GARY: All right. I don’t want to seem stupid, but to make sure I understand: You’re saying the Course is purely non-dualistic, meaning that of the two seeming worlds, the world of God and the world of man, only the world of God is true and He doesn’t interact with the false world —but the Holy Spirit is here to guide us home. When the Course makes statements about God weeping for His children and stuff like that, you have to take it symbolically as the Holy Spirit wanting us to choose His Voice instead of the ego’s? PURSAH: Exactly. Very good. You’re not stupid, Gary —although your ego would like for you to be. The ego’s entire world is a stupid idea, because it’s based on a stupid decision.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
Category Archives: Gary Renard
Distinction bet ACIM & all else GR
[… W]e must make an enormous and firm distinction between A Course in Miracles and virtually every other spiritual thought system in existence —from prehistoric, to ancient Egyptian, to Lao Tzu, to aspects of Hinduism, to Zoroastrianism, to The Old Testament, to the Koran, to the New Testament, and to other, neo-dualistic systems. Every one of them is a system of duality that has some kind of a Source —usually God or Gods —being the creator in some way of that which is not itself, and then responding to it or interacting with it.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
Illusion; nothing; spread out GR
The world you see is an illusion of a world. God did not create it, for what He creates must be eternal as Himself. Yet there is nothing in the world you see that will endure forever.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
Of the Universe
There is nothing
About me that you
cannot attain. I have
nothing that does not
come from God. The
difference between us
now is that I have
nothing else.
(Christ Jesus)
~Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
The disciples said to him,
“When will the Kingdom come?
”He said, “It will not come by
watching for it. It will not be said,
‘Behold here,’ or ‘Behold there.
‘Rather, the Kingdom of the Father
is spread out upon the earth,
and people do not see it.”
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
Success = Truth shocking GR
Whether then or now — north, south, east, or west, the world needs help. It’s full of people who are mentally attacking others and don’t even know that they’re attacking — they just think they’re right, or cool , or some kind of a victim.
Success in the world is about getting a lot of heads wagging in agreement, but the truth doesn’t get people’s heads wagging; it shocks them — or at least gets them questioning a lot of things.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance of
The Universe
Universe not evolving into perfection GR
You think the universe is evolving into perfection. That idea is false. The universe is set up to look like it’s doing that, but it’s really just spinning its wheels —repeating the same patterns over and over in different forms. It’s a trick you’ll catch on to. The difference between your mistakes and the mistakes of enlightened Beings rests in their ability to practice true forgiveness. They realize that if the mistakes of others should be forgiven immediately, then so should theirs. They also know it doesn’t really matter what they do, but few people are ready to accept that. Most carry their mistakes and their guilt with them for eons, but there is no need for that.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
Of the Universe
You & Jesus = same thing GR
He [Jesus] treated everyone equally, from rabbi to prostitute. He was not a body. He was no longer a human being. He had passed through the eye of the needle. He had reclaimed his place with God as pure spirit. This is pure non-dualism: an attitude that, along with the Holy Spirit, will lead you to what you are. You and J[esus] are the same thing. We all are.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
Mentally attacking unwittingly
Whether then or now — north, south, east, or west, the world needs help. It’s full of people who are mentally attacking others and don’t even know that they’re attacking — they just think they’re right, or cool , or some kind of a victim.
Success in the world is about getting a lot of heads wagging in agreement, but the truth doesn’t get people’s heads wagging; it shocks them — or at least gets them questioning a lot of things.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance of
The Universe
Head, brain, universe, all projected – GR
Your head, your brain, your body, your world, your entire universe, any parallel universes, and anything else that can be perceived are projections of the mind. They are all symbolic of just one thought.
Gary Renard
“I am awake” (Buddah) = I made illusion – GR
When Buddha said, “I am awake,” he meant he realized that he was not actually a participant in the illusion, but the maker of the entire illusion. Still, there is another step required, where the mind that is the maker of the illusion chooses completely against itself in favor of God. Of course someone of Buddha’s tremendous accomplishment had a snap of it, quickly going on to the exact same awareness as J[esus].
Gary Renard
You’re not here, separated from God – GR
It doesn’t do you much good to know you’re not here if you don’t have the whole picture. Sure, it’s a step in the right direction, but the kind of thing I’m speaking of right now is not just that I’m not here, but that I don’t even exist in an individual way —not on any level. There is no separated or individual soul. There is no Atman, as the Hindus call it, except as a mis-thought in the mind. There is only God.
Gary Renard