“What about retributive justice? Where are the reparations? Who’s accountable for remuneration on all the damage that’s been done?” – do you sometimes mournfully ask?
What if someday you actually received a response that went something like this: “I will assume all liability and will deliver you from this terrible Injustice. All you need to do is trust Me completely and allow Me to do it My way?” Think you could handle it?
Would you be willing to accept a condition or situation that is infinitely better than what you had in the first place? The only thing you would have to do is give up wanting to exact retribution from the person you have been holding responsible.
Withholding forgiveness until an offender understands or acknowledges the emotional pain they have inflicted is a subtle form of revenge. Why? Because it’s hoping the offender would hurt a little too, in order to understand. But this type of revenge robs YOU of your freedom and allows the offender to keep control of you. ~ Stolen from Lorrie Summers (by Dan Hassett)
Papa said: “It is not possible for you to forgive others, only to desire to forgive others. By so desiring, I give you the gift of forgiveness and then you truly have forgiveness. It flows out from you, through you. In Truth, it is not yours to give. All things come of Me and are My free gift to all who will receive freely. Thus can these good gifts not be abused or manipulated by distorted desires.”
When Papa says that it is not possible for me to forgive others, only to desire to forgive, but that He had empowered Jesus in this, I interpret this as meaning that all the while the fragmented Sonship perceives sin as real, we are unable, of our limited, persona self, to truly forgive, but when we desire to forgive, we begin on the path back to wakefulness, remembrance of our true Being as His one Son, Christ. Then, like Jesus, we come to realize that there is no actual sin, only a dream of sin, so true forgiveness becomes possible for us.
Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. It does not pardon sins and (thus) make them real (‘false’ forgiveness). It sees there was no sin. And in that view are all your sins forgiven. What is sin, except a false idea about God’s Son? Forgiveness merely sees its falsity, and therefore lets it go. What then is free to take its place is now the Will of God.
~ Seek ye First the Kingdom: One man’s journey with the living Jesus (Longhurst, Brian) [claudenoirjean]
Haven’t we been taught that forgiveness is such a godly thing to do? That it is the epitome of love in action? Think again in the light of pure Spirit.
As long as we hold a nation or a person in forgiveness we are actually judging them and declaring that there is a place where God isn’t or wasn’t.
Separated beings – him and her, me and you, them and us – don’t exist in Spirit. We are, in fact, all one: ONE indivisible, invisible, infinite whole, called God, who is incapable of errancy of any kind.
I had always thought that forgiveness was so magnanimous and yet I still struggled with it, unaware that my every effort to forgive was really claiming that the hypnosis of belief in separate individuals and issues was real, something other than my thought externalized – like sense-mind forms.
So the challenge I ultimately posed to myself became “Are you going to believe the sense impressions of a matter-based world mind or the omnipresent Oneness of Spirit, God?”
Are you having a helluva time reining in some unfortunate feelings you find yourself caught up in far too often?
Do you belittle your own sweet self for indulging yet again in stuff you’ve thoroughly dealt with many times?
Would you like to quit the whole kit ‘n caboodle and just be free … but can’t?
Well, I have wonderful, wonderful news for you!! Take a diametrically opposite approach. Here’s how:
You already love God with your whole heart, right? There’s precious little you wouldn’t do to be in His presence day and night, right?
How about this – next time those unwanted thoughts come a calling, look at them and say “Hey, I can even live with these unwanted thoughts for the rest of my life and still be happy – it’s a very small price to pay to be free! The “thoughts” come and hey they’re not so bad! They come again and they’re a little less bad. And again but not quite as often. In lay language, they no longer have a leg to stand on.
They’re actually interfering not one iota anymore because quite frankly you haven’t been resisting them. Don’t even start resisting the last vestiges of them now: don’t mock them or try to push them out. Just realize you’ve suddenly grown tremendously in stature and essence. God’s bounty of love has exploded on the inside of you and it’s getting all over everyone who comes into your eager consciousness. Resist not evil
There’s precious
Gold to be found
When we stop desiring
Something from somebody.
As long as we want/need
Something from somebody,
We can’t truly love them.
We only set people up for failure
When we judge and blame.
Mom, Dad, Bro, Sis, I need
Absolutely nothing – you’ve
Given me all there was to give.
NOW … for the first time …
I really -r-e-a-l-l-y- REALLY
Love you. <3
Still agonizing over a long-term
Hurt that won’t recede?
I – JUST NOW – had
A miraculous breakthrough!
I was trying to give one over to God –
A former treatment method – and
I couldn’t treat it from
The standpoint of being
A separate entity from God.
Him as me, now I see
I don’t have a devastating
Hurtful memory to forget.
Dealing with bad memories
Robin I actually believe in this process too. Because in God’s dimension there is Infinite Space and no time continuum as we know it, the past doesn’t have a separation from the present, therefore we can speak to things of the past and actually change our present and our future because we’ve adjusted our past. It sounds a little crazy and a little strange but it’s really what therapist have been doing for years on an emotional level – helping people to reconcile their inner wounded child, Etc. I am saying that God in his Supernatural qualities, and those qualities within us, qualities that are bigger than time and space, can actually adjust any situations of the past that were meant to hurt us so as to transform our present reality by nullifying the negative effects of the past
~Mary Christian
“Time-dwellers,” find it extremely difficult to trust again because the PAST is always with them to revisit and relive the infraction that occurred in the PAST. In my humble estimation, only one who is FREE of the PAST can restore TRUST because, in effect, he NEVER lost it. The infraction is in the PAST and the PAST doesn’t exist. FORGIVENESS allows one to see the PAST isn’t there. It, therefore, is an ILLUSION, itself, NOT really being needed to see that there is no PAST there to FORGIVE.
~Albert Joseph Jefferson
This is what I have known to be true in my life. Regardless of past mistakes that may have “seemed” to follow me into my present, they have not. We are literally new creations, moment by moment. It is when we lose track of this truth, that we get stuck in a state that attempts to hold onto us. Our imaginations need only to look forward, and to CREATE forward. Looking back to our past mistakes is only giving life to those past mistakes, and in turn, those mistakes will continue to manifest. YOU ARE LITERALLY A NEW CREATION, YOU NEVER MADE THAT MISTAKE! Selah………….
~Brian Lawrence
When considering a question regarding trust, forgiveness, etc., we are often viewing life through the natural mind. We remain bound by time (past/future) and a belief that we and others are separate selves. This is a standard subject/object paradigm. What this means, is we haven’t yet awakened to our true Nature. In truth, what we call God is all there is. There is no real time, as all eternity is found in the present moment. Trust, forgiveness, judging others, all vanishes as we realize that we are LOVE Itself. Everything is seen through our awareness as Spirit, everything is included without any effort. In scripture, this is Jesus’ reference to LIFE flowing from us like rivers of living water.
~Frank Johnson