Lazy interpretations are harmful



Spiritual laziness possesses would-be interpreters of enlightened texts who opt for a quicker feel-good, replete with copious worldly rewards!

Your words, Frank Johnson, are like a bucket of ice-water in the sleeper’s face, admonishing them to wake up and reach higher in order to show their ‘followers’ by their own reaching how spiritual enquiry is done:

“The Philosopher, the Theologian, and to be sure, the average Churchgoer, would likely read [enlightened] words and label them as ridiculous, more likely, heretical. Why?

“Because the human mind has been conditioned to only seek after what it can understand, what it can accept, what it can rationalize. Such is the path of Religion. Religion is where everything is presented with a logical explanation.

“Yet in all this logic, who is showing the Believer how to awaken within to realize the truth that they believe in? We’ve been trained to believe doctrine without a hint of inner Awareness.

“The words from the Bhagavad Gita, as an example, emanate from the path of inner direct experience (like that seen in Jesus), not from some teaching that someone would tell you to merely believe.” FJ

I’d (rjs) like to add what I feel will aid tremendously in putting teacher and student, leader and follower on track for a major enlightenment breakthrough. Give up all self-seeking desire for wealth, leadership, popularity. Just listen truly sincerely for what might be the first time.