Category Archives: Herb Fitch


The ONLY reason I keep bringing up Herb Fitch is that everyone should have the same opportunity to check him out as the famous leaders who copy him do! There’s a wealth of amazing revelation in every one of his seminars – at everyone’s fingertips. Let us ALL grow from them!

Mystical path HF

And so in Oneness with Source, inspired by the gentle Presence, we have been moving together on the freeways of the Soul toward an ever-expanding and fuller realization of Divine Sonship. Our only creed is Truth, our only weapon is Spiritual consciousness, the only power we acknowledge is the ever-present will of the living God. The mystical path of The Infinite Way recognizes your spirit and the spirit of God as one undivided Being, not two. The mystical path leads you out of physical humanhood into Divine Life, into your Divine body – untouched by false world powers. The mystical path teaches you to be a transparency for God. It teaches you how to live joyously, free, as Spirit in the Kingdom of God on earth. And finally, God willing, the mystical path teaches you to live like the prophets and to see God face to face.

Living Incorporeally Series 1982 Herb Fitch

Mystical way HF

And so in Oneness with Source, inspired by the gentle Presence, we have been moving together on the freeways of the Soul toward an ever-expanding and fuller realization of Divine Sonship. Our only creed is Truth, our only weapon is Spiritual consciousness, the only power we acknowledge is the ever-present will of the living God. The mystical path of The Infinite Way recognizes your spirit and the spirit of God as one undivided Being, not two. The mystical path leads you out of physical humanhood into Divine Life, into your Divine body – untouched by false world powers. The mystical path teaches you to be a transparency for God. It teaches you how to live joyously, free, as Spirit in the Kingdom of God on earth. And finally, God willing, the mystical path teaches you to live like the prophets and to see God face to face.

Living Incorporeally Series 1982 Herb Fitch

Never reincarnated HF

Not only was not born forty or fifty or sixty or seventy or eighty years ago, but just as was not born this time, I was not born any time. I am above reincarnation. That which was never born could never reincarnate, and have not had two thousand or five thousand lives at all. I’ve had two or five thousand false concepts called lives. But the I that I am was never born, never died, never reincarnated and never will, for it is the eternal self. And every day I must die to the false self to be born anew to that which I am, the Christ, the living son of the Father – without blemish.

Herb Fitch ~~~~1b Healing Children’s Diseases

Don’t keep returning HF

Suppose you have now proved it out enough that you could look at anyone and know this is true of them too. They’re suffering with a false Pilate. They are suffering with a claim because they do not know that there is no claim in their Self. They’re not living in their Self. What do I have to do for them? But only their Self is there. That self which they think they are, isn’t there. The Spirit made no dictators. The Spirit doesn’t permit killing. The Spirit doesn’t permit diseases. All that was made was made by the Spirit. Then what is this? This false self has a false claim. Don’t get rid of the false claim; get rid of the false self. How do you get rid of it? You know who is there. The Self of God which is your Self is there. And that’s what you do every time you are faced with a claim from another individual. Don’t get rid of their claim; see them as they are; they are not there. The invisible Spirit of God which is their Self and your Self is there and you don’t have to get rid of the false self or the false claim; they are not there. The only Self that is there, is there, and it has no claim and rest in that Word. That resting is saying to Pilate, “Thou couldst have no power over me;” even though you think you are going to going to crucify me. And if Pilate had said to him that Pilate had a sore throat or Pilate had a bad heart, he could have known there was no Pilate there to have a sore throat or a bad heart but he could only know it because he knew who was there. His invisible Spirit, the Spirit of God was there. And this is the truth that you and I must learn to face. ■■Day in and day out we’ll come again to the same problem in a different form, or shape, or name. Always because we are putting false persons, false selves, where only the Invisible Spirit of God can be.■
~Herb Fitch
The Special Seven Series

Reborn HF

To be re-born is to overcome the belief in human birth. To be re-born is to come to that point in consciousness where you have nullified, crucified, annihilated the belief in your present consciousness that you were born of the flesh, of a mortal parent. For that belief is a lie about your own immortal self, and is the lie about the child of God, which is indestructible, which is forever, which is as perfect as your Father which is in heaven.

Herb Fitch 1a : Healing Children’s Diseases

Christ in you destroys beliefs HF

Christ in you destroys beliefs that are untrue, and this is how the Christ works. It destroys that which is unreal. It destroys the human concepts we entertain. That’s why we’re told, no might or power is necessary. In fact, if you used might, the sword, if you used power, all you would do would be to restore a physical condition. When Christ restores, there is the added understanding of Spiritual Identity, and this restoration is not restoring just a physical condition, but lifting into a higher level of Self. That’s why might and power, although they might restore the boundary of a country, they’re not restoring Spiritual Identity. That’s why when we concentrated just on the physical world, we never restored Spiritual Identity. And, we are still confronted with the ups and downs of the physical world that we’ve accepted.

Herb Fitch – The Special Seven Series 1972

Male & female are One HF


Herb Fitch 1977 – Sense To Soul Series: The Fifth World, side B

Now let’s move one step higher. Let us learn that God did not create woman. The belief that God did create woman is false. It is human judgment and you might be surprised to discover that it is not supported by the Bible. That’s right, the Bible does not say that God made woman. Let’s look at that article, that verse, the sixth day of Genesis and here are the words:“God created man in his own image. In the image of God created he him.” And then … Oh, I just can’t find it! It doesn’t say “man and woman created he them”. Everybody thinks it does. What does it say? It says “Male and female created he them.” And in our human judgment we have assumed that male and female means, man and woman: that is a misinterpretation. And that misinterpretation has come under popular usage through the centuries. Every minister I’ve ever met and all congregations that I’ve ever talked to, believe that the Bible states that, God created man and woman on the sixth day, but they’re wrong! And because of that mistake, the secret meaning of “male and female created He them” has not been taught to millions of worshipers who seek the Kingdom of God.
Paul knew the difference and he even said so. The funny thing is he said, “There is neither male nor female.” And this would seem to be a total contradiction of the statement in Genesis that “male and female created he them.” Very puzzling isn’t it? How can it be that one statement is true and the other statement also true? And then there is still another contradiction. In Genesis 1:31, here’s what we read:
“God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good. Now mind you, this was after God had created male and female. Now let’s skip over to Genesis 2:16, 2:18. After saying, “God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good,” we now read “The Lord God said, it is not good that man should be alone.” After the creation of male and female the Lord God declares it is not good that man should be alone. And so “I will make him an help-mate for him.”
Again, is there a secret to these apparent contradictions? There is, and
a very big one. Here’s an important clue. The Pharisees were trying to catch Jesus Christ in violations of the Judaic law, so they asked him “Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?”They meant to divorce his wife for every cause. Now Jesus knew of the trap and he ignored it, and so he replied “Have ye not read that He which made them in the beginning, made them male and female?”
According to human judgment, Jesus was saying that He made male and female, or he made two separate persons, but that’s human judgment.
In your Spiritual maturity, you’re going to learn that male and female do not
refer to persons at all and that’s the shocking truth – the strange truth. It’s a truth that at this point is very unfamiliar to the human mind, but it clarifies itself as we probe into the total statement made by Jesus Christ. And this is how his entire statement reads:”Have ye not read that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female? For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh.”
As you know twain means two, or, that those two shall be one flesh. “Wherefore, they are no more twain;”
They are no more two, but one flesh.
“What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.”
As you begin to listen carefully to this, you realize that the pharisees were speaking of a human physical marriage and of human divorce, but Christ turned it around. He was speaking of divine spiritual marriage and of spiritual separation. He was calling attention to the mystical meaning of “male and female created He them.” But he wasn’t spelling it out, because the grossness of human consciousness was not then prepared to look higher than its own human sense judgments. If Christ, for example, had said to the pharisees, “I am neither male nor female,” would they have understood? Does any religion today have any other thought than that Christ was a male? How many people in this world do you know who believe that Christ was neither male nor female? But didn’t Paul say, “There is neither male nor female?” And if that’s true, then Jesus Christ was neither male nor female. Neither was Paul. Neither was the adulterous. No one is. And this knowledge is so important to your spiritual progress that we must now learn the difference between what the Bible means by stating, “male and female created he them,” and what the world thinks it means.
The mystery is going to be cleared up when you learn that “male” does not mean man. Male does not mean man. Male means Spirit. Spirit is masculine. Female does not mean woman. Female means Soul. Soul is feminine. That’s the Mystical truth. It was veiled by Moses, to some degree by Jesus, because, without spiritual awareness, it is virtually impossible for the public to think above the material sense of life. The man created in the image of God, after the likeness of God, is Christ – your invisible Self.
“Male and female created He them,” means, Spirit and Soul created he them. And this Christ man, created in the image and after the likeness of God, includes the Spirit which is male and the Soul which is female. Without this knowledge, the human race continues on the treadmill of duality, dividing God’s garment, glued to material earth, to material death, to material sense, in a life that can never rise beyond the opposites of the fourth day, or the fourth world, where mankind now lives. Christ is composed of the male Spirit and the female Soul. When you realize that the Divine plan opens up like a crossword puzzle when you suddenly discover a ‘keyword’. The “marriage,” referred to by the pharisees, was physical marriage between man and woman. Jesus turned it around. He spoke about Mystical Marriage, the marriage between the Soul and the Spirit. Soul is the fifth world. Soul is the female, made in the image and likeness of God. Spirit is the sixth world. Spirit is the male, made in the image and likeness of God.
These two worlds, Soul and Spirit, the male and female worlds, the fifth and sixth world, are both one in Christ. Your function, and the purpose of all our work now, is to enter the female world, the fifth world, the Soul world, where Soul receives the Ghost, which lifts your Consciousness to the male world, the sixth world, the Spirit world, and where your Soul world and your Spirit world enter together into the Mystical union which is your inner realization that you are both the Soul world and the Spirit world. And from this Mystical union, you are reborn to the living Christ, the Son who dwells now and eternally in the seventh world.That is the Divine plan. That is the Will of God, which has been withheld from human awareness from the understanding of material creatures. And only when you withdraw your false judgments, that you are male or female separate selves in separate bodies, only then, will you obey the Christ command. “What God has joined together let no man put asunder.”
In the fifth world there are no men and there are no women. There are no physical beings. There no male saints and no female saints. Every man on
earth is a symbol of the sixth world of Spirit. Every woman on earth is a symbol of the fifth world of Soul. Every human marriage on earth, between man and woman, is a symbol of the Mystical union of Soul and Spirit, and every child born on earth is a symbol of the birth of Christ – your own Christ Self realized.
Born of the realization that you are Soul, the fifth world, you are Spirit the sixth world, and you are Christ the seventh world, the three Kingdoms of the Soul in one.
Finally, when you complete your seven days, return for another seven days. And when you finish those seven days, return for another seven, and then another seven. Each time you renew your understanding of your God-given qualities and turn yourself over to the seven disciples of God, you will discover that you have brought forth into your life an eighth God-given quality: the Will of God. When you surrender your life, your consciousness, your individuality, your wisdom, your reason, your judgment, and your love, to the undivided life of God, the undivided Consciousness of God, the undivided individuality of God, the undivided wisdom of God, the undivided reason of God, the undivided judgment of God, the undivided love of God, into your life flows the undivided Will of God which the Holy Ghost expresses. If you are not living with the Will of God, it’s the same as disobeying it. But when you are under the Will of God, you are blessed by it. I think you know that you’re moving in the right direction and I think it should be clear to you that you are the one who must do it.