When you reach a new level

YOU MAY HAVE BEEN CLAIMING YOUR ONENESS in God for a long, long time…
Sometimes you saw it more clearly than other times.
And there were so many many times this palpitating clarity just simply wasn’t there.
You reached out yet again and there it was so this time you were determined to rein it in.
You could sense that you had made some permanent progress but it wasn’t going anywhere.
The next thing you knew there was a symptom or a distraction or an illusion firmly planted…
Then back to the drawing board! Why couldn’t you ever maintain that last position and move on from there?
Months and months passed into years and while you were thankful beyond measure to be as aware as you were …
Couldn’t you just … just move it up another notch and finalize it? You had no idea what a terrible request you were asking!
Finalize infinity? Put a cap on it? No! No! No! You’d say but just get beyond that repetitive point!
Are you sitting down for this one? – You Weren’t Ready For It! You’re starting to see stuff now that you never could have then.
And you’re aware enough now to see it’s only a beginning! But guess what? That next plateau … that new level that you were craving …
You Have Just Arrived!