Belief systems (religion) promote an image of ourselves and another separate image, called God. Under this paradigm, the struggle continues to be ours, to always do the right thing. There is a deeper reality that we don’t see, far different from what we learn in church. We need to change the imagery completely; namely, we need to realize that it is God, who is the LIFE (the only Life), and that Life is ever seeking to live through us. This can only be experienced when we are ready to let go of self. We don’t lose our sense of identity, but rather, we discover our true identity. We are not this body of flesh, but are one in God, just as Jesus demonstrated.
Jesus told us that the Kingdom of God was (always) within us. The Jews were living under the ‘spell’ of a false religious understanding, and simply were unaware of the life of the Spirit in them. Had the Spirit not been present, the person wouldn’t even exist. God is the only LIFE there is. “There is one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Paul).
Living from our old nature means we are still living from our finite, natural mind. We haven’t yet realized our true Nature, which is oneness in that same Spirit of Christ. Most Christians are taught to believe, but are never shown how to let go completely of self. As long as self is seen as real, God will remain simply a belief held by the mind.
“Body and Soul are created components though which Spirit expresses itself in a physical world (when realized). The body is obviously physical. The Soul is where we find mind or intellect, will and emotions. This is also where so-called psychic phenomena resides. The Soul has a lower (intellect) and a higher or psychic ability, which can be used for good or evil. The Soul is necessary for Spirit to be able to function in a physical world. Next is Spirit, and this is where church theology completely fails us. We are told we have a human spirit and in addition, there’s something else called the Holy Spirit. False. Jesus spoke of his oneness with the Father, but we just don’t get that, and it’s certainly not something attained through the mind (soul). Churches have completely destroyed the call of Jesus to be Born Again. That experience was meant to awaken us within to our true nature, which is God. But don’t misunderstand, it’s not magic, and it doesn’t happen overnight. The finite mind has to let go in order for the infinite Spirit or that inner Awareness to emerge. I love the quote that states: “We are not having a divine experience, God is having a human experience”.
What happes when we don’t grow spiritually, is we often fail to realize that God is not just taking care of us, but that His Life is our Life. There never was any separation. Only the human mind believes in duality. Jesus said it so very clearly, “When you see me, you see the Father”. Jesus revealed in himself the model of reality.