[… W]hen you forgive, you shouldn’t fall for the ego’s brand of forgiveness —which is the world’s ineffective and traditional way of forgiving others. As the Course tells you: The ego, too, has a plan of forgiveness because you are asking for one, though not of the right teacher. The ego’s plan, of course, makes no sense and will not work. By following its plan you will merely place yourself in an impossible situation, to which the ego always leads you. The ego’s plan is to have you see error clearly first, and then overlook it. Yet how can you overlook what you have made real? By seeing it clearly, you have made it real and cannot overlook it. 38 Your brothers and sisters —which includes your mother and father —haven’t really done what you think they’ve done, and remembering that fact is vital.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
Category Archives: Gary Renard
Shouldn’t spiritualize things in the universe GR
The ego, or wrong mind, makes everything that appears to happen on the level of form. Spirit makes nothing happen on the level of form, which is why you shouldnt spiritualize events or objects in the universe. The right mind gives the Holy Spirits interpretation of the level of form, leading you – and by you we mean that observatory part of the mind that has identified with and this bound itself to the ego – back home. Home is unchangeable spirit.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
You’ll laugh anything ego throws GR
To forgive means to give ahead of time. In other words, your attitude is that you’re ready to forgive, no matter what it is that comes up in your awareness. At first, that seems like a tall order. Yet I promise you the day will come when you’ll be capable of laughing at anything the ego throws at you — just like J[esus] could, and just like we did eventually.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
Different forces in univ pull at you GR
[… I]nstead of being a robot, you have a mind —and […] you can change it. It doesn’t matter if you have different forces of nature pulling at you, electromagnetic chi telling you what to do, gravity pulling you one way and dark energy pulling you the other way, and allowing the universe to expand at the same time —and a thousand other forces that all work together to cover up the mind during the dance of duality. No matter what appears to be happening, you can outmaneuver the ego simply by remembering there are really only two choices, then forgiving the contents of your own ego mind. You were being trained in the art of true forgiveness the second you started hearing these ideas —because from that moment on you were looking at the world differently. To emphasize an important point, you still believe you have a thousand different problems, but the Course knows you have only one problem —the seeming separation from God.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
Less world successful = more spiritual success GR
It should be pointed out that people who are not as successful in the world have a tendency to get more out of the Course than highly successful people . Some of the people who appear to have it made in the world, and who are relatively satisfied with their lot in life, are actually falling into a trap. The ego sucks them into thinking the world is a good place.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
Only forgiveness can change world GR
True forgiveness can change the world, for the world is merely a symbol of the collective or the one ego mind. To put it even more emphatically, forgiveness is the only thing that can really change the world, and that isn’t even the purpose of forgiveness! The real benefits of true forgiveness go to the forgiver.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
Never unified theory of Univ GR
The ego’s chaotic nature also ensures that there will never be a unified theory of the universe that will hold up over time, because the universe isn’t really based on the thought of unity —it’s based on the thought of separation and division. However, it includes fascinating and ingenious patterns that help to give it the illusion of unity. That’s why you shouldn’t be impressed by every new discovery or theory about the universe. So what if superstrings can make gravity work at both the Newtonian and sub-atomic levels? An illusion is still an illusion.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
Chi energy fields vs Holy Spirit GR
The universe is very much like a big wind-up clock, or better, a wind-up toy. Let’s use your solar system as a microcosm, and we’ll use just one of the so-called forces of nature as an example. This doesn’t explain the entire picture, but it will give you a taste of the ego’s ingenious ways of illusion. Even though energy, which I’ll call chi, is an illusion, it’s very much a part of how the ego takes the script that’s in the mind and transmutes it from invisible thought into invisible but measurable forms, and then into the visible manifestations you see and experience. This really happens all at once, but it’s necessary to be linear so you can better understand it. For instance, let’s say you could look at your planet from outer space, from half the distance to the moon, and that you could see chi. You’d then be able to see that the earth is completely encased by electromagnetic chi that’s carried to it, and past it, in the form of a huge flow of radiation from your sun. This flow of chi is constantly changing, with yin and yang going in and out of balance and everywhere in between balance. The changes in the chi are caused, in turn, by the constantly changing radiation on the sun. Now, if you could look at the sun close up from space, you’d see what could be described as enormous swirling oceans of gas. What few realize is that these oceans of gas behave in a similar fashion to the oceans of the earth. Just as the tides of the earth’s oceans are subject to the movements of your moon, the tides of those solar oceans of gas are subject to the pulling and pushing of the total interaction of all of the planets in your solar system, and even the universe beyond it —which of course is all connected. This causes different gaseous tides, sunspots and other solar events —which in turn regulate the changes in the flow of the radiation while it’s carried to the earth as particles via the solar wind, or directly by sunlight. This changing radiational flow, regulated by the movement within the entire solar system, including the earth and its moon, causes corresponding changes in the chi surrounding your planet and sends electromagnetic fields onto every inch of it. You can’t see these chi fields with the body’s eyes, but they’re everywhere —and you’ve been walking right through them every day of your life. They regulate everything about you, including your decisions and resulting movements. They are actually thought from a completely different level, transmuted into the form of chi, telling you what to think on this level. Everything you do follows from what you think, and sometimes it follows instantaneously, like a reflex.
Illusion of guilt creates scapegoats GR
The people who give me trouble —I want them to show up?
PURSAH: Make no mistake, you want them to be there, without exception. They’re your scapegoats. If you could just remember that fact the next time some apparently real flamer pushes your buttons, then you could hold your tongue, think with the Holy Spirit and change your mind. You want them to be there, all right. Always. You need it. That’s how you trick yourself into thinking you’re not guilty, or at least not terribly guilty, so you can cope most of the time —for the guilt is somewhere else. As long as you’re stuck in the maze, you can’t see that the whole thing is unnecessary, because you were never really guilty in the first place. The whole maze is an illusion to defend yourself against an illusion. Don’t forget —you believe you really are guilty on a much deeper level than you realize. You need your defense because the alternative is unthinkable to your ego —that you might actually look upon your own guilt —the horror of which is presently covered over by the world. The ego has you convinced that to look upon the hideousness of this guilt is the equivalent of death. To avoid the viciousness that goes along with the entire can of worms, you project it outward, forgetting that what goes around comes around —because it never really left in the first place:
Who sees a brother as a body
sees him as fear’s symbol.
And he will attack, because
what he beholds is his own
fear external to himself, poised
to attack, and howling to unite
with him again. Mistake not the
intensity of rage projected fear
must spawn. It shrieks in wrath,
and claws the air in frantic hope
it can reach to its maker and
devour him. This do the body’s
eyes behold in one whom Heaven
cherishes, the angels love and
God created perfect.”
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
Big mistake illusion for Truth GR
You do not realize the magnitude of that one error. It was so vast and so completely incredible that from it a world of total unreality had to emerge. What else could come of it? Its fragmented aspects are fearful enough, as you begin to look at them. But nothing you have seen begins to show you the enormity of the original error, which seemed to cast you out of Heaven, to shatter knowledge into meaningless bits of disunited perceptions, and to force you to make further substitutions.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe