Category Archives: Awakening

If it is true

I F . I T . I S . T R U E

If it is true that Spirit, God, is all as Quantum Physics’ “non-existence of matter” implies, then doesn’t it behoove us to dig a little deeper spiritually? Wouldn’t you like to know what really is going on and how much more its awareness can impact your life?

Let’s revisit the illusion now since that’s where we walk everyday. Like it or not, our awakening is gradual – not necessarily slow – but graded. We need to eat and sleep, work and play. But as we learn just how illusory it all is we can embark on the most exciting journey of our life: our exit from this world.

Going deeper into the illusion, we come face to face with the issue of death and reincarnation. How is that not the destiny of all material so-called life? And what’s the deal with karma? It also makes perfect sense for any unenlightened mortal!

Am I whetting your appetite for something better? It’s all about awakening. To your consciousness. Which is what you are! Imagine yourself expanding: you contain the room, the building, the country, the world. That’s what being Spirit means.

But what about reality? Baby, that is reality! – the only reality! It’s everybody’s present and permanent reality but most people won’t awaken in this lifetime.

How about you?


Spiritual complacency

S P I R I T U A L . C O M P L A C E N C Y

Some people seem to coast along spiritually – never having any problems they can’t easily handle. They’re not like the rest of us who combat serious issues at every turn. I’ll return to this dichotomy in a little while, but first I’d like to revisit a rather flamboyant – and powerfully effective healer.

Kathryn Kuhlman was an amazing speaker, teacher and healer who kept her huge audiences spellbound as she floated across the stage in gorgeous evening gowns! She healed thousands (millions in total) of people in very advanced stages of crippling diseases every night of her stay all over the country.

I totally ‘get’ why she dressed so theatrically: it was a persona that she was slipping into and helped her immensely in keeping her focus. People were rightfully ecstatic when they saw their loved ones healed. Who wouldn’t be?

But, alas, the story goes, a large percentage of the healings soon reversed. I was not the least bit surprised with that crushing development: the newly-healed people needed to do their part AFTER THE FACT. They needed a spiritual mentality that was on the same level as they had risen to.

People seeking healing from Kathryn Kuhlman were entirely focused on their desperate physical need with precious little concern for the sudden shift in their entire life situation. They simply couldn’t maintain their healings. Their god was physicality from start to finish.

The complacency issue alluded to above ran unchecked with Kuhlman’s followers as it does with people who never seem to have much of a problem these days. They never want to upset the apple-cart and go on to a higher level of living. As I ponder this mesmeric situation, I’m tempted to feel more grateful than ever before that I have had unspeakably trying problems which – when healed – catapulted me to a level I had never anticipated before but for which I had been very well prepared.


EFFORT: good or bad?

WHEREVER. YOU. SEE. “EFFORT” OR “WORK” IN MY. POSTS, please know I’m speaking only about whatever it will take to BRING. A. PERSON. TO. THE. PLACE. WHERE THEY. WANT AWARENESS. Once there, the spiritual rest is pure beauty, sunshine and sweetness.

You need to do your own work

N O . T E A C H E R . CAN . EVER . DO . FOR . YOU what you need to do for yourself. The very act of doing the work is what strengthens and establishes you. Reading, listening, meditating, communing, silencing UNTIL THE WORK IS DONE will put you where YOU need to be. Thinking that someone else can or will carry you will truly result in great disappointment again and again. This message is for you and me and has nothing whatsoever to do with me. The “WORK” that I’m referring to is this:
Nobody can do it for you.

What do you treasure the most in this world?

WHAT DO YOU TREASURE MOST in this world? Yes, it is a trick question! Remember Abraham … I used to pretty much hate that Bible story when I was much younger coz I didn’t have a clue …

What do you treasure the most in this world? Now I get it. Everything in this world dies. But we can exit this world long before we have to contend with that. Then “that” will no longer hold any sway over us. So,

What do you treasure the most in this world? You’ve got to be willing to give it up. Is it your good looks? Your power over others? Your money, your spouse, your puppy?

What do you treasure the most in this world? You’ve got to be HONESTLY WILLING to give it up. I think I’ve said enough.

Dr. Robin Starbuck

My greatest wish is to get people to experience spirituality that which is far beyond anything they’ve ever known before.
The awakening is infinitely greater than anything you’ve ever imagined or can ever imagine. There’s no limitation whatsoever in Spirit, Soul, where healings and miracles are the everyday norm!

Great Encouragement SPT

THIS !! THIS RIGHT HERE IS IT !! What a wonderful encouragement for all who are still grappling with a few crippling, heart-rending issues! Thank you so much Sharon Palmer Tucker
Must share 😀


For so many years I loved “God”, so deeply, that on a regular basis I wept/ached to be closer thru intense seeking and prayer. I wanted to be closer, closer than close, and I remember the times my face was wet with tears of my longing. Then the day came when a shift took place within me and I was not only “closer than close”…in astonishment, I sat in the utter awareness that I AM THAT! Not my body, but my very Being… the same I AM that Jesus knew he was. I and what has been termed the “Father”…are one and the same. My longing had reached its height and suddenly made a u-turn…right into my own heart…exactly where Jesus had pointed…WITHIN YOU! The veil was lifted from my eyes. There was none but ONE that remained. No “with”…no “in”…only I AM. One of the amazing things I notice now is that the (often) anguished seeking of my (then) perception of what “God” was…is gone. How does one express sufficiently…what Wholeness feels like. True, genuine Wholeness. Not a Wholeness that needs my “faith” to manifest or exist…but a Wholeness that just IS…and has always been. ❤

Sharon Palmer Tucker

Ans to Q:Why was your human mind illusion created?

Your consciousness is the real you. World mind is illusion. Once we know better we don’t ever want to be subject to the hypnotic pull of the world mind any more. It’s then that spiritual consciousness becomes clearer and clearer. It’s then that we really begin to see that God in fact is all in all.
Robin Starbuck

(Cecil Cockerham posted for me)



One would think you’d be there by now, given your degree of commitment to the Absolute, right? Please stay with this article, I think I may hit on what you’re missing….

You’ve never been quite so committed, quite so in-your-face with the world mind’s machinations, quite so exacting in your study and application of spiritual Truth, but when your mind slips, it slips big time!

I’m afraid I’ve got to address that slippage, for it proves that you’re not as far along as you thought you were and everything is skewed accordingly. Keep reading, we’re almost there…

I’m trying to be as gentle as I can, not out of concern for myself but out of concern for you. You see, if there’s still one person that you aren’t able to love, if there’s still one incident in history that you cannot forgive, if you only see yourself as spiritual and perfect part of the time . . . . . okay, here it comes . . . . . YOU DO NOT BELIEVE Spirit, God, is all.

Think about it, and be brutally honest. Of course I wouldn’t bring this up if there weren’t a very definite solution available, but you’ve got to become entirely honest with yourself. You say you know you’re the image and likeness of God, but you don’t: the very fact of your absolute perfection should propel you right out of the realm of the limited, physical, dying body altogether.

You see, you can no longer afford to merely visit pure spirituality and then, with every fiber of your being, deny everything you thought you understood and believed: you neither understood nor believed that you were the image and likeness of God or you would be acting as such 100% of the time.

The aforementioned statement, blatant as it is, is actually very very good news for you because there’s got to be some reason why you’re not where you want to be. May I assume that you want to be fully aware of yourself as entirely spiritual, perfect, immortal and eternal? Now here’s the clincher. how can you take in – and effectively apply – enough infallible, undeniable spiritual Truth long enough to have it OUTWEIGH ALL THE ERROR you’ve also taken in over the years?

The answer is insultingly simple: JUST DO IT !!!

You alone need to ‘open out a way’ for more truth to take over than the error you’ve been coddling for years and years. You need to want truth more badly than anything else under the sun and beyond. You need to hold yourself accountable for your multiplicity of error-affirming thoughts that you refuse to dismiss.

There are plenty of good teachings out there which you can study AND APPLY at your own pace – teachings that don’t cost a penny, so you know that no ulterior motive is involved. I earnestly believe that what you need is a consistent moment-by-moment flushing out of your precious consciousness a ton of contradictory feelings, opinions, compromises, loyalties, addictions, seductions and all other distractions. Then and only then can you hope for a replacement by … well … the kingdom of Spirit, God.

I would, however, avoid like the plague the notion that “everything’s gonna work out in the end”! That right there is why millions of people never quite arrive at their cherished destination.
