Category Archives: Answered Prayer!

In the Stillness, floodgates opened

To Truly Enter the Stillness one needs to SURRENDER COMPLETELY.

Many many times in my meditations
I tried to enter the Stillness
But came up kinda short.
Oh, it was good each and every time
Like a refreshing dip in the ocean that is God.

But this time was different:
I YEARNED for a deeply spiritual and lasting, life-changing experience.
The YEARNING grew and grew until
I wanted nothing else –
Just cleanse everything about me
And let me stay indefinitely.

It was tantamount to total unmitigated SURRENDER
Although I gave no particular
Thought to it.
I was humbled to the depths
Of my soul.
Moisture told me I had never
Wanted anything so badly.

It happened!
The floodgates of Love burst open
And I saw. I saw everything.
I saw all you guys perfect as you are.
Saw my passed-on parents
And sister and brother.
I saw the whole world
Healed and whole.


When re-plugging is no more!

When you’ve got that thing you do
to help re-plug into your Spiritual source, well that’s pretty wonderful – it really is:
You can always count on re-connecting!
But when you – through a great deal of
consistent assiduous practice –
start to experience the Christ always
right there, right with you, re-plugging
automatically, where moments of
trepidation used to be: that’s heaven!
But please don’t rush it –
You can’t take the Kingdom of heaven
by storm (Lol) –
nor should you ever want to!
Patience helps tremendously in
bringing you to that place
where doubt assumes its position
atop the ash-heap of mortal dreams,
vanities, rude awakenings!

Approach that guarantees failure

Why oh why does everybody talk about how to solve this issue or that issue?
Yeah, yeah I know, the issues in question are very serious, sometimes life-threatening. But their very approach guarantees failure. Guarantees it!
Who told you you got this issue or that? Did God tell you so? Then if God didn’t tell you so, who did? Your own mind (with your body in tow). You’re under a general world hypnosis and you’ve got plenty of company. But that doesn’t make the lie about your condition true. If you really knew the truth about yourself – that you are the image and likeness of God – if you really, really knew it you’d be sooo happy you could hardly contain yourself!!! You’d forget all about the problem and just bask in the sheer joy of your newfound freedom. You would focus on everything that validates your inherent perfection and smile from ear to ear! You wouldn’t want to hear a single sound but the sound of “I” because you just got it that I is God AND I is you simultaneously.

No details please!

If you want help
in overcoming a problem,
whether physical, financial,
social, etc.
it is so important that you
omit all the details.
The whole point metaphysically
is to un-see the lie –
the very lie that you’re wanting
to describe and flesh out:
Don’t go there – it’s sabotage!
Let God into the picture instead.
God is where you should have started.
God is where you should have stayed.
Being IN God (as everyone is)
IS instead of whatsoever claim
you thought there was.
No details – not even your name –
is needed, or helpful in any way.
The healer is on your side, but
on whose side are you?

God changes your Want to’s even if hurting

When God changes your “WANT TO’s”
WOW !!!
That’s all I can say! Wow!
Oh, now I just said something else! :p
Silly me! I just get so happy!
I want to, want to, want to
Hug and kiss everyone!
God is soooo beautiful!

If you’re hurting –
Look way, way, way beyond –
Get outta that realm altogether!
You can do it! You must see it!
God-as-you and nothing more.
Conscious awareness of only what’s real
Healing and miracles galore!

I will believe if…

One of the earliest healings that I had heard of in my youth was when a man went to a Healer and said if you heal my wife I will believe. He was told that he had it backwards and that he needs to believe no matter what. He “got it” and went home believing. Shortly thereafter his wife was healed. It made such an impression on me because people are always asking me similar questions, motivated by their own wishes and holding off on actually believing in God in the first place.

Is there something you should do?

Is there something you should be doing or should have already done and you just can’t seem to get to it? You’ve tried everything: pushing yourself, guilting yourself, cajoling yourself?
Oh, I don’t know what it is but it certainly seems like it should have been done long ago. Thoughts like that only make it worse right? It could even be mental you know some study or prayer or connecting or surrendering, whatever!
Well the other morning I said to Jesus, “Could you please put on my heart and in my mind and body a strong desire to do this task. Thank you very much.” Then I went on my merry way and forgot about it and within a few hours the entire huge task was done!

The ego is a non-entity

Good news! Good news!
The ego is not your enemy
to overcome in battle.
The ego is a non-entity,
a misapprehension,
having nothing to do with
“I” (God) who is really you!

Dwelling on the negative
is futility at its pristine best
futility born of pain and fear
unable to withstand any test
we open our eyes now and
begin to see I AM, God, is me.

Spiritual living vs. glamour and glitz

I had a huge battle with dualism.
I wanted that closer walk with Jesus and
I wanted the glamour & glitz of the world.

Whenever there was a way to evade them
dualism raised its hydra head again.
Very sickly=> very wanting God entirely.
Well again? Sayonara deep concentration!

to keep my nose to the grindstone.
Coz I really, really, REALLY wanted
God’s healing path for my life!

and say to you: “You Must AWAKEN !!”
The world can never offer you the
unspeakable bliss of Spiritual HEALING !!

Andrew Wommack – God is all good: here, in heaven

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. MATTHEW 6:10 Jesus continued to praise God, declaring, “Father, I know that it’s Your will for things to be done on earth the way they are in heaven.”In heaven, there’s no sickness. Therefore, it’s not God’s will for you to be sick! There’s no poverty in heaven. So it’s not God’s will for you to be poor here on earth! In the presence of the Lord, there is abundant joy, shouting, singing, praising, and worshiping. That’s what heaven is like, and it’s how He expects us to be here on earth!
~ Andrew Wommack