Category Archives: Adams, Robert

Pure awareness, consciousness -RAdams


“It all begins with you. You are the one. You can either free yourself or put yourself in bondage depending on what you’re doing with your life. As [we] go through the vicissitudes of life we become aware that we’ve been spinning our wheels all these years. We’ve been wasting our energy trying to accumulate things. We make ourselves happy by accumulating all kinds of goodies, people, places. Yet we’re not happy.

Only when you discover that you are the universal manifestation of consciousness can you be happy. Only when you understand that you’re pure awareness you will be happy—when you begin to see you live in a world of maya [illusion] which is like a dream. Why should you react to the dream? Would you react to the dream if you dreamt it last night? When you awaken in the morning will you react to this dream?

You realize it was only a dream. It has no power over [you], it cannot do anything. Even though in that dream I had cancer, I was wasting away, my family died in an automobile accident, it was all in a dream. It’s not true, it never happened. So it is with this life now. Things may appear so real to you. Everything may appear so valid. But one day you will awaken to this dream and you will find that you’re absolutely free.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

You are sat-chit-ananda [existence-consciousness-bliss] -RAdams

[Once you awaken], what you call your body will take care of itself. It knows what to do and how to do it. As a matter of fact, if you get yourself out of the way the body will achieve much more freedom, much more happiness then you can ever have while you’re thinking. Do not concern yourself with the body. Leave the body alone.

It’s hard to understand how you can leave the body alone and it will take of itself. All these years you think you’ve been taking care of it. But look at nature. Look at the leaves on the tree, grass, the food that grows; there is a power that takes care of everything in this universe.

The same power that takes care of everything takes care of what you call your body. It will lead you to the right path. It will guide you to the right place you’re supposed to be. It takes care of you. But this only happens when you surrender your body, your ego, everything to the Self. The way you surrender is by not reacting to life. Not reacting to person, place or thing.

When you stop reacting, that is surrender. And the power that knows the way will take care of your body. But you are not your body. You have absolutely nothing to do with your body. You are that consciousness, that joy, that happiness, that peace, that bliss. This is your real nature. You are sat-chit-ananda [existence-consciousness-bliss], Brahman, the absolute reality, this is you.

Robert Adams

There’s nothing to let go of -RAdams

“Why not understand your divinity right now and accept it. It’s not hard to do. Remember, there’s nothing to let go of. You do not have to affirm yourself to death, saying things like, ‘I let go now of all of my fears, all my sorrows.’ There are no fears and no sorrows to let go of. There never were any like that. They do not exist. Try to remember there’s absolutely nothing to let go of.

There’s only to be. In other words, you do not have to redeem yourself. You do not have to pray to an anthropomorphic deity up in the sky somewhere. There’s nothing you have to do, for you are already that. You have always been that, and you’re that right now; beautiful, happy, joyous, fulfilled, complete, absolute. It’s wonderful. “

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

You are beyond everything. Yet you are everything -RAdams

You have to dive deep, deep, deep within yourself, deeper than you can ever imagine. And the only way you can do this is by giving up the external world, mentally, not physically. In other words, by not reacting to things. To observe things, watch the world go by, leave it alone. It’s neither good nor bad.

It has nothing to offer you. Yet at the same time you’ll be doing what you have to do, what you came here to do. If you’re supposed to work, you will work. If you’re not supposed to work, you’ll not work. If you’re supposed to be married, you’ll be married. If you’re supposed not to be married, you’ll not be married.

Everything will happen by itself. Yet you will know within yourself, that this is not you. The situation is not you. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. You are beyond conditioning, beyond situations, beyond experience, beyond everything. Yet you are everything also.

Robert Adams

You are the cause of everything that happens to you -RAdams

You have to realize you’re the cause of everything. You are the cause of everything that happens to you. There’s no one to blame but you. If you have certain people in your life you can’t get along with, your family, your relatives, whatever, you have purposely attracted these people before you came to this earth, and these people attracted you, for this is their karma and your karma, and you have to work it out.

If you keep reacting the same way you always do, you will not work it out, and will get deeper enmeshed into it, and you will come back again, and again, and again, in different bodies, until you get it right. We can really say that the universe is a university to educate the soul.”

Robert Adams

There is NO THING that you have to overcome -RAdams

“The Self pervades all space and time. There’s nothing else. So how can you think there is such a thing as sickness, lack, limitation, depression, and these things that some of us go on with believing we have a fight on our hands, something to overcome,. That’s a joke, funny, ha-ha. There is no thing that you have to overcome. There is no karma that you have to overcome.

There are no samskaras. You’re not a sinner. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. You’re perfect just the way you are. You are the Self, the immutable Self, self-contained absolute reality. You have always been this. You are this. And nothing can tarnish this. Just by understanding what I’m saying will liberate you, totally.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Without thoughts needs wants -RAdams

When you are without thoughts, when you are without needs, without wants, without desires, then you are God.
You are the universe.
You are divine love.
You are beautiful.
Yet when you begin to think about these things you deny it, for you think about the past and the future instead of staying centered in the eternal now.
You think of the mistakes you made in life.
You think about the dastardly things going on in this world.
You think about your future, about the so called recession.
You are enmeshed in maya.
Do not continue to think this way. Robert Adams

T. 112 All is Well

Precious few have gone beyond birth and death -RAdams

There have been those few people in the world who have gone beyond birth and death. There have been those people, very few, who know the secrets, the answers to life, to the mysteries of life. Yet they can do nothing for you until you can find out yourself who you really are, what you really are, what you’re all about.

For if you believe you were born you begin to accumulate knowledge, as soon as you’re born. You become aware of your environment, then you become aware of other people. Your parents feed you all kinds of knowledge and all this does is expand your ego. Your ego begins to live. It’s fattened up by thoughts, knowledge. Just like the body is fattened up by food. When you’re about four or five years old you go play out in the street with your friends, you acquire further knowledge. You go to your particular church or school, you acquire further knowledge. And the more you grow up the more knowledge you receive. And the ego expands and expands until you believe you know something. When you believe you know something the ego has taken over completely and you become an ego. So when some of us believe there must be an answer, or this is not the answer, there must be an answer to the riddle of life, we start to give ourselves further knowledge by reading books, searching out teachers, listening to lecturers and we receive further knowledge. It appears to help but it’s fooling you. The appearance is a lie.

You become intellectual, you’re able to debate, you acquire more knowledge at university, you study philosophy and soon you become a walking encyclopaedia. You’re now filled with knowledge, filled with relative knowledge, worldly knowledge. Has this done the world any good? Look at the precarious condition the world is in. Has all the knowledge of lawyers, politicians, doctors, indian chiefs done this world any good? Knowledge seems to be destroying this world not making it a better place in which to live. The great secret is we have to unlearn everything we’ve learnt if we wish to become free and liberated. No matter how many times I say this to you, you’re still acquiring more knowledge, some of you. Think of the books you read recently. The news you’ve watched on TV. The newspapers you read. Aren’t you acquiring more and more knowledge? What is this knowledge doing for you? Expanding your ego and your ego grows and grows and encompasses the whole world, the whole universe. You have complete knowledge of the universe, of the world in which you live and you think this is going to free you. Freedom comes when you’re empty, when you know nothing.

Robert Adams

You’ve got to know yourself -RAdams

The only way you can ever help other people is by knowing yourself. The only way you can ever be of service to others, is by knowing yourself. The only way you can give anybody anything, is by knowing yourself. For when you know yourself, you know others. You will find the others are yourself. There is only one Self. Everything is that Self, everything. Every leaf, every plant, every cloud, everything is the one Self. That one Self is you.

Robert Adams

Don’t waste your energy! -RAdams

Most people are stuck in a spot in time where they go through many relative phenomenons, good and bad, off and on, and always trying to change bad for good, always trying to remove the bad and hang on to the good. But they are both impostors. You should never try to do this, you’re wasting your energy.

You should be using your energy to become totally free and liberated, not try to make yourself a millionaire or to heal yourself of every disease known to man, or make yourself famous somehow. All these things will pass. These things come and go. You experience one then the other. You want to become totally free.

Totally, absolutely free and liberated. You want to know that you’re all-pervading. There is nothing but the Self which is you, nothing else exists. The Self is absolute reality, self-contained. … The Self is bliss, nirvana, I-am. This is what you are right now. This is your true nature, right now! This is reality right now!

Robert Adams