Category Archives: Changed

No me,you,s/he/it

Haiku for the poor in spirit.

Even the Absolute is the dream.
The worded is the futile.
Meaning is dreamt.
‘Your life’ doesn’t exist.
What apparently lives is nullity.
Nothing realizes nothing.
This is breathtaking.
Seeing this is unbearable for the sense of self.
Nothing matters.
Understanding deludes.
There is no last resort.
No refuge.
Nirvana is a joke.
The Buddha lost his mind in an attempt to go beyond himself.
The Bodhi Tree farted.
Brain bursts into laughter.
The belly shakes.
The grass grows by itself.
The spring is coming…..

Wouter van Oord.


If you’re going through some heavy-duty emotional, relational, spiritual changes that are most unsettling, don’t be discouraged: they’re birthing pangs.

Keep applying yourself and all you know to be true. You’ll see 👀 more and more instances of seemingly supernatural phenomenon working for you. You’ll see the kewl-est 😎 manifestations of love, from the least expected 🙃 places.

Press on! Press on and you’ll finally really see 👁 that there never was anything to wait for.


Dissolving material ties

T H E . D I S S O L U T I O N . O F . M A T E R I A L . T I E S

“Illumination dissolves all material ties and binds men together with the golden chains of spiritual understanding; it acknowledges only the leadership of the Christ; it has no ritual or rule but the divine, impersonal universal Love; no other worship than the inner Flame that is ever lit at the shrine of Spirit. This union is the free state of spiritual brotherhood. The only restraint is the discipline of Soul; therefore, we know liberty without license; we are a united universe without physical limits; a divine service to God without ceremony or creed. The illumined walk without fear—by Grace.”
Joel S. Goldsmith

MIXING your philosophical/theological approach to spiritual awakening with psychological/humanistic opinions is a sure guarantee of failure in the long run.


Ever feel like crying?

E V E R . F E E L . L I K E . C R Y I N G ?

Not sure if this is helpful – hope so! I’m striving very hard to stay aware of myself as a Spirit being, and when I succeed I’m so gosh-darned happy that I’m on the verge of tears all the time!


Contradictions vs water-down

There will be contradictions galore as we extract ourselves from the hypnotic pull of world mind.
We can’t force our exit using stubborn human will but we can simply choose to let God live our lives AS us.
The world mind wants to water down real breakthrough messages at every possible turn. Great humility is sorely needed as we cannot … I repeat, cannot … take the Kingdom of Heaven by storm.

MY GREATEST CONTRADICTION TO EXPLAIN (I’ve actually gotten quite okay with it) is
(1) We need do nothing VS.
(2) There is so very much that an initiate can – and i.m.o. should – do.
This is really very easy to explain but people still insist on confounding it: There’s wonderful study AND APPLICATION that can be done to fully understand the entire magnanimity of Spirit, God. This can and should take many, many years, but, so what?! It’s the application part that people try to ignore which leaves them with nothing but a word-salad. The spiritual fact that nothing needs to be done to become all that God is becomes obvious and self-evident, but learning – THROUGH LIFE EXPERIENCE is what is sorely lacking. It’s not an issue of popularity or remuneration: it’s an entirely different dimension!!!!

TRUE STORY – I once had a handsome young Japanese student who asked The Awful Question: What is the quickEST way for me to master English?
Without skipping a beat I said “First you must divorce your wife…” (He’d just married a beautiful Japanese girl.)
He looked totally mortified for a split second; then we both burst out in peals of laughter!
That would have been the quickest way, separating himself from all contact with the opposing (native) language, culture and memory!
Once we (you and I) bring in the qualification “within reason” we’re not exactly emulating the first 12 disciples, are we?