Category Archives: Language (linguistic) distinctions

ND vs NON-WORLD Languaging issues



Q: As long as you do not put all the burden of evil on God, I am 

satisfied. There may be a God for all I know, but to me he is a 

concept projected by the human mind. He may be a reality to 

you, but to me society is more real than God, for I am both its 

creature and its prisoner. Your values are wisdom and compas-

sion; society’s: sagacious selfishness. I live in a world quite dif-

ferent from yours.


M: None compels.

Q: None compels you, but I am compelled. My world is an evil 

world, full of tears, toil and pain. To explain it away by the intel-

lectualizing, by putting forth theories of evolution and karma is 

merely adding insult to injury. The God of an evil world is a cruel 


M: You are the god of your world and you are both stupid and 

cruel. Let God be a concept — your own creation. Find out who 

you are, how did you come to live, longing for truth, goodness 

and beauty in a world full of evil. Of what use is your arguing for 

or against God, when you just do not know who is God and what 

are you talking about. The God born of fear and hope, shaped 

by desire and imagination, cannot be the Power That Is, the 

Mind and the Heart of the universe.

Q: I agree that the world I live in and the God I believe in are 

both creatures of imagination. But in what way are they created 

by desire? Why do I imagine a world so painful and a God so in-

different? What is wrong with me that I should torture myself so 

cruelly? The enlightened man comes and tells me: ‘it is but a 

dream to put an end to’, but is he not himself a part of the 

dream? I find myself trapped and see no way out. You say you 

are free. Of what are you free? For heaven’s sake, don’t feed me 

on words, enlighten me, help me to wake up, since it is you who 

sees me tossing in my sleep.

M: When I say I am free, I merely state a fact. If you are an 

adult, you are free from infancy. I am free from all description 

and identification. 

Nisargadatta Maharaj 



GOD: Gushing Ongoing Divinity. All that remains when there is no separate self whirling in the delusion of itself: the shimmering Light is everywhere and all arises and dances and passes away in it, revealing it. If one thing is denied, the Sacred cannot be seen….

Jackson Peterson: 

Jayem Hammer  seen by whom? 🤷‍♂️

James Hammer to Jackson Peterson:

●●●by the one who sees…its easy to get way too cute with all the ‘right languaging’, though it often requires we deny direct evidence….clearly, there IS ‘one’ who thinks, sees, acts, moves (and hopefully comes to be increasingly moved, free of the recoil that leads even to the mind that deflects with all the cute languaging: the tinsel on the tree…, just abide, honestly and truly; observe…breathe (far more than think)..notice how mind reaches for what it has read, thought, absorbed into itself, which only ‘thinks’,,,,something awaits beyond…there is a sacredness/holiness pervading All, Here and Now…but the mind niether sees it nor can hope to comprehend it…uncoil the mind into Presence, the heart into Stillness and the Kosmos reveals Itself AS Holiness, and suddenly that ‘God talk’ begins to make sense even to the mind that has eschewed it…it becomes as precious and useful in pointing to Mystery, and describing it, as any ‘languaging’…what really matters is the Heart beyond and deeeper than mind CAN reach, opens, like the roots of the lotus that allow the petals to blossom….and always and ALWAYS and always, clearly, there IS ‘one’ who is aware, indeed, given, gifted, and graced, with Seeing..●●●

Robin Sharing

I’m afraid my automatic ND answer to the automatic ND question is causing some upset here: “By no one, for no one, about no one”. This is not an easy LANGUAGING ISSUE to overcome as it tries to address a NON-WORLD issue within the realm of the world.

No Me (h-m)

Various paths -rjs


You cannot force yourself to believe anything that doesn’t make sense. The entire task before us is to learn what we already know thoroughly enough that believing it becomes a moot point. When we know that we know that we know it’s absolutely true then we don’t need to worry about whether or not to believe it anymore and we can concentrate on processing and accepting it down deep within our soul.

There are various levels of spiritual apprehension. Some factors that ‘seem’ to weigh heavily are language proficiency, levels of openness, awareness, receptivity and a genuine desire to experience an entirely new way of Life.

ONE, ALL, ‘All-One’, ‘A-U-M’, I AM.
All Holy books and teaching declare that Spirit, God is Life: Lao-Tzu, Christ, Zen, Koran, Buddha, Talmud, etc.

The word “Christ” doesn’t have to be a problem to you at all. You may be coming from a place of pretty much hating the whole construct and I don’t blame you – that’s what religion has done to it. it’s organized religion as well as taking mysticism literally (physically) that is so hideously detrimental. You can substitute other words for Christ but you may start to miss out on the real intended message that cannot – I repeat cannot – be found in any – I repeat any – religion! You could think of CCC when you think of Christ: Corrected Christ Concept. Once you step out of the body-mind, there is no “into.” Step out equals awaken: it’s the same thing. And Christ = The Word, the universal begotten Son = all of us, since forever.

SATTORI (Jap) Zen. Also The Word. The whole secret. Enlightenment. When your human consciousness which wasn’t spiritually enlightened becomes illumined, that’s SATTORI. You always had it but now you are fully aware and free.

When you’ve been engrossed in many issues in the world as we all seem to need to be and you realize you haven’t been thinking in terms of The Word, Spirit, Christ, Soul, God, Self, then you do need to step out. Whether the image of ‘stepping out’ is helpful to you or not is entirely up to you. I belabored it for some time and then I realized that “step out” equals “awaken”! – it was just that instantaneous! But when I was swimming in the mesmerism and hypnotism of the world it seemed as though I needed to make a conscious and conscientious effort to step out of all the stuff that I was knee-deep in. The moment I just simply mentally stepped out, I became fully awake!

Make an effort? Just rest? Use the mind? Overcome the mind? How to heal? How not to try to heal?

Let’s not get caught up in an over- abundance of language and terminology. For example, some will argue that Soul is a very Important concept, saying that it’s much more than a concept: it’s a definition of God so it’s a definition of Us. I happen to agree with them as it’s very helpful for people who subscribe to it and are open to it. Others will argue that it is confusing because it admits of error, is of the body and the body’s mind. I’d simply chalk that off to low level Interpretation, in view of the fact that ‘Soul’ is an actual synonym of God and therefore all the attributes of Soul, which is Spirit, are your attributes and your abilities and your talents.

Taking the theme of various levels to its obvious conclusion we necessarily realize that we live between two worlds when we have an infinite world and a finite world. Guess what? We’re all living between two worlds, never quite aware that we literally have our eternal life right now!

But tell me this: what could be more happifying than to discover that you will never die? That you will live forever? In a brand new perfect spiritual body? Wow!!! Still think you lost or wasted many precious years of your life? Your ‘material’ life? Let’s imagine your eternal life is for 1,000,000 years and you lost 10-20-30 years of it. Can you do the math? It’s infinitesimal! Your life is eternal, but when will you awaken to that incredible truth?


Does every post require a lengthy explanation re its background? -rjs

If you are interested in pursuing higher (or deeper) consciousness and
If you have read a sufficient amount of background on the topic and
If you have carefully weighed the various approaches to the topic and
If you can find the time to see it to its logical conclusion and
If you have the energy, the stamina, to proceed and
If you have the stick-to-itiveness to persevere and
If you can maintain a single focus throughout and
If you’ve dealt with issues of motivation and selfishness and
If you’re able to rearrange your life to accommodate this new program
You must blab blah blah blah.

QUESTION: Does a person need to preface every post with all of the above prior to writing a brief, encouraging meme? Isn’t there such a thing as a “GIVEN”?

[Confession: I often post encouraging directives without the laborious list above.]


Don’t hate the brother/sister

“I wish I had known 40-50 years ago some very simple truths that could have put me on track for a powerful love journey, dismissing world hypnotism and inspiring others through my example many years ago.”

So many people have said this to me. Regret serves no good purpose but it does point to the fact that people want to be told the truth. Back then my popularity level soared as I made sure to always consider human feelings and ego-stroking.

Now I only wish to be used by the Christ to communicate with those few people who are ready to unlock themselves from an hypnotic complacency in which ear-tickling is valued over the simplest course of effecting a permanent awakening.

People are like sheep, dubbed ‘sheeple’! But nobody needs to stay that way if they’ll only come out from this extremely tempting mindset. Any person – no matter what their walk in life, no matter what their education, reading and writing skills, economic level, etc. – can determine to take the plunge now, and be a huge blessing to countless others.

Your attachments to this world – if you have the courage to identify them – will cease controlling you. You’ll stop making excuses and discover your unique way, your ever- present teacher and guide FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!

You thought you had it before: THAT’S the hypnotism. Miracles will happen with such regularity that you’ll know just how to be able to expect them as the norm. You’ll defend your friends when they are under attack and surprise yourself with new-found integrity.

Please don’t ever hate the brother or sister who loves you so much as to stick their neck out to include you among the truly awakened. If they don’t want your money, your allegiance, even your following but just to see you truly strong and free in Spirit, God, simply graciously receive the gift!

Large vs intimate audience

There are two rather different ways of doing fb: keeping one’s friends list relatively small or building it up to around 5,000. The first method keeps people who basically share the same interests and opinions without too much dissent while the latter prefers a more varied group of Interlocutors.

Sometimes a mixture of the two types of fb users can be unsettling. I can’t tell you how many times I’d say something and no fewer than 10-12 people assumed it was written to them personally! On the other hand, someone with about 300 ‘friends’ has only about 30 people at any one time to consider and sometimes feels slighted when a person with nearly 5,000 plus 2,000 followers doesn’t see their posts!

No commentary, no judgement, no advice – just an observation.

To use or not to use CAPS

I EARNESTLY MAINTAIN that whereas a good book affords the reader an ample number of pages – even chapters – to develop the point that is on a writer’s heart and there would be no need for occasional introductory CAPITAL LETTERS, in a relatively and mercifully brief social media post, they can serve a most effective purpose. They can inform the reader that the REALLY URGENT point is here (not 70-80 pages to come)!
I tend to shy away from posts written in all caps because it defeats the whole purpose of using them for emphasis but being super-sensitive to the point of being offended by any use of capital letters for the sake of brevity ought to be re-examined.
I hold a B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in English and I can tell you that placing an *asterisk before a word does not tell billions of prospective readers that this is the CRITICAL PART that the author is leading up to.

Secular Language Glitches

I put out a “list” of Christian terminology that is undergoing an upgrade. Being a multi-linguist myself (and please don’t tell me they have an ointment for that!), I am painfully aware of secular language glitches that just won’t quit! “I am sure”, It must be” “It has to be” “I know it is” all denote tentativeness, uncertainty! How in the blazes can we ever be sure? Leave out the adjectival phrases altogether, and simply state your case.
Then we need to take into consideration cultural differences. I wanted to thank a guy for his thoughtfulness, and started to write “you’re so sweet”. Then I worried that it might not be perceived like Jonathan Swift’s Sweetness and Light in Nigeria.
Woe is us. Communication is getting more and more complex despite all the shortcuts that telegraphic, internet language and pictographs afford. Haven’t you done the same thing: write – delete – write – delete, and finally go to your gallery and send them a pic instead?