Category Archives: De-hypnotize


I voted for her, not him.
But I confess I was relieved when he won.
I think I’ve grown from prayer-like pondering.
I hated his attitude toward women.
Big surprise, cuz I happen to be one!

That job is one of the few jobs I can’t imagine myself undertaking.
Conflicts, opinions and threats hurled at you from every direction.
That’s what POTUS means.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Methinks just maybe he’s the perfect trump for it!
I couldn’t do it, could you?
He can, standing on his head.

He’s got every nook & cranny figured out.
Me, I’m still bitchin’ about his former boyish attitude toward us of the fairer persuasion.
Let him stumble over words occasionally; let his comb-over blow in the wind.

Bottom line, he’s in and she’s not.
[A sidebar: I think she will be 100% ready in four years.]
Anyway, he is our guy now so maybe some of us need to focus on the good – on the strength – and try to grow with him.

The Perfect Answer! Conflict ceases to arise.

Were lies the conflict for “you”? “I” makes out/is the energy that continues/is continued in the search for the difference. The happening of searching belongs/is “I”…

When energetical position (“I”) is no longer happening, no such question arraises. Without that energetical position that makes the “i” no thing matters…


Tomas Agren

Baby Child -rjs

. . . . . Baby Child . . . . .
The baby child sets out on their path to Nirvana, the Christ consciousness, sat/chit/ananda but finds many baubles and shiny things along the Way. Their pace is greatly retarded – to a near standstill most of the ‘time’.

The sages tell the traveler you’re too good for all this nasty mesmeric illusion, but to no avail. Now a corporate CEO, they want more and more of what will soon be less and less.

Suddenly things turn for the worse and the not-so-wide-eyed traveler is in serious trouble. Remembering the path they started on many lifetimes ago, they set out again to rediscover that unity they once knew as “Baby Child.”

Robin Starbuck

Become a “former racist” -rjs


Mankind has multifarious shortcomings in its nature, one of which is RACISM. It’s an aspect of egotism – and not a very pretty one!


You’re a good person, right? Baloney! Not if you see yourself as better than the next person. Are you glad you’re not as tall, short, old, young, poor, uneducated, or black as another? This calls for excruciating honesty with yourself. Remember we’re all “just human”.

Don’t start hating yourself if you finally find it – you’ve reached a milestone: true humility. Now you can, for the first time ever, begin to work on becoming a FORMER RACIST.

It is at this juncture that I (rjs) would turn to Spirit (within), but the sole purpose of this post is to make people aware of their own participation in racism.



I heard your voice while reading this post . Never heard your voice before but I heard it now .

Natalie Van Rensburg

L E T ‘ S . R E – E X A M I N E . O U R . G O A L

People of a pseudo-psychological leaning tend to judge our best goal(s) in life to be what they deem obvious. If our goal, however, has precious little to do with a so-called healthy, happy, inscrutably ‘wise’ humanly human, maybe we need to unfollow our learned counterparts!

Let’s throw off our obsession with humanity’s baubles and flirtations and ponder life’s most urgent question: how are we demonstrating our eternal life now? Are we even aware of it. For the majority of inhabitants of this planet the prognosis is not good.

Disease and death are unknown in Spirit, God. What good is this knowledge if we don’t intimately realize it? If we’re oblivious of Life which is God, how in the world do we think we can experience it? What’s there to break the illusion of life in a dying body? You certainly don’t think death can be a great enlightener, do you?

At the risk of being repetitive, the only way to awareness is to wake up! Be hands-down willing to roll up your sleeves and get dirty! Or, go back to sleep and we’ll talk again after a few hundred more years!
