The COURSE is in Iambic Pentameter
For J, the Course is a work of art, not a science project. It’s a complete presentation given on different levels. You have to grant him some artistic license. Much of the Course is presented in Shakespearean blank verse, or iambic pentameter. Do you know why? GARY: I have not a freakin’idea. ARTEN: Not only is it beautiful, but it forces you to read the Course more slowly and carefully. Also, it tends to attract long-term students who are serious about learning it. Obviously, the Course isn’t for everyone. Or as we said before, at least not everyone all at once.
Gary Renard
The Disappearance
of the Universe
Category Archives: ACIM
If you are afraid – ACIM
If you are afraid, you are valuing wrongly. Your understanding will then inevitably value wrongly, and by endowing all thoughts with equal power will inevitably destroy peace. That is why the Bible speaks of “the peace of God which passeth understanding.” This peace is totally incapable of being shaken by errors of any kind. It denies the ability of anything not of God to affect you. This is the proper use of denial. It is not used to hide anything, but to correct error. It brings all error into the light, and since error and darkness are the same, it corrects error automatically.
ACIM & JSG no Conflict RJS
A relatively brief perusal of the teachings of Joel Goldsmith AND a cursory treatment of A Course in Miracles SHOULD at best suggest a CONFLICT.
There is a glorious journey ahead, however, that the sincere seeker of Truth can anticipate. I find both JSG and ACIM true to a fault: there’s no conflict whatsoever. It’s a bit like approaching blindfolded the proverbial elephant from different positions and discovering it in its entirety.
Language doesn’t have to be daunting either once you have determined to go the distance, especially knowing in advance that one or the other or both will surely take you to the enlightenment – or at least the very beginning of it – that you crave.
DrRobinStarbuck .com
Realm of Soul, the kingdom of God – ACIM
Higher even than the plane of body and mind, there is the realm of Soul, the kingdom of God. Here we find the reality of our being, our divine nature – not that body and mind are separate or apart from Soul, but that Soul is the deepest recess of our being. In the realm of Soul, we find complete tranquility, absolute peace, harmony, and dominion. Here we find neither good nor evil, pain nor pleasure – only the joy of being. We are in the world, but not of it because we no longer see the world of sense as it appears to be but, having awakened our spiritual sense, we “see him as he is” – we see through appearances to the Real.
Knowledge vs Perception – ACIM
From knowledge and perception respectively, two distinct thought systems arise which are opposite in every respect. In the realm of knowledge no thoughts exist apart from God, because God and His Creation share one Will. The world of perception, however, is made by the belief in opposites and separate wills, in perpetual conflict with each other and with God. What perception sees and hears appears to be real because it permits into awareness only what conforms to the wishes of the perceiver. This leads to a world of illusions, a world which needs constant defense precisely because it is not real.
Read or listen?
I don’t like to start off a post on a negative note about myself, but I’m thinking it could be helpful to others who secretly regard themselves as not very good readers.
I had an extremely difficult childhood with diseases, neglect and sabotage. My parents were contacted re. my sub-standard reading and I was put into a special remedial class. That went nowhere because quite frankly nobody cared.
I managed to somehow graduate from high school and come to the big city where I realized my deficit was interfering with my normal daily activities, especially socially: I just didn’t like to read – but oh how I wished I did. So I decided to take just one college course, just to see if I could handle it. It was an English course and I struggled very much. But I aced it!!! You can’t imagine how exhilarated I felt with that accomplishment!!! I had done it on my own with only God’s help.
I began to take more and more courses all the while struggling with my reading and wishing it were more of a joy in and of itself, but that never happened. I finally became content with the knowledge that the reward for reading – for me – was when I finished and had all that knowledge swimming in my consciousness! That was good enough for me. I kept taking more and more college courses until I earned a bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D., but that’s not the point of this message.
I suspect that there are a lot of people out there who really don’t like to read, especially technical or inspirational material. They love to see short colorful memes or perhaps a few conjoined paragraphs, but don’t like to have their attention span challenged! My message here is this “YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE MISSING!” The sheer ecstasy of overcoming the bugaboo of an aversion to reading is phenomenal!!! The rewards are astronomical!!! A whole new world opens up to you. It’s true that the new world opens up a bit by listening to pre-recorded material; but, in the case of something you really want or need to internalize, it doesn’t come close.
● Some years later I embarked on a thorough study of A COURSE IN MIRACLES and you can bet that those study skills that I had gleaned earlier came in very handy – especially in ‘doing’ its LESSONS!
Over the years I’ve probably listened to A Course in Miracles on tape as a refresher for thousands of hours: it made me feel sooo good! But I’ll never forget a guy I knew about 24 years ago who had been listening to it on cassettes. I happened to mention to him that Jesus was the author and Helen Schucman acted as “scribe,” taking dictation from Him. He didn’t have a clue what I was talking about although it was included in the tapes! He never “got it” just from listening even though Jesus as author was mentioned extensively. He also never even “got it” that A Course in Miracles is a COURSE and the 365 lessons at the end of the book were a Course requirement! I’ve enjoyed listening to ACIM over the past 24 years; but owing to its profound importance, my listening has only been as a review.
Studying or listening to ACIM
I hope y’all will take this in the Spirit (!) it’s intended. As a review of material as weighty as A COURSE in Miracles … I studied it thoroughly for 5 years, spending 1-4 days on each of the 365 lessons. I marked up my book each time I read it with a different color and wrote copious notes in margins, etc. I prayed and meditated over each and every lesson until it became a part of me. I spent many many hours every single day with the text part of the COURSE. I was thrilled that I could understand it as much as I did and I attribute that to having studied Joel Goldsmith’s teaching ever since I was first able to read. So for me, listening to Joel and Herb is a kind of reinforcement, as ACIM would be. I used to listen to ACIM on cassette tapes and then MDs… But my point in this diatribe is that since it’s a Course, I don’t know if just listening will serve you well enough.
End of ego’s rule!
Christ is merely another
name for the creation,
for Christ is the Son of God.
The Second Coming of Christ
means nothing more than the
end of the ego’s rule and the
healing of the mind. I was
created like you in the first,
and I have called you to join
with me in the second.
~ Gary Renard
The Disappearance of
The Universe
Life not in heaven is impossible
…In any state apart from
Heaven life is illusion. At
best it seems like life;
at worst, like death. Yet
both are judgments on
what is not life, equal in
their inaccuracy and lack
of meaning. Life not in
Heaven is impossible,
and what is not in Heaven
is not anywhere.
Preoccupations with problems
…Preoccupations with problems
set up to be incapable of solution
are favorite ego devices for impeding
learning progress. In all these
diversionary tactics, however, the
one question that is never asked
by those who pursue them is, “What
for?”This is the question that you
must learn to ask in connection with
everything. What is the purpose?
Whatever it is, it will direct your
efforts automatically.
GARY: The purpose should be forgiveness
~ Gary Renard
The Disappearance of the Universe