time, unified fields and strings vibrating musically, there was #CONSCIOUSNESS
Wherever I am God is & wherever God is I am.
God is never in time so in reality neither are we.
We’re eternal not affected by time
D’ya have a few annoying glitches in your otherwise perfect bod?
Just a few tweaks, God, & I’ll be on my way…
‘Nuf said?
False consciousness of world is all around you.
Don’t be afraid of this FALSE CONSCIOUSNESS:
unmask it and see what’s really there
The counterfeit mind will always see lack, fear, sickness, death
But I = Father within you
I = Spirit
Don’t bother resisting evil: it’s no part of the real universe of Spirit.
I-Spirit doesn’t see, feel, know that which isn’t there!
Jesus walked right through the midst of his mortal enemies!!!
He saw only what was really there.
Transformation isn’t for the future:
It’s your very consciousness instead of cosmic world of duality and illusion.
Know God aright
Is love bursting forth in your consciousness so forcefully that you can no longer settle for the limitations of yesterday? #AWAKEN
Cosmic shadow:
belief that we are trapped in a physical form.
As we drop such false beliefs, we’ll EXPERIENCE
the risen Christ.
We need not look with human eyes anymore.
Can you recognize the divinity of everyone?
“I, in the midst of you”
I Am … You.
I = Self that is God. Resurrection is the return to reality! We’ve dropped our toys!!
“Oh, dear God, please do this or that”
sounds like we’re missing the mark.
God’s work is done.
GOD -I-S- ALL (includes us).
Spiritually speaking, when we judge someone, guess what?
They’re not even there!
We’re judging our own distorted concept of them!
So, you got yourself deeply committed to doing God’s will, right?
Got really busy?
You’ll soon see River of Life carries you along
In Spirit all of mortal history
In the absence of ‘you’ (not the presence), Jesus could do his wonderful works.
‘You’ => mortal selfhood.
I-Spirit = Omnipresence.
The absence of you = presence of your Christ-self.
The absence of your physical being = absence of your physical sense of world.
The infinite invisible universe that’s all around us
is here
The kingdom of God is eternal life.
As a fleshly human being, you cannot know (the kingdom of) God.
Thankfully, we have God within
The kingdom of God is life without end.
Renounce all beliefs that would deny immortality.
While appearing in flesh, I am I-Spirit.
The child of God knows that matter is not God’s creation
“My Father is the only Being, Substance, Spirit, Immortality, Perfection”
You can have your life in your living soul
or you can live in your fleshly dream.
But :p
You can’t have both!
Human mind is only adversary I ever had
When it speaks my consciousness rises in opposition.
I’m in my soul so it dissolves itself
What are you forgiving the other fellow for?
Really? Or, did he offend ur false sense of self?
Hmmm… #NoDualism
This mind that gets offended easily, whose back goes up when people do things it wishes they wouldn’t
isn’t a mind at all.
We look out upon our sense impressions & call them ‘form’ ‘matter’ ‘object’.
They’re none of these.
Inside there’s I-Spirit, God.
Please don’t get me wrong on this
I’ve been at it looong time & yet my greatest spiritual breakthroughs came after major struggles
Flesh is flesh.
Spirit is Spirit.
They can’t mingle.
If you believe in one, you can’t believe in the other. #DEHYPNOTIZE
There’s no human me here at all.
I’m neither a physical form, mind nor body.
I am a spiritual soul,
no part of the cosmic dream!
When emergencies strike, suddenly people will cease dilly-dally, claim their spiritual exemption & start feeling mighty grateful.
We’re so unbelievably unaware of the will of God.
We can only know this through contemplative meditation.
I am not afraid of storms for I know how to sail my ship.
-Louisa May Alcott
Prudence Mukosha Manda
Living only in Father entails
● Giving up world.
● Giving up false consciousness.
● Accepting no place in universe outside Father.
That which is looking at a false image has created the false image and is now judging its creation!!!
Forgive the whole sense delusion world and watch illness disappear, supply delivered, joy abounding and yourself free!
I wonder what would happen if we were to dispense with all religious titles…
You cannot preserve your material body, and yet Jesus says that whoever loses his (matter-based) life shall find it (eternal life)
A God too big to question is a God too small to worship.
~Jeff Turner
Over the years I’ve heard so much really good stuff about forgiveness
Really really good!
Only problem is it doesn’t work.
When you still have that gnawing in the stomach after many many years of trying to forgive it’s time to quit.
God has a better way