Category Archives: Adams, Robert

You’re a nobody, absolutely RAdams

The whole thing is a big joke.
You do not exist.
Doesn’t it make you feel good to know you’re a nobody,
that you do not exist?
You’re not even the absolute reality.
You’re not even consciousness.
Those are all words.
You’re not nirvana, you are not emptiness.
You are none of those things.
What are you?
There is silence.
You are the silence. Total silence.
It is only when you rest in the silence that you appear to awaken.
I say you appear to awaken for there’s no one to awaken,
and there is no silence.
What else is there to say?

~Robert Adams

What are you, body? -RAdams


When you get up in the morning do not turn on the television or the radio or read newspapers or drink a cup of coffee, turn around and look, look deep, inquire, “Who am I?

What is this body? Where did it come from? What are my thoughts? Where do my thoughts come from?” Inquire, dive deep within and everything will take care of itself. But what we call the Self doesn’t need any encouragement from anybody. It just is, like the air, like boundless space.

Try to be still most of the time. Try not to get into heated discussions, heated debates about anything. The mind always wants to accomplish something, wants to do something, wants to be the doer. Discourage the mind by becoming the witness to its actions.

Learn to be by yourself more, leave the world alone. Do not have any opinions for or against and everything will take care of itself.

Remember to love yourself, to worship yourself, to pray to yourself, to bow to yourself. For God dwells in you as you.

Transcript 228

Taking Refuge In Consciousness

4th March, 1993

Robert Adams Satsangs: The Collected Works

Portrait of Robert by Jane Adams


Dreamt I was dreaming rjs

True story.

Many years ago I dreamt that I had been dreaming but now was wide awake and could PROVE it.

Specific significant details would attest to my being awake even though I was in an amazing situation.

Sounds, smells, tastes, feelings, sights all attested – without the slightest doubt – to my having encountered a most unusual experience.

But I had all the necessary evidence to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that everything was really occurring right then and there.

Only problem was, I was dreaming the whole thing – proof and all!


Want to wake up? Don’t take it seriously! -RAdams

You are dreaming the mortal dream! And the only way to wake up is not to take it seriously, but to observe it and watch it and not to react to it. But you must remind yourself in the morning when you get out of bed. “I just woke up.”, you say to yourself, “I went from one dream into another dream!” If you remind yourself of this in the morning when you wake up, you will be able to handle the whole day sufficiently. For you will not get involved in the world too much. You will not become judgmental over things. You will leave everything alone!
Imagine again that you’re dreaming at night, but now you’re aware that you’re dreaming. If you’re aware that you’re dreaming, are you going to react to anything? Will you react to situations, if you know that you’re dreaming? Of course not. You’ll laugh! You’ll see a war going on and you’ll get in the middle of the battlefield and you’ll say, “What are you doing? This is all a dream! Throw your guns away. You’re wasting your time!” Nobody dies, nobody is killed, nobody is born. It’s all a dream. And they’ll probably shoot you for saying that! Makes no difference if they shoot you! You’re aware that you’re dreaming, so you’re the witness of you being shot and you keep laughing.
And then you wake up.

~ Robert Adams

Universe is a big lie

Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
‘Knowing this, be still!’

Hear ye: Nothing exists. The only reason the world exist is because you think you are the body. You have created God in your own image and you worship that God. The truth is that God should worship you. The universe is a big lie. And if you believe in the universe then you’re a bigger liar. You are all waiting for something to happen. The truth is what is already is happening has already happened. There is nothing else to happen, so let it happen.

There is absolutely nothing for you to do to become self-realized, except shut up. There is noone who can do anything for you and you can do nothing for yourself. It is better therefore to keep quiet and do nothing. There is no teaching that can set you free and there is no teacher that can set you free. Just knowing this, you will already be free. Expect nothing, do nothing, be nothing and you will discover that you are everything. Noone can save and you cannot save yourself. Knowing this, be still!

If you only knew who you were then all the Gods and Goddesses that you have been praying to would fall at your feet. Forget about affirming., “I am not the body,” for if you were not the body why would you affirm you were not the body, consciousness, pure awareness are only words, go beyond that. To know the ultimate truth, you first must know nothing.

The whole universe is a manifestation of your mind. To remove the manifestation examine your mind carefully, diligently by inquiring, “To whom does this come?” It is virtually impossible for you to have a problem. How can you have a problem if you don’t even exist? Do not complicate your life by reading voluminous books. Rather empty yourself up of all the book language you’ve ever had.

Reading a book makes you feel good for a while. But diving within yourself removes all samskaras and samsaras and sets you free. To love yourself is better than reading books and going to lectures or hearing sermons or doing anything. You are That which has always been. Discover what that is. By turning within.

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum. (students laugh) (silence)

Just be very quiet -RAdams

The higher Self is your real nature.
That is what you really are.
So naturally when you become still long enough, when you stop shouting and making things happen and wanting things and doing things, when you have become totally still long enough and leave whatever happens, happen, then you become the real Self. That seems to rush at you because it is unfolding as you and when you are quiet, you become That. Simple.
All your job is to become quiet. Become still. Nothing to prove, nothing to do, nothing to fight. You leave the world alone. Everything will take care of itself. You don’t worry any longer. And the Self will rush into your arms and you will embrace and live happily ever after.

Transcript 198
Everything is in a
State of Flux
8th November, 1992
Robert Adams Satsangs
The Collected Works

On negativity and other nonsense RAdams

So when you react negatively to a situation, you can call it blasphemy. For you’re saying that God doesn’t know what he’s doing. That somehow consciousness has made a mistake someplace and you have to correct it, what nonsense. Yet most of us are doing these things everyday. Thinking that it’s up to us to straighten something out, up to us to correct somebody, it’s up to us to fix things. These things that you’re trying to correct and fix have been going on since the beginning of time, when the illusory universe first appeared. It’s all God’s leela. The sport of God, it’s a joke and you’re taking it seriously.

Is there any wonder that you’re feelings are always hurt. That you become angry everyday over some situation that is a trifle or nonsense, for you refuse to understand your divinity. You’re looking at yourself as a mortal being who has to go out into this world and fight for survival. It’s a lie, it’s not the truth.

This is what you should focus on day and night, and the best way to work on yourself is through self-inquiry. It encompasses all these things we’re talking about. But it’s up to you to do it and keep doing it day and night without stopping. Whatever comes to you, whatever you see everyday, whether it’s a trifle or it’s a serious thing, you have to inquire, “To whom does this come? Who feels this? Who sees this?” I know it’s hard for some of you to do this and this is because you’re not practicing the little things.

If you keep practicing the little things first, then when a so-called big catastrophe comes along, you’ll be able to handle it beautifully. You’ll simply say, “To whom does this come? To me, the ego, the I. I am free of it completely,” and be able to shrug it off and walk away in complete peace. But if you’re not practicing this, then when a so-called catastrophe comes along in your life, you will become violently upset over it, depressed, mad. It’s like when you’re going to die and leave your body. What you occupy your mind with when you die is that’s where you’re going to go. So some of you say, “Well I’m going to occupy my mind with Brahman, when I die I want to go straight to Brahman.” Of course it doesn’t work this way. Because if you have not been practicing previously to death, so-called, you will not be able to do it. When mr death comes to pay you a call, you will be in total fear. You will not be able to think straight. This is why it’s so important to practice now. It makes you stronger, in control.

Practice “Who am I?” constantly, continuously. “Who is this I that has this problem, this fear, this frustration? Where did the I come from?” As you keep separating yourself from the I daily, continuously soon you will not have to voice these things. It will be automatic. Whatever situation unveils itself, you will not say anything you will just look at it and smile and not be involved in it whatsoever. You will have risen to a higher consciousness, just by smiling at the condition, the situation. But if you are not practicing, then when a situation confronts you’ll get angry, mad, upset, depressed and the rest.

Transcript 226

Whatever You See Is The Self

25th February, 1993

Robert Adams Satsangs

The Collected Works

Being by Yourself, Satsang RAdams

Stop looking for scraps of fulfilment outside (your) Self.

(How to change milk into butter;)
We see no hope. We think it’s the end. Nobody loves us. We have incurable diseases. We have no job. The world looks like it!s coming to an end. There are wars. Mans inhumanity to man, and we don!t know where it!s going to end. But for whom it this ~ for YOU? Find out for whom is al the destruction. For whom is the negative conditions ~ NOT FOR YOU. Because You are not your body. AS long as You believe that You are your body, then the world becomes very real to You. As long You believe You are your mind, then the thoughts will frighten You, scare You, and make you do strange things. It will make you hate people, be suspicious, be doubtful and have all kind of problems; But when You inquire; “For whom is the mind, for whom is the body?” EVERYTHING STOPS. You see ~ the substratum of All existence is BLISS.That’s the bottom line, simply speaking.THE SUBSTRATUM OF ALL EXISTENCE IS BLISS.You come from Bliss, and You go to Bliss. It’s Your Real Nature.It’s like watching a movie. And in the movie there are good people, bad people, all kinds of people… Yet ~ You watch, you do not get involved in the movie. Even tho You know you’re watching a movie You know it’ll have an end. And You’ll awaken, get up and go home. It’s like that. Life is a cosmic movie.. Things begin, things has a middle and things has an end. Everything changes, and changes and changes continuously. NOTHING is ever the same. And it pulls You in. It pulls You into what we call maya, the grand illusion. It makes you believe that life is virtuous, and interesting. It gets You enmeshed in the things of this world. Until You become totally involved, and when you become totally involved, You see it turns out what you didn’t expect. It’s different than you thought.
Then you go after something else, and you go after something else and it never ends. Until you become so discouraged ~ You don’t know what to do with yourself.
This is true with every human being, EVERYBODY. So what to do?
Take time out by yourself. Think about these things.
That’s the first vessel; BE ALONE. BE HAPPY TO BE BY YOURSELF,that you can think about these things, and take control of Your mind and Your body. Spend lots of time by yourself. Being by Yourself is not loneliness, when You know what you are doing. Begin to love to be by your Self. You can’t wait for the time to be alone.
Number two, the second vessel; is the LOVE TO BE IN SATSANG. Satsang literally means to sit at the feet of the master. With an empty mind. Not with preconceived ideas, not with doubts, not with the fighting spirit., but with an open Heart. LOVE FOR SATSANG LEADS TO ENLIGHTENMENT. But you have to be careful, to whom you go, where you go. There are so many movements, so many organisations, so many so called spiritual groups, that’s hard to decide where to go. The best way to know is to ask your Self. Be by yourSelf. If you are sincere, if you have been working on yourself diligently, something in You will lead you a right place. Where you can grow and unfold beautifully.
Vehicle number three; YOU HAVE TO HAVE A DESIRE, TO ASSOCIATE WITH PEOPLE ON THE PATH LIKE YOURSELF, your friends, to associate WITH SAGES, with people think like you, who are trying to unfold. It’s easy for the world to pull You down and associate with the wrong people. and they look very interesting to you. But they pull you down into maya. And than you have to start all over again to work your way up. You gotta be careful, AWARE where you go, with whom you hang around. LET YOUR HEART TELL YOU.
❤ Robert Adams ~ How to change milk into butter. SATSANG ~ audiorecording

Everything is on your side -RAdams

Do not try to figure people out or analyze conditions, situations. You cannot do this, it’s too complicated. This is why it is written in all the great books, leave everything alone. Leave people alone, leave the world alone. Remember there is nothing to fear and there is nothing to fight. You are carried along in a stream of blessedness to your highest good. Everything is on your side. There is nothing against you you know. There is no one or nothing trying to hurt you. You do not have to defend yourself against anyone or anything, because there is nothing trying to hurt you.

Every situation that comes into your life is necessary at this time, everything. If you look at everybody and everything as God you’ll be on your right track. Look at every situation, every condition as Brahman.

If there is only Brahman, and there is only Brahman, how can there be mistakes someplace. How can people make a mistake? See what I’m saying? There is only the one, and that one is all-pervading, omnipresent, perfection, love, happiness, joy, that one is you.

You are the one.

Transcript 226

Whatever You See Is The Self

25th February, 1993

Robert Adams Satsangs: The Collected Works

Drawing by Jane Adams

Robert Adams