Category Archives: De-hypnotize

Rate your thoughts


If you were to rate your thoughts,
Each and every one,
Assigning plus (+) or minus (-)
With nothing in between,

How would you measure up
At the end of a pensive day?
Scanning the column down
When all your thinking’s done?


Do you have too work harder?

D O . Y O U . H A V E . T O . W O R K . H A R D ?

Do you have to strive harder than most people to awaken in awareness?
If so, have you ever thought it might be a good thing?
Perhaps your roots are wending their way down much, much deeper.

Haven’t you declared – in one form or another – that you want to become fully conscious?
Of course you’re willing to acknowledge that life itself is a journey of discovery.
But that’s not what you were talking about.

You want to finally attain a high level of spiritual awareness from which you’ll no longer wander.
From that position you’d like to do all the journeying, discovering and further awakening that you encounter.
However, for now you just want a higher level to start from.

Are you beginning to see that the rougher time you may be having is giving you exactly what your heart craves?
Refuse to take a lackadaisical approach anymore: start right now from the standpoint of “finished”
and see the evidence start pouring in.


Agree with your adversary

A G R E E . W I T H . Y O U R . A D V E R S A R Y

“How? They’re only thoughts. Watch them on the screen of your mind.

When the mind is jittery and jumpy and fearful it can think of a million and one things just now. What of it? If you can’t overcome your thought in your mind when you know that’s all that it is, you’ve got to stay there till you do coz you’re not ready for the bigger.

Now suppose you could watch that thought on the screen of your mind – till one of you loses: the thought or you – till you conquer it, till you overcome it, until the thought subsides and says “I give up!” That’s wrestling with your adversary and that’s also agreeing with your adversary. You’re not reacting to the point that you run out and do something. You’re staring it down. You’re looking straight at it with no resistance. You’re even determined that it’s going to bless you.

Finally you find that you have the power. It might take longer than you had wanted to devote to it but you have the power to overcome the thought; and once you do you feel that great vacuum within, and you know “I have won! The thought is dead!” It might come back tomorrow or an hour from now but right now you know “I have won!” I’m in a silence [what I was striving for before the intruding thought came]; the prize is too big to lose.

The prize is so great that we’re told to sell all that we have just to attain the recognition of our own Soul. Now we are lifted beyond human limit. We can know understand how a Jesus can bring real food – that’s real food – to fill a need. How? that’s Soul power!”

So spake Herb Fitch in 1967 in his ‘Rising from Sense’ seminar.

You can actually have a lot of fun staring down those reoccurring thoughts and explaining to them: “You don’t even have the right to plant unwanted feelings in my gut. You wanna know why? I’ll tell you why. For starters I don’t have a gut coz I’m not a mortal being. Secondly, you’re just a thought and I am my own Soul. So nothing further needs to be said. Try talking to my Soul. Good luck with that – you’ll need it.”

Can you imagine your immortal Soul being pushed around by an intriguing thought or feeling?


What if? We called everything! RJS

everything you’ve ever been through had been called into being by … you!!!
It’s not that you wanted that junk per se but you wanted to work something out and presto there it was!
We think we’ve got the last word in logic and communication but we ain’t got squat (being polite)! Truth be told we can’t even fathom ourselves in forms other than what we see around us … unless we make the supreme effort to awaken.
When we do awaken, not even the sky itself is the limit!

Shaking in your life?

There was a noise and a shaking before the bones came together in the Valley of Dry Bones. If your going through something that is shaking you and you hear a lot of noise about it, Hold on everything is about to come together as it did in the Valley of Dry bones. Before everything comes together there sometimes is a shaking. If it’s shaking it’s in the making! As Ezekiel spoke life over those bones speak life over your shaky situation and watch God bring it together!
Eddie Mugwanya

Must awaken – Adyashanti

Life hangs precariously in the balance, teetering between a state of unconscious sleepwalking and eyes-wide-open spiritual enlightenment….
The fact that most humans do not see life this way testifies to how deeply asleep and in denial they truly are…
To remain unconscious of being is to remain asleep to our own reality and therefore asleep to reality at large….
The choice is simple: awaken to being or sleep an endless sleep….

Beyond time

We have the full power of God to see our goal here and now. We can literally see that all we’ve ever been through has brought us to a Spiritual awakening that we never could have gleaned otherwise, we can suddenly see the absolute fullness of God in us, we can catch momentary glimpses of how God always was in us and AS us. In short the entire time hypnotism disintegrates.

Don’t brow-beat yourself into believing

Sometimes people read these tracks and are greatly blessed by them. For that reason only, I want to clarify that the cold, insensitive word “Belief” is EXACTLY what I DON’T MEAN !!! Beating up on oneself to “believe” is worse than an exercise in futility!!! Beautiful healing truths, i.e., the Presence of God CAN BE MAINTAINED by letting all the thinking go. I-Spirit = I (YourName) and it also signifies God, Spirit. You can claim full authority with a happy laugh and be on your way with no brow-beating whatsoever! 🙂