Of being aware.
Thinking, feeling, sensing, perceiving = Being aware.
There’s no substance to my being aware But my experience of it.
“I am not identical to and
Limited by this experience.”
Physical pain is an intense version
Of the same stuff = the knowing of it.
Just because something is unpleasant Doesn’t mean it’s not made out of Consciousness.
Pain – or other demands – may seem
So intense that the knowing of it
May seem obscured.
A depression may be so deep that
We forget the fact that
The only substance to it is knowing.
A deep deep depression is rendered knowable by the Light of pure Consciousness.
“I am aware of being depressed.”
The “I” that is aware is what illuminates
Renders knowable
The experience of depression.
It is lifted up by something that is
Brilliant and luminous.
And transparent and empty
And innately peaceful.
Even our deepest depressions confirm
The presence of the brilliant
Light of pure consciousness.
Nothing can obscure that
Unless we consent to its obscuration.
If we believe a landscape on a screen
Has obscured it, it will be so
Only because we believe it.
BUT the landscape is just an image,
A modulation on the screen.
If we believe that our depression
Obscures consciousness
That’s how it will feel.
If we realize that our depression
Is lifted up or known
By the light of awareness
And our attention is drawn towards
The light of awareness
Rather than drawn towards
The darkness of depression,
Then that Light of awareness
Will be our experience.
The depression will gradually
Dissolve in that light.